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    Basic Algebra

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    Find a solution in the form of a power series for an ODE

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Find a solution in the form of a power series for the equation y" - 2*x*y' = 0 (ie find 2 linearly independent solutions y1(x) and y2(x)). After doing that, note that the equation can also be solved directly by integration: y"/y' = 2x ln(y') = x^2 +

    Semitones and Notes from a String

    If a string of length 10cm plays a note G when plucked, by how much, to the nearest centimeter, must the string be shortened to play the note B, four semitones above this G? Chose the one correct option. Options A. 6cm B. 11cm C. 16cm D. 21cm E. 25cm F. 30cm G. 33cm H. 50cm

    Quadratic equation

    This question concerns the quadratic equation 9x^2 - 42x+49=0 Choose the three true statements about the solution(s) of this equation Options. A. The equation has no solutions B. The equation has one solution. C. The equation has two solutions D. x= 0 is a solution of the equation E. x= 2.333 is a solution of th

    Picking a Correct Method

    How would I determine which method to use for simplifying a particular complex rational expression?

    Polynomial division and multiplication

    PART ONE: Simplify the following: (-3w^2 n)(2n^2)^4 A) -6w^2 n^7 B) -48w^2 n^7 C) -48w^2 n^9 D) 48w^2 n^7 PART TWO: Perform the following divisions: (32x^6 y^4 - 24x^2 y^9 + 4x^2 y) / (4x^2 y) A) 8x^4 y^3 - 6y^8 + 1 B) 8x^3 y^4 - 6y^8 + 1 C) 8x^3 y^2 - 6xy^7 + 1 D) 8x^4 y^3 - 6xy^8 +

    Polynomial Division Performed

    PART ONE: solve: (32x^6 - 24x^2 y^9 + 4x^2 y) / (4x^2 y) A) 8x^4 y^3 - 6y^8 + 1 B) 8x^3 y^4 - 6y^8 + 1 C) 8x^3 y^2 - 6xy^7 + 1 D) 8x^4 y^3 - 6xy^8 + 1 PART TWO: solve: (15m^3 + 26m^2 - 11m - 6) / (5m-3) A) 3m^2 + 26/5 times m - 5 and 1/5 B) 3m^2 + 2m- 2 C) 3m^2 + 7m - 2 D) 3m^2 + 26m

    Polynomial Division and Square Roots

    PART ONE: solve: (3n^5 w)^2 /(n^3 w)^0 A) 0 B) 9n^7w C) 6n^4w D) 9n^10w^2 PART TWO: solve: 9c^7 w^-4 (-d^2)/(15c^3 w^6 (-d)^2) A) 3c^4d^2/5w^10 B) 3c^4/5w^2 C) 3c^4/5w^10 D) -3c^4/5w^10 PART THREE: solve: 5m^-3 /6^-1 m^-2 A) -5m/6 B) 30/m C) 30m D) -5/6m PART

    Solving equation using natural logarithm

    4e^2x = 53 My problem reads: 4e to the 2x power equals 53. When I plug my solution back in to check, I find that it is incorrect. Please send me step-by-step explanation because I do not understand the concept and my textbook has no examples for guidance.

    Solve the Algebraic Equation

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problem. Solve the algebraic equation. (x-6)^1/2 = (x+9)^1/2 - 3

    Polynomials: When is factoring necesary?

    What would be an example of a variable that you would want to evaluate all the way out to infinity? Please keep it simple. Thanks. Original Qustion: Provide an application example of a polynomial expression when factoring is not necessary for solving the problem.

    Solve an expression

    One eighth of the square root of 7 less than a number is 2. What is the number?