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    Basic Algebra

    BrainMass Solutions Available for Instant Download

    Quadratic Equations: X/Y-Intercepts, Square Root Property and Interval Notation

    1. For the quadratic equation y = cx² + dx + e (where c, d and e are constants), what is the x-coordinate of the vertex? 2. For the same quadratic equation as above, what is the y-intercept? 3. Solve by the square root property: 4x² = 100 4. Solve by completing the square: x² - 10x + 4 = 0 5. Solve by usin

    15 Algebra Problems : Find Equation for Line; Describe Graph and Slope

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Q1. Solve {see attachment} Q2. Solve 9 - 7+15/5 - (6-3)4 Q3. Solve {see attachment} Q4. Find the equation for the line with slope 3/5 and passing through the point (4, 2). Q5. Solve |2x-5| >= 14 Q6. A store issued coupons worth 20% off from any pu

    10 Algebra Questions

    1. The width of a rectangle is 8 feet less than the length. If the area is 20 square feet, find the length and the width. 2. Solve the equation: x(x - 4) = 12 3. A boat travels 30 miles upstream against the current in the same amount of time it takes to travel 42 miles downstream with the current. If the rate

    Perfect square/cube/fifth power

    INSTRUCTIONS TO OTA 1. typeset solutions 2. send solution as attachment 3. Use words to explain solutions. DO NOT RELY ONLY ON ALGEBRAIC MANIPULATIONS/ OR SYMBOLS. Find the smallest positive integer N such that N/2 is a perfect square, N/3 is a perfect cube and N/5 is a perfect fifth power.

    Perfect Integers

    An integer 'n' is called 'perfect' if it equals the sum of all its divisors 'd' ... {see attachment for complete definition and example} Let 'a' be a positive integer. Prove ... {see attachment}

    Lowest Common Multiple (Prime Factorizations)

    Let a and b be integers. A common multiple of a and b is an integer n for which a|n and b|n. We call an integer m the least common multiple of n provided (1) m is positive, (2) m is a common multiple of a and b, and (3) if n is any other positive common multiple of a and b, then n [greater than or equal to] m. The notation fo

    Partial Induction Proof of Cauchy's Integral Formula

    See attached file...it is a full induction proof of Cauchy Integral Formula, with the base case step missing. All I have to do is show that it holds for "n=1", using the rest of the proof as an example...however i am having trouble showing it.

    Solve an inequality and express using interval notation.

    Solve an inequality. Write a solution set using interval notation. X^2 - 3 X - 5 >/= 0 "( X^2 - 3 X - 5) is greater than or equal to 0" PS: Please use those symbols, Multiplication * , fractions /, Exponents ^, Roots sqrt( )or √( ), - √( ), Infinities - ∞, ∞, minus - or plus + For example, (

    Wireless Communication Problem Set

    1. When the FCC conducted the original A and B block PCS auction, what were the companies that won the license for Cleveland Ohio? What is the MTA number for Cleveland? How many pops were covered by the license? 2. Who was the winner original high bidder(s) for the D-Block auction for Houston BTA? What was the BTA number? Wh

    21 Algebra Problems : Factoring, GCF and Word Problems


    Finance : McDonalds Stock and Trend Lines

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. 1. Pick your favorite financial site on the web 2. Go there and get the stock price for McDonalds for the first trading day in March and April of this year 3. Develop a trend line slope (change in dollars per month) 4. Check the stock price for the first trad

    Lagrangian multiplier

    Use Lagrangian multipliers to find the points on the ellipse with the equation x^2+xy+y^2=3 that are closest to and farthest from the origin

    10 Algebra Problems : Simplifying and Binomials

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. For questions 1 through 4, simplify the expressions. 1. 9 - (- 2) + (3 - 4) 2. - 2/3 - ½ 3. - 8 ÷ 4?3 4. - 8 ÷ (4?3) 5. Evaluate the expression - 6(x + 3) for x = 2 6. Look at this expression: 12x³y + 3x²y² + xy³. Is this a binomial? Of what

    Transformations and Vertices

    4. If D* is the parallelogram whose vertices are (0, 0), (-1, 3), (1, 2), and (0, 5) and D is the parallelogram whose vertices are (0, 0), (3, 2), (1, -1), and (4, 1), find a transformation T such that T(D*) = D.

    Growth rate

    A bacteria culture starts with 760 bacteria and grows at a rate proportional to its size. After 2 hours there will be 1520 bacteria. Express the population after t hours as a function of t.

    College Algebra: Conic Graph

    Please answer this two part question: 1. How do I solve this equation? (y + 2)2 + (x - 3)2 -------- -------- 25 16 2. How do you graph this equation?

    College Algebra: Graph of Conic Section

    Please answer this two part question. 1. How do you find the graph of the hyperbola with its fundamental rectangle based on these two equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola? -4x + 3y = 0 and 4x + 3y = 0 2. Please graph the hyperbola with its fundamental rectangle.

    Bernoulli's Inequality

    Suppose that -1 < r < 1. Prove that r^m -> 0 as m -> infinity. (I think you can write 1/r in the form 1+y, where y>0. Also I believe you can use the Bernoulli's inequality (1+y)^m >= 1+my for all m belonging to N(natural numbers)).

    Induction Proof: Strings of Digits

    If n >= 1, the number of strings using the digits 0,1, and 2 with no two consecutive places holding the same digit, is 3x2^n-1. For example, there are 12 such strings of length three: 010, 012, 020, 021, 101, 102, 120, 121, 201, 202, 210, and 212. Prove this claim by induction on the length of the strings. Is the formula tr

    A system of two springs in series and parallel.

    Prove that when two springs are attached one at the end of the other, the coefficient of the final spring becomes 1 / (1/k1 + 1/k2 ) where k1 and k2 are the coefficient of the two individual springs. Then consider two systems of springs, one in which a mass m is attached two the end of two springs which a

    Algebraic Identities into Geometrical representations

    Draw and describe how each of the following algebraic identities could be represented geometrically: a) (a-b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2 b) a(b+c)=ab + ac c) (a+b)(c+d)=ac+bc+ad+bd Please use illustrations of each with an explanation of the illustration so I can understand the process used to complete this type of problem. THA

    College Algebra

    Hello, Can you please show me how to do this problem and how it would look graphed? Thanks x +3y = 6

    Hogatt's Theorem Proof

    Prove Hogatt's Theorem: Any integer number can be written as a sum of terms of Fibonacci series. See attached file for full problem description.

    Are the equations independent, dependent, or inconsistent?

    1. Perimeter of a rectangle. the length of a rectangular swimming pool is 15 feet longer than the width. if the perimeter is 82 feet, then what are the length i width. 2.Household income. Alkena and Hsu together earn $84,326 per year. if Alkena earns $12,468 more per year than Hsu, then how much does each of them earn per y