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    Basic Algebra

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    Arrange desk to achieve maximum distance for 5 situations

    Mary is 3 supervisor in a large office. The secretaries are constantly talking to each other. Mary 's concerned that this constant jabbering back and forth is causing low efficiency in T.e office. She decides to separate the secretaries by the greatest possible distance within the confines of the office. Your task is to decide

    Applications of Polynomial Functions: Finding Zeroes and Maximizing

    F(x)=-x^4+12x^3-58x^2+132x The concentration of a drug, f(x), in parts per million, in a patients's blood x hours after the drug is administered is given by the function. I need to make a graph of the following: a) how many hours after the drug is administered will it be eliminated from the patients's bloodstream b) how

    Algebra and Graphing Problems

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Algebra problems DIRECTIONS: It is a little trickier to do online because of the graphs. For the equations/inequalities that require a graphical solution, you will have to describe what part of your graph provides the answer. If you scan in your work, then includ

    Solve the inequality

    Solve the inequality. State the solution set using interval notation and graph it. Show all steps in solving the problem. x - x^2 <= 0

    Solution for a Word Problem: Displacement ratio

    The sail area-displacement ratio S provides a measure of the sail power available to drive a boat. For a boat with a displacement of 'd' pounds and a sail area of 'A' square feet S = 16Ad-2/3 a) Find S for the Tartan 4100, which has a sail area of 810 square feet and a displacement of 23,245 pounds. b) So

    Algebra - Solution

    Solve the following equation for f in terms of the remaining quantities. The final equation should appear as f = g + 3 = 2 f h