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    Basic Algebra

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    Algebra - Composition

    For the given functions f and g, find: (a) the composition of (f o g) (4)  (b) (g o f) (2)  (c)( f o f)(1)   (d) (g o g) (0) f(x) = x3/2; g(x) = 2 / x + 1  *note: x3/2 is actually a square root number but I couldn't figure out how to make the numbers small.

    Algebra - Composition of Functions

    For the given functions f and g, find: (a)  the composition of (f o g) (4) (b) (g o f) (2)  (c)( f o f) (1)  (d) (g o g) (0) f(x) = 2x; g(x) = 3xsquared + 1

    Algebra - Functions and Domains

    For the given functions f and g, find the following functions and state the domain of each. (a) f + g   (b)f - g  (c)f x g  (d) f / g f(x)= square root of x + 1;  g(x) = 2 / x

    Algebra - Operations of Functions and Domains

    For the given functions f and g, find the following functions and state the domain of each. (a) f + g  (b)f - g  (c)f x g  (d) f / g f(x) = 2xsquared + 3; g(x) = 4xcubed + 1

    Algebra - Graphing a Function

    Sketch the graph of each function.  Be sure to label three points on the graph. If f(x) = integral (2x), find: (a) f(1.2)  (b) f(1.6)  (c) f(-1.8)

    Simplifying Expressions : Number Properties

    Simplify each of the following expressions further and identify the number property(ies) used in each. 1. 2 x (15+8)= (2 x 15)+ (2 x 8)= 2. 5/2 x (3/4 x 2/5)= (5/2 x 2/5)x 3/4=

    Several proofs by induction

    Show by induction that: a) Sum(n^2/[(2n-1)*(2n+1)],n=1..) = n(n+1)/[2*(2n+1)] b) Sum( r/(r-1)!, r=1..n) = 1-1/(n+1)! c) n^3+3n^2-10n is divisible by 3 d) 4^(2n+1) + 3^(n+2) is divisible by 13 See attached file for full problem description.

    Binomial Expansion : Finding Coefficients

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Find the following: a) The coefficient of x in the expansion of b) The coeffiecient of in the expansion of c) The coefficient of in the expansion of d) The coefficient of in the expansion of is equal to the coefficient of in the

    Problems in Arithmetic and Geometrical Series

    Three numbers are in arithmetic progression. The sum of the three numbers is 30 and the sum of their squares is 398. What are the three numbers? b) An arithmetic series is such that its first term is a and its third term is b. The sum of the first n terms is Sn . Find S4 in terms of a and b. Given that S4, S5 , S7 are cons

    Binomial Expansions

    Find the following. (Questions held on attachment) Find the following: a) The coefficient of x in the expansion of b) The coeffiecient of x^3yz^4 in the expansion of c) The coefficient of x^3 in the expansion of d) The coefficient of x^5 in the expansion of is equal to the coefficient of x^4 in the


    Prove by induction where n is a positive integer. (The questions are attached).

    Dependent Variables Equations

    Find a new dependent variable such that the equation becomes linear in that variable. Then solve the equation: 1/(y^2 + 1) y' + 2/x tan^-1 y =2/x

    Exact Equations Implicit Differentiation

    First determine if the equation is exact. If it is exact, find the general solution, or at least a relation that defines the solutions implicitly: [cos(x^2 + y) - 3xy^2]y' + 2x cos(x^2 + y) - y^3=0

    Algebra problem and rectangles

    If the perimeter of a rectangle is 10 inches, and one side is one inch longer than the other, how long are the sides? Can you show me the steps to take to work out this and similar problems.

    Investigation (Diagonals in a Rectangle)

    Diagonals in a Rectangle. In the case of a 2 X 2 rectangle, or a 3 X 5 rectangle, we can simply count. However, can we make a decision about a 100 X 167 or a 3600 X 288 rectangle? In general, given an N X K rectangle, how many grid squares are crossed by its diagonal?

    Algebra - Circle center, radius, equation

    The endpoints of the diameter of a circle are P=(-3,2) and Q=(5,-6) Find: (i) the center of the circle (ii) The radius of the circle (iii) the equation of the circle.