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    Basic Algebra

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    Geometric Problem: Algebraic Proof - Relations Between Distances

    Please see the attached file for the actual problem and a graphical illustration. Let ABC be a right triangle with sides a, b, and hypotenuse c. Let r be the radius of the inscribed circle and ra, rb, and rc be the radii of the ascribed circles tangent to sides a, b, and c. What "RELATIONSHIPS" can you discover among the length

    Prove that there is no bijection between any set A and its power set P(A) of A.

    There is no bijection between any set A and its power set P(A) of A. For finite sets, proof is trivial since |A| = n and |P(A)| = 2^n. For finite sets, this is done by contradiction. Suppose there is a bijection $ between a set A and its power set P(A). Consider the set B={x|x is a member A where x is not a member $(x)}For e

    Prove same cardinality

    Prove that Rsquared has the same cardinality of R (hint: think of shuffling two string of digits) See attachment for full question

    Proof of inequalities

    Please see the attached file for full problem description. ALL STEPS MUST BE SHOWN PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION IN COMPLETE SENTENCES Here is the problem Given and prove that there is a unique y>0 such that That is, exists and is unique Hint: Consider y = the least upper bound of Then use exercise 2 to s

    Prove the inequality when n = 1, n = 2,

    Please see the attached file for full problem description. Here is the problem Given and show that for some if then Hint: prove the inequality when n = 1, n = 2, and then do induction on n using the identity: of course, you have to proven the identity first.

    Integer problems

    Suppose that integers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are arranged randomly along a circle. 1) show that For each circular arrangement, there exists at least three adjacent numbers whose sum is greater than 17 2) take n + 1 integers from {1,2,3,....., 2n}. Show there exist two integers, one divides the other completely.

    Multiplying-Out and Factoring (5 Problems)

    1. Perform the indicated operations and simplify. 2{9x - 3[2x - 2(3x - 2 - 2x - 4) - 2] +5} = 2. Multiply out: (5x - 4)3 = Factor completely. 3. 36x3 - 100x = 4. 32x2 -60x + 27 = 5. 4x3 -4x2 -x + 1 =

    Several problems in basic algebra

    Please include answer and steps to solve problem and explain if needed. 1) What is 10^-1 + 10^0 + 10^1? 2) 16 is 20% of.... 3) If f(x) = x^2 + 1, then 2f(x) = ? 4) If f(x) = x^2 + 1, then f(2x) = ? 5) If f(x) = x^2 + 1, then f(y) = ? 6) If 2x + y = 3, and x - y =3, what is x? 7) If 2x + y = 3, and x

    Algebra Opposite Numbers

    1-Three times the opposite of a number is 40 greater than 5 times the number. whats the number. 2-The product of 7 and the opposite of a number is decreased by 28. If the resulting number is -35, what iss the number?

    Analytic Functions for Zeros

    Please see the attachment Using the Pythagorean theorem (see attached) and knowing the sinz and cosz are analytic functions. What can we say about (see attached) Show that cos(A+B)=cosAcosB-sinAsinB using exponential expressions for sin and cos What are the zeros of

    Various Algebra problems and equations

    See Attached for details and questions Problem 8 Find the LCD and perform the following operation: Problem 9 For the following parabola find (you are not required to plot this solution): (1) maximum value (2) the vertex (3) the x -intercepts (4) y-intercept (5) the domain (6) the range Problem 10 Solve the t

    Various Algebra Questions

    Simplify the following expression (avoid negative exponents in the final answer): See Lecture 1 and Lecture 5 for an optional procedure *see attached for equations* Simplify the following expression (avoid negative exponents in the final answer): See Lecture 1 and Lecture 5 for an optional procedure. *see attached for equa

    Solve the inequality

    Solve the inequality. State the solution set using interval notation and graph the solution set. See Attached for equation

    Question about Uniform motion

    The fundamental formula for such problems is where d represents the distance covered when moving at a speed s during a length of time t. This formula can be solved for s or t (if d is in miles and t is in hours, then s has the units of miles/hour) Smith bicycled 45 miles going east from Durango, and Jones bicycled 7

    Solve Equations Function

    See Attached for algebra equations Section 10.5 Pg. 569 # 12 Reference: Examples 1 & 2 Section 10.5 Pg. 569 # 18 Reference: Examples 3 & 4 Pg. 576 # 47 Section 10.5 Pg. 576 # 52

    Two different forms of solutions of Linear Diophantine Equation ax + by = c

    If (xo,yo) is a solution of the Linear Diophantine equation ax + by = c , then the set of solutions of the equation consists of all integer pairs (x,y), where either x = xo + tb/d and y = yo - ta/d ( t = ........,-2,-1,0,1,2,........) or , x = xo - tb/d and y = yo + ta/d ( t = .........,-2,-1,0,1,2,......

    Solving a Basic Algebra Word Problem

    Sally received a bill for a total of 8 hours labor on the repair of her bulldozer. She paid $50 to the master mechanic and $90 to his apprentice. If the master mechanic gets $10 more per hour than his apprentice does, write the following: ?Expression for wages in $/hr by the master mechanic ?Expression for wages in $/hr

    Algebra Word Problem

    A taste test with 200 randomly selected people found that only three of them said that they would buy a box of new Sweet Wheats cereal. How many boxes could the manufacturer expect to sell in a country of 280 million people? Question also in attachment


    What is the sum of 1,605+1,219+1,153

    Diverse algebra questions

    Could I please get step-by-step solutions to these problems to help me understand? I have attached a pdf file and a word file, they have the same questions. Thank you very much (rewrite using only positive exponents, calculate equations, simplify, Pythagorean Theorem,Graph the inequality,Rationalize the denominator, Solve by

    Factoring Quadratic Equations Solving for x

    Solve for X See Attached for equation -2x^2 - 2x + 24 = 0 Pg. 313 # 48 Solve for x Section 6.6/Quadratic equations by factoring Reference: Examples 4 and 5 Check The original equation