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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Evolution or Revolution?

    Using text, the Library, and the Internet for research pick out two perspectives of psychology and determine if one "school" of thought led to the other (Evolution) or if they conflicted (Revolution), leading to a clash of ideas that led to an eventual shift in psychological thought. These perspectives of psychology include: Beh

    Schools of Thought in Psychology

    1. Describe five schools of thought in psychology. 2. Name one or two individuals who created or furthered this way of thinking in psychology, and one key idea from each school of thought. 3. Also name the time period it began.

    Defense mechanisms

    What are the advantages of denial, displacement and reaction formation as defense mechanisms? What are the disadvantages of each?

    Multicultural Counseling

    Identify two of the following challenges in Multicultural counseling. Explain the challenges and discuss why each is a vital consideration in the process of the identification and treatment of mental health issues such as: a. Social Class b. Gender c. Sexual Orientation d. Religion/Spiritual B

    What are the main differences in the mission of a jail and a prison?

    1. What are the main differences in the mission of a jail and a prison? Compare and contrast them. Which would you say has the larger suicide problem, a jail or a prison, and why? 2. Super-Max prisons are for inmates who are unmanageable in the general inmate population. Searching the Internet, identify three offenders, t

    Difference between Formal vs. Informal Counseling

    Difference between Formal vs. Informal Counseling. A survey of mental health and includes diagnosis, counseling and effectiveness of counseling. Discuss differentiation of formal (professional) from informal (non-professional) counseling. Why is this differentiation essential?

    Carl Rogers, a well known humanist, emphasizes the self.

    Carl Rogers, a well known humanist, emphasizes the self. Theorists in psychology report that there is the self that you would like to be, the self that you think you are, and the self that you actually are. More specifically, the self is believed to have the following three entities: the ideal self, your self-image, and the true

    Compare and contrast boot camps and diversion centers (not jails).

    1. Compare and contrast boot camps and diversion centers (not jails). Also describe the differences in an adult diversion center, detention center, and a halfway or transitional house. 2. Compare and contrast federal, state, and local prisons. What is the role of the private prison?

    What is the difference between a probation officer and a parole officer?

    Please post one paragraph per question. Thank you. 1. What is the difference between a probation officer and a parole officer? Compare and contrast the two. If you were going to be one or the other, which would you choose and why? 2. What is the most important mission of a probation officer? Listed in order of importanc

    Law Enforcement Jargon

    This posting lists terminology that is commonly used in the profession. It lists at least five terms, acronyms, or KSAOs.

    Grief and Spousal Loss

    Why do you think the risk of death is so high for people who have recently lost a spouse? Why might remarriage lower the risk? In what ways do people face the prospect of their own death?

    Applying Physiological Psychology to real life.

    Original student questions: 1.Why is it important for psychologists to have an understanding of the structure of the nervous system, neural conduction, and synaptic transmission? Provide two reasons for each of the three topics. 2.I need to do a reflection journal can you assist me in this. My journal should be as part o

    Counselling Psychology - "The Physics of Living"

    What are your thoughts about activities in "The Physics of Living" (Amundson, 2003): 1. Assessing Life Balance (p. 31) 2. Life Balance Wheel (p. 32-34) 3. Things I like to do (p. 35-38) 4. Past Accomplishments (pp. 129- 131)

    Examining alternative causal explanations for two studies.

    The following fictitious news accounts suggest causal relationships from non-experimental data. Pick 2 of the 4 studies. Then, for each of the studies you select, think of an explanation for the results other than the one suggested in the headline. Study 1: Living Together Leads to Divorce: Don't live together if you want to

    Metaphors of Adult Development

    1. "Aiming at a sense of life purpose is not easy. A sense of direction is as much about what is outside oneself as it is about what is inside" (Amundson, p. 135). How does Amundson make a connection between a quote like this and metaphor? What do you make of this connection? 2. What are three general metaphors of adult develop


    What's the problem with studying meaning? Why is it relevant to adult development? How do people derive a sense of meaning? How does Amundson discuss meaning over the life span? What are your thoughts?

    Research Design

    What would be the basis for distinctions among the following kinds of research: [a] Quasi-experimental research, [b] Evaluation research, [c] Historical research, [d] Survey research, [e] Action research, [f] Phenomenological research, [g] Theoretical research, [h] Hermeneutic research, and [i] Heuristic research.

    Diversity research

    What would be the most important (at least 2), but often overlooked, research issues related to diversity? What would be the implications for failing to include an adequate range of diversity within study populations as it relates to limitations imposed upon our overall knowledge base and inability to generalize important result

    Research Design

    What are the three types of experimental designs (e.g. pre-test-post-test)? What would be the strengths and weaknesses of each?

    Research Elements

    These questions are posed: What are the differences between internal and external validity? What would be the main threats (at least 3, please) to each?

    Research Design

    This solution discusses the purpose of control and comparison groups in an experimental study, as well as two of the most important issues or problems in selecting an appropriate control or comparison group.