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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Biases, fallacies, or faulty reasoning

    This solution offers examples of biases, fallacies, or faulty reasoning that you found in the source or article. Tobacco Industry's Targeting of Youth, Minorities and Women AHA Advocacy Position The American Heart Association supports legislation that seeks to restrict or prohibit tobacco advertising, promotion and mar

    Petit Mal Seizures are explained.

    How do petit mal seizures cause damage to brain structures? How might brain plasticity play a role in recovery from petit mal seizures?

    Research Questions

    In a line graph of results of a 2x2 factorial experiment, an interaction is shown by: a) some points higher than others b) one line higher than another c) two lines not parallel to the x axis d) two lines not parallel to each other In a mixed design, a) there is one independent variable and one dependant variable b) one

    Sources of Validity are noted.

    An educational psychologist is asked to conduct a study to determine if class size has an effect on academic achievement. The psychologist identifies a large fifth-grade classroom in one inner-city school and a small fifth-grade classroom in another inner-city school. Principals from each school agree to participate in the study

    Invalidity is discussed.

    An educational psychologist is asked to conduct a study to determine if class size has an effect on academic achievement. The psychologist identifies a large fifth-grade classroom in one inner-city school and a small fifth-grade classroom in another inner-city school. Principals from each school agree to participate in the study

    Experimental Design

    In an experiment designed to examine the effects of dieting and exercise on weight loss, subjects were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: (1) both dieting and exercise, (2) dieting but no exercise, (3) exercise but no dieting, and (4) neither dieting nor exercise. Results indicated that subjects not on a diet lost only

    Neuroplasticity of the human brain is synthesized.

    The human brain develops slowly, long after birth. Even the adult brain displays plasticity. What are the benefits of the ability to mold a brain physically to adapt to an environment? This job discusses some examples of how this would be adaptive.


    One of the most impressive disorders following brain damage to the ventral occipitotemporal cortex is prosopagnosia. - briefly explain why is this or give a list of various reasons this is an impressive (very interesting) disorder. Prosopagnosia is when a person has suffered a brain injury and has the inability to recognize f

    Do you use a problem-solving process?

    Resources: Ch. 7 (pp. 273-86) in Psychology: An Introduction (12th ed.); Web site: http://corptrain.phoenix.edu/rm_dev/river.html Review the section in your text on problem-solving. As you review, consider the following question: Do you use a problem-solving process? Complete the activity at http://corptrain.phoenix.edu/

    Apraxia, Contralateral Neglect and Prosopagnosia

    A) What is apraxia and what kinds of lesions produce it? b) What is contralateral neglect; what kinds of lesions produce it? c) What is prosopagnosia, and is it always restricted to the perception of faces? hide problem

    Multiple choice questions on Case Study, Survey Methods, Context Analysis

    In a case study, the researcher usually: a. uses one method of data collection b. establishes the problem and hypothesis in advance c. examines a real life problem within it's real life context d. does all of the above Which of the following survey methods is best for getting information about highly personal or embarra

    Sampling employees within an organization

    A researcher is interested in how attitudes toward on-site child-care facilities provided by employers are related to type of organization, employment status (full-time or part-time), and gender. I discuss ways of sampling employees within an organization.

    Nature vs Nurture & Vygotsky's Theory

    How does Vygotsky's theory relate to the "nature vs nurture" debate? I understand that Vygotsky's theory places emphasis on both nature and nurture...and that he believed heredity (Nature) and dialogues (Nurture) with more expert members of society jointly contribute to development. Would it be fair of me to say that ....acc

    Summary of Skinner's Research

    Editorial for your local newspaper summarizing Skinner's research and contributions to psychology. Be sure to focus on: o Operant conditioning o Punishment o Reinforcement o Superstitious behavior

    Learning Assignment

    1) Introduction- summarize the previous findings that are reported in the introduction. Comment on what conclusion (hypothesis) can be drawn from these studies. 2) Hypothesis- What is the authors' hypothesis? What predictions were they making and why did they make them? What alternative hypotheses were there? Why was this art

    Research methodology to gather data on pathological liars

    A psychologist is planning to conduct a study that would examine pathological liars and the quality of their romantic relationships. You have been asked to provide the psychologist with a recommendation for which research method should be used to gather data on the pathological liars and their spouses. Give 5 methods you would

    Identify Facts, Laws and Theories

    After Ken left his dirty socks on the floor for the seventh time in the same week, Barbie went ballistic [ ]. "You always leave your socks on the floor [ ]. Men really want mothers, not partners [ ]. If I didn't pick up after you, the mice would be nesting in them [ ]. They can pil


    What are special characteristics, attitudes and talents you possess that add diversity to the workplace?

    This job assumes that increasing one type decreases the other type

    A good experiment has to have Internal and External validity. Checking for validity is like answering a question of whether the experiment has been designed well, whether the variables that are being measured are really affected by variables that are being manipulated in this particular experiment or if they are affected by som

    Emotion Question

    Explain what a two-year-old, a drunk, and a dog have in common (emotionally speaking). Use the brain and its emotional functions in answer.

    Longer class periods are considered.

    An educator wanted to test the effects of class period duration on the learning of junior high students. To keep work at a manageable level, the educator decided to change the morning class period duration from 45 minutes to 90 minutes so that material that was previously covered in 20 weeks was now covered in 10 weeks. No chang