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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Adolescents, drive, self-actualization

    Suggest a program designed to assist adolescents and young adults in achieving a positive self-concept and self-actualization. Please provide at least 300 words and include references in the solution.

    Considerations of qualitative research

    Question 1. What considerations must one take into account when dealing with qualitative research? Question 2. Why is a hypothesis inappropriate for a qualitative study?

    Environmental Psychology

    How do you feel about the assertion that industrialized nations are depleting natural resources, particularly from developing countries? Explain your answer. What are the short- and long-term effects of such depletion?

    Learning and Psychology

    What is learning? What are the three different approaches to learning? What is the relationship between learning and psychology?

    Ways a Therapist can Evaluate Effectiveness of Counseling

    How would a therapist go about evaluating his/her work as a psychologist? What are some of the criteria they can use to evaluate the quality of their work? Can a therapist refer to their clients goals and objectives to evaluate their effectiveness of their work? What products (reports/cases) can a therapist review in order to tr

    Environmental psychology

    What do you think has caused increased interest in environmental matters? What are some examples of ways in which environmental awareness has increased among the general population?

    Environmental Psychology

    Do you believe that individuals are affected by their environment in different ways? If so, how? If not, why not?

    Data Analysis and Correlation

    1-What are the three major steps in data analysis? What specific things would a researcher be looking for in each one of these steps? 2-What is correlation? What are the different types of correlation? Why is it important to determine correlation? If anxiety and depression are correlated, what three possible directions of cau

    Effective versus Ineffective challenge

    a. Choose an area you feel that you need to challenge yourself. If can relate either to a problem situation or some unused resource or opportunity. b. Write out a self challenge statement in which you violate principles such as goals of challenging, encourage self challenge, challenge unused strengths more than weaknesses, spec

    Confidentiality in family therapy

    What if you are doing couples counseling, think you are making great progress in helping the couple develop trust and communication, and then one of the partners reveals to you that they are having an affair, but their partner does not know about it. Both are your clients. Yes, the individual confidentiality must be kept.

    Immediacy tips

    A number of client-helper situations calling for some kind of immediacy on your part are described. You are asked to consider each situation and respond with some form of immediacy statement. I have attached a document which contains example to help answer the 4 situations.

    Helper Self-Disclosure

    Review some problems in living or unused opportunities that you feel you have managed or are managing successfully. Indicate what you might share about yourself that would help a client with a similar problem situation. That is, what might you share of yourself that would help the client move forward in the problem managing proc

    Self-Efficacy and Motivation

    What is the relationship between self-efficacy and motivation? What are the roles of self-efficacy and motivation in the counseling process? How are they relevant? Analyze these constructs from a behavioral and a social-cognitive perspective.

    Self-Esteem discussion

    How would social-cognitive theory describe low self-esteem in the words of its own theoretical model? How does this theoretical model suggest means of assisting people to overcome their sense of low self-esteem?

    Research problem overview

    1. Question: How does the statement of the problem provide the foundation for the rest of the study? 2. List your references/sources

    Reliability and validity when doing an academic search.

    This solution gives numerous examples of what to look for when trying to find an academically acceptable search for your essays and/or discussion questions. In particular, it points out what is needed to make your search academically reliable and valid.

    Writing clinical case notes

    What should be included in progress notes and what should not be included? How confidential are such progress notes in the current managed care world? Describe how much detail should a therapist/counsel include their documentation, for example, should a therapist or counselor include their working hypotheses in their clinical no

    Intellectual, emotional and cultural competencies

    Our text mentions that there are different ways to demonstrate competence: intellectual, emotional, cultural, etc. I need help understanding this within the context of psychology. Can you think of a variety of competencies that are needed, and how they might be demonstrated?

    Therapist Ethics: Inflating Diagnosis for Insurance Coverage

    Say a therapist acknowledged his or her client needed a certain amount of treatment, however their insurance wouldn't cover the treatment necessary unless they were given a more severe diagnosis. In this case, is it ethical for the counselor or psychologist to "inflate" the diagnosis somewhat to get insurance payments?

    Contrast qualitative and quantitative studies.

    Instruction: Answer the question below and make sure to provide sources/references to support your answer. 1. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative studies, with regard to the use of the term validity? 2. List your references/sources