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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Dependent vs. independent variables

    The present research investigated the effects of counterfactual thinking on subjects' accident related judgments. It was predicted that the availability of counterfactual alternatives for an accident would result in differential evaluation of incident related victims and perpetrators. The results of two studies strongly supporte

    Computerized Axial Tomography scan

    Discuss how the current rate of progress in the development of new and better brain scanning devices may eventually render behavioral tests of brain damage obsolete. Are there specific behavioral skills that the brain scans would not be able to describe in as much detail as old fashioned assessment? What other applications for b

    Personal Model of Helping

    I need to create a personal model of helping by incorporating what I've learned in my counseling & psychotherapy class. The following are the major therapeutic theories that we have studied: Psychoanalysis Alderian Existential Person-centered Behaviorism Gestalt Rational Emotive Transactional Analysis Reality T

    Peak Shift Effect, & Free-operant Avoidance Learning

    Explain the peak shift effect. What is the fundamental problem in the analysis of avoidance behavior? How can the concept of a safety signal be used to explain free-operant avoidance learning? When a parent is shopping, why is using a threat "we'll go home if you keep that behavior up" to a child an ineffective punishment

    Defining Extinction

    Why is extinction not classified as "the unlearning of a response?" How does extinction differ in classical conditioning and instrumental learning? Give an example from your life (or a pet's life) of each one.

    Table of a grouped frequency distribution of test scores

    Prepare a table of a grouped frequency distribution of test scores with columns for class interval, frequency, cumulative frequency, percentage, cumulative percentage/percentile rank, z-score, and T-score. Explain this table in your own words so that a lay person could understand it.

    Explain Psychology Concepts

    A) Norms- what are they? What should you consider when comparing a client's score with the norms? b) Age and grade equivalent- norms and their limitations. c) Raw score, standardized scores, and percentile scores d) Local versus national norms e) Correlation

    Adaptable Nature of Emotions

    3. What is your opinion of the principle of the adaptable nature of emotions? First define this principle and then give opinion on whether or not it is true. 4. Chose one categorical theory of emotion and one dimensional theory and compare.

    Psychometrics: Test Reliability and Validity?

    Explain each of the following in own words. If appropriate, give an example. a) Difference between a reliability and validity of a test. b) Can a test be reliable but not valid? Explain through an example. c) Content validity- how is it different from other types of validities? d) What are the differences between the crit

    Psychometrics: Reliability and Validity Terms

    Explain each of the following. If appropriate, give an example. a) Internal consistency, homogeneity, and alpha coefficient b) Alternate forms c) Odd-even reliability d) Spearman Brown formula e) Speed test and power test f) Error variance g) Test-retest reliability and time interval between testing

    Psychometrics Problem

    Explain each of the following in own words. Each should not exceed 6 to 8 doubled spaced lines. a) Norms- what are they? What should you consider when comparing a client's score with the norms? b) Age and grade equivalent- norms and their limitations. c) Raw score, standardized scores, and percentile scores d) Local versus n

    Rational Emotive Therapy (RET): A-B-C-D-E-F Model

    I have been given the following scenario and need to apply the Rational Emotive Theory approach when working with an adolescent who is trying to manage his anger. I specifically need to focus on the E (discriminate or attend to new emotional and behavioral effects) & F (resulting in new feelings) aspects of the ABCDEF model. Can

    "Reality" & Cognitive Theorists

    The following question is obviously one I need to answer for a class. I don't expect you to answer the question for me, but I would appreciate it if someone could "point me in the right direction" so that I know how to answer this question on my own. In other words, could someone suggest where I might research for an answer? The

    Erikson's Theory and Stage Development

    Your group has been hired by an advertising firm that is developing a series of commercials for family-oriented products geared toward the entire family. They want to develop a series of commercials that will target family members at various life stages. Your group needs to thoroughly describe Erikson's theory of Psychosocial de

    Goal Statement - University of Choice - Why Walden?

    Please for the steps below: Personal/Professional Goals: o Why are you interested in graduate school and what are your plans after receiving your degree? o Why are you interested in the program and specialization to which you are applying? Please note that your personal/professional goals must be in line wit

    Do humans pursue happiness. Give two different definitions of happiness.

    1) Do humans pursue happiness. Give two different definitions of happiness. 2) Give three examples of basic biological tendencies in humans 3) What was Freud trying to accomplish in therapy? What changes did he want to make in his clients? 4) Describe two different attributional styles, i.e. ways people explain what causes th

    Motivational loss is discussed.

    You are a middle manager. You notice that the volunteers for your agency are disappearing and losing motivation. What do you do to increase your volunteer base? Any thoughts?

    Work place factors for success; competition

    I am working on an assignment that requires me to "analyze how internal and external forces impact organizational behavior in my workplace" I'm focusing on organizational mission (Internal force) and competition (External force). Could you give me some examples of how these two forces impact your workplace? Of course yours will

    Theory and Principles of Motivation

    Please help with the following problem. Provide at least 200 words in the final solution. You are a new instructor for a first grade math class working with a teacher who has been teaching for 30 years. You notice that the children are not motivated to do math, particularly their math homework. Using theory and principles of

    3 objectives for the target population and the degree of change

    We have to write a proposal about homeless people living in their cars and in doing so we have to write 3 objectives for the target population and the degree of change. Having a hard time making sure that the objectives are not goals. Target Population - write at least 3 objectives - Degree of change - write at least 3

    Jung and Symbolism

    Can you explain to me the significance of the circle as a symbol in art according to Jung (both in ancient times and now.)