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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Adultery - A counselling situation is noted.

    Loretta and Bart come to you for marriage counseling. In the first session you see them as a couple. Loretta says that she can't keep going on the way they have been for the past several years. She tells you that she would very much like to work out a new relationship with him. He says that he does not want a divorce and is will

    Theory and Practice of Counseling & Psychotherapy (Gerald Corey, 7th ed.)

    Based on the book Theory and Practice of Counseling & Psychotherapy 7th Edition written by Gerald Corey, write a 10-page integrative paper summarizing your reactions to the theories presented in the book. You will need to integrate the theories into a personal working theory/approach of your own. Any help will be much apprec

    Motivation, Emotion and Learning

    Can you please elaborate ( 4-5 para) on the attached Diary of Emotions, was it difficult to measure your naturally-occurring various emotions? Why? Your answer should include multiple theories of emotion.

    This is a shortened version (but still quite long) of my MSc project which looked at the relationship between stigma, quality of life and epilepsy. This work is suitable for anyone looking for information on epilepsy, and for those writing an MSc or similar level project.

    This is a shortened version (but still quite long) of my MSc project which looked at the relationship between stigma, quality of life and epilepsy. This work is suitable for anyone looking for information on epilepsy, and for those writing an MSc or similar level project (using qualitative or quantitative analysis). The

    Behavior Across The Lifespan

    1. Which personality theory do you think offers the best explanation for how an individual's personality develops? Why? Defend your answer including citations of the appropriate literature on personality theory. 2. Identify a specific psychological disorder as listed in chapter 16 of your text. Describe the symptoms common

    Biological Influences

    1. Describe neurotransmitters, their function, and impact on behavior. 2. Discuss one neurotransmitter in detail describing the effect it has on our bodies and connection with disease. 3. Discuss the importance of biology for understanding behavior. Cite your source/reference. Please help me with these questions for

    Culture and Grief/Mourning

    Do you think people in mourning behave differently according to their culture? Is grief a universal emotion.

    What is system of inquiry?

    We're supposed to get our code of ethics from our work place and develop a system of inquiry from that code of ethics. I don't have a clue what a system of inquiry is or how to develop this program.

    Psychology as a Scientific Discipline

    How does psychology as a scientific discipline differ from the casual observations we make about the world in everyday life? What are the similarities?

    Profile Report

    ? Interview a person you feel comfortable asking about their personality and attitudes. ? Submit your Profile Report. For this project you will choose a person who is close to your own age and interview that person to learn more about them. In addition to the interview compare and contrast the responses from your interview w

    Reliability and validity of test

    A study was conducted to assess the reliability of a quick test to identify subject who have been infected with an influenza virus. A total of 432 subjects are enrolled. A rapid flu test is administered. In addition, a blood sample is taken. Of the 432 subjects, both tests were positive in 40 instances, both were negative in

    "mamawawa," the men are men and women are women assumption.

    Some scholars criticize the "mamawawa," the men are men and women are women assumption. This job analyzes the flaws in the assumption that men and women are categorical opposites, given some biological arguments. What are the implications for a culture that believes that the sexes are distinct opposites?

    Learning Questions

    1) How can you demonstrate spontaneous recovery in a laboratory with rats? 2) Make up an example of conditioned inhibition and make sure to label all the parts ( CS+, CS-, CR, US, UR). 3) Develop an example of higher-order conditioning pointing out the US, UR, CS, CR.

    Diversity and ethics in personnel psychology

    Consider the following situations: 1. Martin is the best candidate for a Trainer position. Martin has a scar running from his eyebrow to his jaw line on the right side of his face. 2. Gerard is an IT Specialist and his co-workers have complained of his body odor. For each issue, determine: (1) whether it falls unde

    Sexual Identity

    What should be the role of teacher when helping adolescents form their identities?


    1. Do our attitudes determine our behavior? If not, does that make us all hypocrites? 2. When do attitudes predict behavior? 3. How does our behavior influence our attitudes?

    Your boss has noted that employee job satisfaction seems to be low.

    Your boss has noted that employee job satisfaction seems to be low. He has asked you to suggest ways to improve job satisfaction. After researching this issue, prepare to discuss the specifics with regard to defining the problem as well as proposing diagnostic techniques and potential interventions.

    Identify Variables

    After 5 weeks of voluntary wheel running...mice (of a certain strain) were significantly resistant to the sleep inducing effects of (alcohol). Sixty-four mice, 32 males and 32 females, were assigned to wheel (free access to a running wheel in the home cage) or no-wheel conditions. At the end of the training period, the animals w

    Abstinence Only Sex

    I have read many article about "abstinence-only sex" it seems as though sex education programs seems to be mostly effective at preventing intercourse pregnancy and disease among adolescents, why do you think that we have to spend so much government money on something that doesn't even work??????

    Psychology Experiments

    Details: Conduct three of the following experiments and record your reactions. Be specific for each experiment. Rub your index fingers gently over a piece of very coarse sandpaper a few times and rate its coarseness on a scale from 1 (very soft) to 7 (very coarse). After a minute or two, rub the same finger over the paper and

    Diversity and Ethics in Personnel Psychology

    You are in charge of selecting a person to fill the position of Information Technology Specialist for your organization. Six candidates have successfully completed a "pass/fail" written examination. The candidates are equally qualified in terms of education and experience. The final hurdle in the selection process is an intervie