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    Basic Algebra

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    Sales Revenue Linear Equations

    Sale managers normally want to increase revenue R by selling more. For example, a manager may know by experience that revenue R will increase or decrease according to the following mathematical linear model for a a sales price P and quantity sold Q of a certain commodity: P=Po +-px [This represents a linear equation with posi

    Algebra Word Problem

    Smith bicycled 45 miles going east from Durango, and Jones bicycled 70 miles. Jones averaged 5 miles per hour more than Smith, and his trip took one-half hour (1/2 hr) longer tan Smith's. ? Write an expression for Jones' speed in terms of Smith's speed ? Write an expression for Smith's speed ? Write an expression for the

    Rational expression...

    Find the LCD for the expressions below and convert each rational expression into an equivalent rational expression with the LCD as the denominator. -3/ (2 p2 + 7p -15) p/ (2 p2 - 11p +12) 2/ (p2 + p -20) (See expression in Attachment)

    Word problems: Variable expressions

    If Carrie walked 40 miles in x hours, then how fast did she walk? If 9 pounds of pears cost x dollars, then what is the price per pound? If Ramon can mow the lawn in x-3 hours, then how much of the lawn does he mow per hour? (Question also in attachment).

    Volume of a cube

    A cubic shipping container had a volume of a3 cubic meters. The height was decreased by a whole number of meters and the width was increased by a whole number of meters so that the volume of the container now is a3+2a2-3a cubic meters. By how many meters were the height and width changed. Note: Appendix A gives the formula for

    See Attachment

    Problem 1 Use grouping to factor the following polynomial completely. x^3 + ax + 3a + 3x^2 Note: Factoring means to express a polynomial or a number as a product of its factors (in the case of polynomials, the factors are prime polynomials).

    Shared Work Entire Driveway

    After a heavy snowfall, Brian can shovel the entire driveway in 30 minutes. If his younger brother Allen helps, the job takes only 20 minutes. If we let x represent the time for Allen to clear the entire driveway by himself, write an expression for the following: ? Rate of work (job/minute=1 driveway/minute) by Brian ? Rate of

    10 Beginner Algebra Questions

    1. Solve by factoring: 2x^2 + 5x = 3 3. Solve by using the square root property: 3x^2 = 16 6. Solve by completing the square: 2x^2 - 3x - 4 = 0 7. Solve using the quadratic equation: 2x^2 - 3x - 4 = 0 (See attachment for all questions)

    Factoring Polynomials and Primes

    Factor the polynomial below, if prime say so. Section 6.5 Reference: Examples 3 and 4 Factor each polynomial completely. If a polynomial is prime say so. Note: See page 303 "Factoring a Difference or Sum of Two Cubes" to factor (m3+n3). This is a good example of factoring by long division and leads to the formula below

    Solve Equations Variables

    F= mv^2 for r - r 1= 1+1 for r - r r1 r2 V=4r2 h for h - 3 Can you please help and give a detail explanation on to solve these equations with a step by step process, please ,, Thank You,, Rudy

    Mathematical Induction Proof

    A.) Use the Principle of Mathematical Induction to prove that n3 > n2 + 3 for all n ≥ 2. b.) Use mathematical induction to prove that every amount of postage of six cents or more can be formed using 3-cent and 4-cent stamps.

    Samples and population

    (1). Voting,,,If 220 out of 500 voters surveyed said that they would vote for the incumbent, then how many votes could the incumbent expect out of the 400,000 voters in the state? (2). Miles and Hours,,, If Alonzo travels 230 miles in 3 hours, then how many miles does he travel in 7-hours? (3). Bear Population,,,To

    Motion Problem

    If Sergio drove 300 miles (m) at (x+10) miles per hour(m/hr), the how many hours did he drive? Use the formula for "t" given above.

    Sales Revenue Polynomials

    A department store sells 20 portable stereos per week at $80 each. The manager believes that for each decrease of $5 in the price, 6 more stereos will be sold. Show the price P by means of a polynomial. Show the quantity Q by means of a polynomial.