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    Basic Algebra

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    Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and Compound Interest

    1. Graph: f(x)=e cubic x 2. Are the following functions inverses of each other? Yes or no a. F(x)=x-1/3 b. G(x)=3x-1 3. Solve for x: ln(7x-1)=6 4. Identify the graph of the function: f(x)=2-4^x 5. Solve for x: in x = 3+in(x-1) 6. The half-life of carbon 14 is 5730 years. F


    SOLVE FOR 'X' 9X^2 - 12X - 12 > 0 QUESTION :- SOLVE FOR X 1. 9X^2 -12X -12 >0 SOLUTION: The above given inequality is an quadratic which has two factors 9x^2 -12x-12 > 0 = 9x^2 –18x + 16x –12 > 0 = 9x(x-2) + 6(x-2) > 0 = (x -2) (9x + 6)>0 which implies the product of (x -2) & (9x + 6

    Polynomial Rational Function Zeros Calculation


    Solve the Equation or Inequality

    1. SOLVE (X-2)(9X+6)>0 2. SOLVE THE INEQUALITY X+43/X+3<6 3. SOLVE: SQUARED ROOT X+36-6=-X 4. 15X-SECOND POWER+2X-FIRST POWER+1=0 ANSWER: A.X=5,X=-3 B.X=5,X=1/3 C.X=-1/5,X=-1/3 D.NO SOLUTION

    Quadratic Equation, Maximum, Minimum and Types of Lines

    1. Which set of ordered pairs(x,y) represents y as a function of x? Answer A. (2,-8),(1,6),(1,2),(6,1) B. 2,-8,1,6 C. (2,-8),(-8,2),(6,6) D.(2,-8),(-8,1),(2,6) 2. Evaluate the function at the specified value of the independent variable and simplify f(x)=3x squared-square root2x Answers a. 22.757 b. 24.551

    Quadratic Functions, Maxima, Minima, Even Function

    1. Given f(x)=16-x squared,and g(x)=4-x, find f/g (x). 2. Find the maximum or minimum value of the quadratic function f(x)-x squared+10x-19. State whether this value is a maximum or minimum. 3. Evaluate the function at at specified value of the independent variable and simplify. F(x)=/x/-2; f(4) 4. Given f(x)=2/x-6

    Expression for period of pendulum

    In the expression for the period of a simple pendulum, we do not take into account the mass that is hanging from the string. How is it possible that the mass does not affect the period of the pendulum? It was stated that the displacement that started the pendulum was small. What would happen if we started the pendulum with an ex

    Finance : Interest and the Fisher Effect

    What is the nominal interest rate (i) in Canada if the real estate of return is 2.5% and the expected rate was 4.5%. (The Fisher Effect formula should be used in this problem).

    Quadratic Equations, Graphs, Rational Inequalities and Word Problems

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Includes the following Exercises: -Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs -Quadratic and Rational Inequalities; Equations, Functions and Inequalities -Quadratic Equations, Functions, and Inequalities Maximum height. If a baseball is projected upward from groun

    Differential equations - 2 Water tanks

    Two identical water tanks labeled A and B are resting at the same elevation and are linked via a pipe with a valve. The cross sectional area of each of the tanks is 1m^2. The valve demonstrates linear behavior (volumetric flow is linear with pressure drop) and will allow a flow of 0.5 m^3/min under a pressure drop equivalent to

    Squaring Products and Factors

    1 When we square a product, we square each factor in the product. For example (4b)2= 16b2. Explain why we cannot square a sum by simply squaring each term of the sum. For example, (a + b)2 is not equal to a2 + b2. Provide appropriate examples. 2 Take a number. Add 1. Square the result. Then subtract from that result

    Exponential and logarithmic functions

    A. Convert to logarithmic equations. For example, the logarithmic form of "23 = 8" is "log2 8 = 3". a) 16 3/2 = 64 b) ex = 5 B. Write the logarithmic equation in exponential form. For example, the exponential form of "log5 25 = 2" is "52 = 25". a) log 3 27 = 3 b) log e 1 = 0 c) log 125 25 = 2/3 C. Us

    Graphical representation of functions

    1. Give an example of an exponential function. Convert this exponential function to a logarithmic function. Plot the graph of both the functions and post to the discussion forum. Discuss these functions and their graphs with your classmates. 2. Given the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, x, and y, form each of the follow

    Solve: Integral of a Polynomial

    Suppose that p(z) and q(z) are polynomials with a complex coefficient with the property that deg q(z) is greater than or equal to deg p(z)+2. If C is a positively oriented simple closed contour containing all of the roots of q(z) on its interior, then prove that Integral C of p(z)/q(z) dz = 0

    Upward Force Lift

    An upward force of 47 N is sufficient to lift a window. What force must be exerted along a pole that makes an angle of 27 degrees with the wall in order to give the necessary upward lift?

    Solve for the resultant displacement

    1) A team of surveyors mark off distances represented by vectors of (85m, 55 degrees), (43m, 0 degrees) and (37m, 345 degrees). Solve for the resultant displacement. 2) Find the resultant force. (463 N, 137 degrees), (258 N, 268 degrees) and (379 N, 128 degrees)

    Important Information about Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

    A. Convert to logarithmic equations. For example, the logarithmic form of "23 = 8" is "log2 8 = 3". a) 16 3/2 = 64 b) ex = 5 B. Write the logarithmic equation in exponential form. For example, the exponential form of "log5 25 = 2" is "52 = 25". a) log 3 27 = 3 b) log e 1 = 0 c) log 125 25 = 2/3 C. Use the

    Use Mathematical Induction to Prove

    See attached file for full problem description. Please provide proof along with explanation. For integers n>= 1 and for all real numbers x>=-1, use mathematical induction to prove that 1 + nx =< (1 + x)^n.

    Factor Group and Torsion Group

    Heres my problem. Consider the group <R,+> (reals under addition) and its normal subgroups Z (integers) and Q (rationals0. (These are normal because R is abelian, of course.) (i) Find an element of Q/Z of order 350. (ii) Show that Q/Z is the torsion subgroup of R/Z. This problem is quite straightforward if you use the defini

    Matrix Algebra - Definite vs. Indefinite

    Let A be an nxn symmetric matrix such that det {see attachment}. We know from the matrix algebra that the associated quadratic form {see attachment}, where x = (x1,...xn), is either positive-definite, negative- definite or indefinite. Now assume the diagonal entries of A are all zero. Explain why q(x) is indefinite. (Hint:

    Finding slope and intercept of a line, and solving equations

    1. Find the slope and intercept for the line 2y-x-4=0 2. Find the slope and intercept for the line 6/9y+2/3x-5=0 3. For the line y= 3x-3 find a line parallel to it that passes through the point (-1,0) 4. For the line y= 2x+2 find a line parallel to it that passes through the points (2,0) (4,4) 5. For the set of p

    Heat Equation : Non-Homogeneous PDE

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problem. 2. (30 points) A thin, one-dimensional rod of heat-conducting material with length L = pi is internally and uniformly heated at a rate of alpha degrees per unit time. This means that the temperature of the rod, u(x, t), satisfies the inhomogeneous heat equation ..