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    Basic Algebra

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    Scientific notation and ratio uses

    A human being has about 2.5 X 10(to the 13th power) red blood cells in her bloodstream. There are about 2 white blood cells for every 1,000 red blood cells. How many white blood cells are in a human's bloodstream? Please show your answer in scientific and standard notation.

    Serial Process Continued

    At Very Long Hotel in Florida, there are n rooms located along a very long corridor and numbered consecutively from 1 to n. One night after a party, n people, who have been likewise numbered from 1 to n, arrived at this hotel and proceeded as follows: Guest 1 opened all the doors. Then Guest 2 closed every second door beginnin

    Show a pair has a midpoint with integer coordinates

    Let p = {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4), (x5, y5)} be a set of five distinct points in the plane , each of which has integer coordinates. Show that some pair has a midpoint that has integer coordinates.

    Functions: Proof by Induction

    Let n be a natural number, and let f(x) = x^n for all x are members of R. 1) If n is even, then f is strictly increasing hence one-to-one, on [0,infinity) and f([0,infinity)) = [0,infinity). 2) If n is odd, then f is strictly increasing, hence one-to-one, on R and f(R) = R. "This needs to be a proof by induction, provin

    Functions : Proof by Induction

    Let n be a natural number, and let f(x) = x^n for all x are members of R. 1) if n is even, then f is strictly increasing, hence one-to-one, on [0,infinity) and f([0,infinity)) = [0,infinity). 2) if n is odd, then f is strictly increasing, hence one-to-one, on R and f(R) = R. Prove that f is strictly increasing by indu

    Nontrivial Central Extension

    Find a nontrivial central Z_2 extension of the group A_4, meaning an extension of the form: 1 --> Z_2 --> G --> A_4 --> 1 Also, is it unique? The trivial extension is just the direct product of Z_2 and A_4.

    Algebra: Logarithms - Solve for X, Solve for Base

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. 1. The value of e ln 1+ ln 2+ ln 3 is ? 2. If logN(25) - logN(81) = 2, then N is? 3. Solve for x: log5( x) + log5(2x +13) = log5(24) 4. Find the coefficient of the fourth term in the expansion of (2x +3y)^11

    hallway that is infinitely long

    There is a hallway that is infinitely long, with a series of lightbulbs that are all turned off. Someone enters and pulls the string on every light bulb, turning them all on. Another person enters, pulling the string on every other lightbulb. A third person enters, pulling the string on every third bulb. This continues indef

    Central Extension Problem

    Describe all nonisomorphic central extensions of Z_n by Z_2 x Z_2 meaning central group extensions of the following form 1 --> Z_n --> G --> Z_2 x Z_2 --> 1 Meaning, determine those nonisomorphic groups G that can be described by such an extension. Please also explain how you came up with the answer.

    Algebra: Solve for X

    Please see the attached file for the full solution. Thanks for using BrainMass.

    Working with the sum of cubes.

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Problem 3: This problem itself is directly creating perceptual curiosity and at the cognitive level it is against what is known in the mathematics. The problem is: 13+23+33+.... +n3 = (1+2+3+...+n) 2 Visual representation of problem: Sum of the cubes

    Getting three thousand bananas across a one thousand mile desert

    You have three thousand bananas that you have to get to a destination 1000 miles away. You can only carry 1000 bananas at a time. You also must eat 1 banana per mile for energy. Assuming you design your trip as efficiently as possible, how many bananas will you have left when you arrive at the destination? (apparently someon

    Algebraic Equations : Reciprocal Equations

    As provided by E. Galua theory the general algebraic equations for a polynomial of fourth order ax^4 + bx^3 + cx^2 + dx + f=0 (*) is the maximum order type of algebraic equations the solution to which one can write down in radical expressions. Among all the equations of fourth

    Algebra: Word Problem - Relative Velocity

    A mo-ped can travel 60 miles in 2 hours less time than a bicycle can travel 50 miles. The mo-ped is traveling at a rate of 10 miles per hour faster than the bicycle. 1. How fast in mph is each traveling? 2. How long will it take each to travel their respective distance?

    Algebra : Puzzle Problems

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. 1) Have you ever seen the written form of the Sanskrit language? If so, you probably are amazed at how different this ancient language from India looks from ours. Some English words, however, are based on Sanskrit. For example, cup comes from the Sanskrit work kup

    Miner and Bickford's Fuse : How to get a Fuse of Specific Length

    You are a miner and you have three pieces of Bickford's fuse of equal length. You need only 3/4 of one of them. You have no ruler or other measurement device with you. You cannot also bend the fuses as they are old and can be broken at any point while being bent. You only can ignite them from any end and extinguish at any moment

    Algebra : Remainders

    What is the remainder when the product of one hundred 5's is divided by 7? Please be detailed in your response.

    Algebra : Word Problem - Remainders

    A large purse is full of coins. If you count them by 13's, 23's, or 31's, there will be one left over. If you count them by 73's there will be none left over. How many coins are there in the purse? Please be detailed in your response.

    Exponential Equations : Word Problem

    The population of the green deer in 1999 was 17000. In 2003 there were only 15000. Write an exponential equation to express the poulation decrease p(t) in terms of t years.

    Word Problem - How many Cookies?

    Dad made cookies. Dad ate 1 cookie. Dave ate 1/2 dozen cookies. Kate ate 1/2 of what Dave ate. Henry & Julie each ate 1/3 of what was left. Then Jake ate 1/2 of what was left. Mom ate 1 cookie. There was 1 cookie left. How many cookies were baked?

    Perturbation Theory Equation

    Find the real roots of the equation x^5 + ex-1=0 approximately to O(e^2) usind perturbation theory. Compare the accuracy of the perturbative solution for e=0.001, 0.1, and 1

    Algebra : Word Problem - Sums and Products

    During the census, a man told the census-taker that he had three children. When asked their ages he replied, " The product of their ages is 72. The sum of their ages is my house number." The census taker turned around and ran outside to look at the house number displayed over the door. He then re-entered the house and said, "

    Algebra: Word Problem - System of Equations

    Three people play a game in which one person loses and two people win each game. The one who loses must double the amount of money that each of the other players has at that time. The three players agree to play three games. At the end of the three games, each player has lost one game and each has $8. What was the original st

    Algebra Word Problem: Relative Speed

    A column of soldiers 25 miles long marches 25 miles a day. One morning, just as the day's march began, a messenger started at the rear of the column with a message for the man at the front of the column. During the day he marched forward, delivered the message to the first man in the column and returned to his position just as

    Algebra : Word problem - Time and Distance

    Two swimmers start at opposite ends of a pool 89 feet long. One person swims at the rate of 19 feet per minute and the other swims at a rate of 53 feet per minute. How many times will they meet in 33 minutes? Plese try to give a detailed response as my answer is not as important as the thought processes that I must understa