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    Basic Algebra

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    Create a relational algebra expression for each of the seven queries

    The following tables form part of a database held in a relational DBMS: Hotel (hotelNo, hotelName, city) Room (roomNo, hotelNo, type, price) Booking (hotelNo, guestNo, dateFrom, dateTo, roomNo) Guest (guestNo, guestName, guestAddress) where Hotel contains hotel details and hotelNo is the primary key; Room contains room d

    What was the total training cost?

    Nine salespersons attended an 8-hour products conference. The average hourly rate of pay for the 9 employees is $9.86. The sales manager, at an annual salary of $44,800,conducted the 1-day session after a 1-day prep session. Lunch was provided at a cost of $11.80 per person. What was the total training cost? a.$709.92 b.$117

    7 Assorted Logarithm Problems

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. A. i) Find the natural logarithms of the values given as Items 8 and 9 on the worksheet. (Give your answer to 3d.p. where appropriate). ii) Refer to Item 10 on your worksheet. Using common logarithms find the value of 'x' and check your answer by numerical subst

    Algebra 2

    1. Find all zeros for f(x)=x^4-15x^3+70x-156 2. Solve 3^x+2=65 Round your answer 3 decimal places. 3. Solve 6^4x+5=3^7x-1 Round your answer 3 decimal places. 4. Solve logx=4.952 Round your answer to 3 decimal places. 5. Solve 2^3x=3^4x-2 Round your answer to 3 decimal places. Please

    Radical Expressions and Parabola Word Problem

    Simplify Solve for x. Word Problem: It is known that the axis of symmetry of a parabola is x = 1 and the lead coefficient is 1. It is also know that the point (3,4) is on the parabola. Find another point on the parabola. Explain the answer.

    Simple algorithm using the big theta - notation

    Sometimes a slight change in a problem can significantly alter the form of its solution. For example, find a simple algorithm for solving the following problem and classify it using big-theta notation: Divide a group of people into two disjoint subgroups (of arbitrary size) such that the difference in the total ages of the m

    4444-Brownian Bridge

    Category: Statistics Subject: Brownian Bridge Details: Let B(t) denote a process of Brownian motion. Let Q(t) be a Brownian Bridge process. Then, B(t)=(1+t) Q(t/(t+1)). Using the fact that P(max((b+B(t))/(1+t))>a)=exp(-2a(a-b)) show that for a Brownian Bridge Q(t) P(max(Q(u)>a)=exp(-2 a^2) where 0<=u<=1

    RSA Cipher

    Alice chooses two large prime numbers p and q. She finds their product, m=pq which is public. She also finds n= (p-1)(q-1) which is private. She chooses e which is a number relatively prime to n and finds d= the inverse of e (mod n). The number e is public and the number d is private. When Bob wants to send a message x (a number

    Differentiation : Radius of Convergence for Power Series

    Consider the differnetial equation y'(x) + xy(x) = 0 with y(0) = 0 Look for a solution of this problem of the form y(x) = A + B + Ce^-x + De^-1/2x^2 Use the fact that y must satisfy the equation and the initial conditions to identify the constants A,B,C and D. By setting u = -x^2/2 in the power series for f(u) = exp{u},

    Cryptography: RSA Problem - Public and Private Keys

    Fill in the blank choose public or private. Alice chooses two large prime numbers p and q. She finds their product m = pq, which is _____. She also finds n= (p-1)(q-1) which is _____. She chooses e which is _____and finds d=_____. The number e is public or private. and the number d is public or private. When Bo