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    Abnormal Psychology

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    assemble rigging for sailboats at the Hunter Yachts

    A group of employees who assemble rigging for sailboats at the Hunter Yachts meet once every month and discuss what problems are occuring at work and what changes might be made to reduce those problems. When they agree on a solution, they present it to executives at Hunter Yachts. What techniques are these employees following:

    What organization theory is Vanessa following?

    Vanessa, an organizational psychologist, examines a company in terms of how well workers and technology fit together, the impact of technology on social functioning of workers, and the extent that line workers are allowed to solve problems on their own.What organization theory is Vanessa following: a) Sociotechnical systems t

    Fred Fiedler's Contingency Model is mentioned.

    Anand is the manager of the Reynolds and rodriguez Waste removel and Disposel Company. He is responsible for 12 teams of garbage collectors. The garbage collectors follow the same route every week and do the same thing every day. He has full responsibility and authority for hiring, firing, promoting, and giving raises to them. T

    Object Constancy is defined.

    By age of 24 months, children ordinarily understand that toys that cannot be seen or touched still exist and, therefore, search for toys after they have been hidden. In othere words these children have developed: a) Perceptual Development b) Object Constancy c) The reversibility concept d) Decentration

    Reduce the negative effects of separation

    Mr. and Mrs. Rotter are getting divorced. To reduce the negative effects of their separation on their two children, it is MOST important they: a) allow the children to decide which parent to live with after the divorce b) make sure all two children live with the same parent after the divorce c) keep open conflicts in front

    In contrast to most philosophers, Kant argued that

    In contrast to most philosophers, Kant argued that a) Our understanding conforms itself to objects b) Objects conform themselves to our understanding c) There is no real world d) There is no consciousness

    Psychological Disorder or Abnormal Psychology

    1. What is the definition of psychological disorder or abnormal psychology and the integrated approach to viewing psychological disorders. 2. Discuss psychological dysfunction, distress, impairment, and atypical or unexpected cultural responses. 3. Emphasize the advantages (or disadvantages as you may see them) of the mult

    Psychology in the Real World

    Please describe a specific situation where a psychologist might be (or has been) used to find a solution to a real world problem.

    Clinical Psychology

    Explain how two different psychologists can help in real life situation, such as for example counselling and health psychology, linking theory to practice.

    Mental illness vs Physical illness

    Q. Why would a person make fun of someone having a mental illness and not a person with a physical illness? Q. Will society ever accept mental illness as an illness?

    Generalizability - Research Methods

    1. Generalizability of an experiment is related to ________ construct validity, external validity, internal validity, or statistical validity Please advise answer & why. Thanks!!

    Research Methods

    Experiments are conducted not only to find evidence for a position, but also to ____ avoid tentative conclusions, prove one's theory, rule out rival hypotheses, determine the absolute truth Please advise answer & why.

    Experimentation and Constraints

    The following two questions appear to be the same problem asked different ways: 1. One of the major characteristics that differentiates experimentation from other levels of constraint is ____________ (a) the high degree of control exerted over both the procedures in general and the independent variable in particular

    reaching the limit in the growth of data analysis

    We may be reaching the limit in the growth of data analysis because ________ (a) humans may not be able to comprehend the results (b) computers cannot do the more sophisticated computations (c) data is being entered sloppily (d) sophisticated methods are no longer the trend This question is posed.

    Research Methods: appropriate statistical test

    Which of the following characteristic(s) of a study is (are) needed to determine the appropriate statistical test _______ (a) nature of dependent variable(s), (b) type od design, (c) number and level of independent variables, (d) all the above

    Program Evaluation & Dependent Measure

    Which of the following is NOT an example of a typical dependent measure in program evaluation _________ (a) a questionnaire given to people served by the program as well as people in the community, asking about their satisfaction with the program (b) a measure of politician's commitment to continued funding of the program

    Nonequivalent groups

    What is a major problem with nonequilvalent groups _______ (a) the groups may differ on the dependent measure(s) at the start of the study (b) there may be confounding variables not controlled by random assignment (c) the groups may differ on independent measure at the start of the study (d) both a & b This ques

    Research Methods - field setting

    Which of the following is true for experiments in the field setting _____________ (a) they cannot draw causal inferences (b) they can allow causal inferences (c) they provide only observations of contingencies (d) they can generate hypotheses but not test them Please advise answer & why - thanks!

    Analysis of Convariance (ANCOVA)

    The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is generally useful for __________ (a) removal of interaction effects, (b) statistical removal of variability caused by extraneous variables, (c) analyzing more than one independent variable, (d) all the above This inquiry is listed.

    Research Method Interactions

    Which of the following statements is true __________ (a) no more than four factors can be included in a factorial design (b) interactions with up to ten factors can be readily interpreted (c) any number of factors can be included, but interpretation of interactions is more difficult as the number of factors increases

    Research Methods

    1. A good way to control carry-over effects in within-subjects experiments, provided that there are not too many experimental conditions, is ____________ positive practice, using a matched-subjects design, debriefing participants, or counterbalancing I believe - counterbalancing is the answer - please advise the correct

    Mental versus physical illness

    What is society's view on mental illness? How do some people differ in opinion? Why do society accept joking about a person having a mental illness and not a physical illness such as cancer?

    Reduce reactivity

    Dion is testing children in his study. He takes special care to familiarize them with the experimentor, the equipment, and the procedure begore he begins to collect data. He is attempting to reduce reactivity by using a. Experimental realism b. Habituation c. Unobtrusive measures d. Counterbalancing

    Participants do not tell the truth when they report their true feelings

    Stephanie is having participants report their feelings of racism on a questionnaire. Suppose the participants do not report their true feelings but rather say they have no racist thoughts. They want to avoid potentially embarrassing responses that will make Stephanie think badly of them. Such a problem is called a. Social d

    Participants of Social Research

    Dr. Block, a social psychologist, enlisted several undergraduate students to help out his study. They posed as victims of a crime and asked "real" participants to help them. The proper research term for Dr. Block's undergraduate students is a. Assistants. b. Confederates. c. Helpers. d. Evaluators

    Analysis data in small-N designs?

    What statistical technique is typically used to analysis data in small-N designs? a. Chi-square test b. Within-subjects ANOVA c. Linear regression d. No statistics are used: visual inspection is the preferred technique

    Factoral design is assessed.

    This question is posed: Carol has found a significant interaction in her 3x2 factoral study. What does she do now? a. Post hoc comparisons b. A multivariate analysis of variance c. A mets-analysis d. Compute a contingency coefficient