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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Apply Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development to Marketing

    Your group has been hired by an advertising firm that is developing a series of commercials for family-oriented products geared toward the entire family. They want to develop a series of commercials that will target family members at various life stages. Your group needs to thoroughly describe Erikson's theory of Psychosocial de

    MMPI-2 - characteristic of a 'random response' profile

    All BUT which of the following are characteristic of a 'random response' profile on the MMPI-2? A. moderately elevated L scale B. clinical scales generally elevated with 8/6 having the highest score C. Low VRIN score D. K scale near 50

    Interview with a group of adolescents

    Find a group of teenagers to interview about their experience of growing up. Spend about twenty to thirty minutes asking them a few simple questions, such as a. "What do you like about being a teenager? What do you dislike?" b. "What is the best thing about your life right now? The worst thing?" c. "What

    Personal Philosophy on Psychology

    Within a paper I need to respond to my philosophy on psychology backed up by theoretical and scientific psychology. I also need to cite references. Having trouble finding acceptable online sources. Please help me get started.

    Research on childhood obesity

    Imagine that your agency has asked you to research the growing incidence of obesity in middle childhood. Examine its causes, its impact (on children's health, psychosocial, and cognitive development) and ways to counteract it. What solutions, if any, are schools, community organizations and social service agencies in your area p

    Foundations of Behavior

    Compare and contrast three of the different perspectives (specific theories) of early psychology described in your text or on the internet. These theories include: Structuralism, Functionalism, Behaviorism.

    Behavior modification

    Early behavioral psychologists demonstrated it is easier to modify behavior when the expected behavior is rewarded. For example, you compliment your child for doing well in school, or you get coupons for your next purchase because you spent so much at the grocery store. Explain the benefits of using this type of behavior modi

    Distinguish differing schools of psychology.

    Compare and contrast three of the ten different perspectives (specific theories) of early psychology described in your text or on the internet. These theories include: Structuralism, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Gestalt, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Evolutionary, Physiological, Cognitive, and Culture and Diversity.

    Goal Setting

    What factors should be considered when setting a goal?

    Strategies Southwest Airlines uses to motivate employees

    Examine which of the following strategies does a company like Southwest Airlines uses to motivate employees: 1. Managerial roles 2. Goals and objectives 3. Performance appraisals 4. Job design 5. Alternative work scheduls 6. Stress management 7. Leadership style

    Marketing and "Cognitive Dissonance"

    You've been asked by the Marketing Department to give them feedback from your customer service area about customer complaints and issues concerning their new product—an "All-In-One" coffee maker, toaster oven, and microwave. Although your department has collected specific information concerning likes and dislikes of customer

    Characteristics of Work that are Motivating

    What are some of the characteristics of work itself that can be inherently motivating? (e.g., variety, challenge, decision-making authority, pride in ownership, sense of progress, closure, customer interface, etc.)

    Human Motivation

    Can human beings be "motivated?" Or does motivation come only from within?

    Personality Theories and Theorists - Cattell, Eysenck, Gage, Bowlby

    Questions: 1. A theory that defines behavioral attributes as a relatively stable predisposition to behave in a certain way is called_________________ theory. 2. The goal of trait theorists is to describe a single set of trait dimensions that can describe all ______________. 3. Raymond Cattell's goal was to develop a system by

    Disorder during pregnancy

    I found a topic on the internet that I am interested in and I need help to summarize it so I will get get a focused idea. The topic is: "Psychiatric disorders during pregnancy" by Stephanie Zisook, M.D., and Vivien K.Burt, M.D. It is available on the website.

    How to Read a Journal Article

    What is the best and easiest way to read a journal article? What should you pay attention to in the journal article?

    Sullivan's concepts of cause and effect are noted.

    According to Harry Stack Sullivan, the _________ is (are) a highly form of experiencing internal and external stimuli, characterized by the use of social symbols and by the understanding of the concepts of cause and effect. a) prototaxic mode b) Syntaxic mode c) Parataxic mode d) "Not me" personifications

    McGregor's Theory X/Theory Y

    According to McGregor's Theory X/Theory Y managers should follow __________and ____________. a) Theory X ... organizes things so that workers can achieve their own goals by achieving the organization's goals b) Theory Y ...use the carrot and stick to motivate and guide employees c) Theory X...use the carrot and stick to mot