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    Basic Algebra

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    Passing a Competency Test

    I am trying to study for a competency test, but I only had intermediate algebra in college 19 years ago! I am looking for web resources and any other material that you can provide that can help me prepare for this test. Thank you.

    Limits of logarithmic functions

    "Prove that: the limit as x goes to infinity of (ln(x))/(x^p)=0 for any number p>0. This shows that the logarithmic function approaches infinity more slowly than any power of x."

    Isolated Singluar Point: Pole, Removable Single Point and Essential Single Point

    1. In each case, write the principal part of the function at its isolated singular point and determine whether that point it a pole, a removable single point, or an essential singular point {see attachment for expressions} Please specify the terms that you use if necessary and clearly explain each step of your solution.

    Find an infinite set of numbers n for which some player

    Players 1, 2, 3, ..., n are seated around a table and each has a single penny. Player 1 passes a penny to Player 2, who then passes two pennies to Player 3. Player 3 then passes one penny to Player 4, who passes two pennies to Player 5, and so on, players alternately passing one penny or two to the next player who still has some

    Residue Systems: Modulo

    5. If m = 11, then a reduced residue system modulo m is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Exhibit the pairing of each of the preceding numbers with its inverse modulo m (like Chinese remainder theorem). 7. What is the remainder when 41^5 is divided by 3? When 473^38 is divided by 5? 8. Prove that if p is a prime congruent to 1 modulo

    Proving the Mod

    Prove that: if bd= bc (mod p) where p is a prime (and p does not divide b) , then d= c (mod p).

    Green's Theorem (Divergence)

    ? Let D a domain on the plane bounded by a curve C. by applying Green's theorem (in divergence form) to a conservative vector field with potential f, defined on d, show that before attempting this question, recall what is a conservative vector field, as well as the definition of the laplacian . ? Use the divergen

    College Algebra I

    1.)The following formula can be used to convert from degrees Fahrenheit, F, to degrees Celsius, C: C= 5/9*(F -32) Gold is liquid for Celsius temperatures C such that 1063 degrees <= C < 2660 degrees. Find a comparable inequality for Fahrenheit temperatures. 2.) The following mathematical model: w = 125 (6400/6400 + x)^2

    Modern algebra

    I am stuck with this question. If phi : F -> R is a nonzero homomorphism from a field F to a ring R, show that phi is one-to-one (Hint: recall that for a ring homomorphism, phi is one-to-one if and only if Ker(phi)={0}. ) Can you help with this? Many thanks in advance

    Inequality Interval Functions

    10 algebra problems - work must be shown so I can understand how to compute. Examples of questions: --> Solve: x2 - 8x + 20 = 5 --> Solve by quadratic formula: -3x2 - 2x + 5 = 0 --> The crop yield in bushels for a field of tomatoes is 10x2 - 80x + 200 where x is number of pound of fertilizer used. a) How many pounds

    Probability of Quadratic Questions and Real Roots

    Please use words to describe the solution process: What is the probability that the quadratic equation ax^2 + 2bx + c = 0 has real roots? Note: you must first make sense of the question. What distribution are you putting on the variables a, b and c? Pick one that makes sense and isn't too hard to deal with.

    Gradient of Temperature in a Nebula

    Suppose that distances are measured in light-years and that the temperature T of a gaseous nebula is inversely proportional to the distance from a fixed point, which we take to be the origin (0,0,0). Suppose that the temperature 1 light-year from the origin is 200 degrees Celsius. Find the gradient of T at (x,y,z). f = __

    Cachy's Inequality

    Let f be an entire function such that |f(z)|&#8804;A|z| for all z, where A is a fixed positive number. Sow that f(z) = az where a is a complex constant. Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problem.

    Financial Math

    Please explain to me where the .5675 in the following formula came from: v_0 = .5675(110-E) This is from the solution to problem 6, lecture 6. I don't understand where .5675 came from, but I understand the solution. I'ved attached lectures 5, 6, and the solution to lecture 6. The formula for a state price vector i

    Banach Space and Hamel Dimension

    Suppose that &#61541; is a Banach space. Prove that the Hamel dimension of &#61541; is not Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problem.

    Sample Point Of Intersection Calculation: Quadratic With Line

    Find the points of intersection algebraically of the graphs of the equations y=x^2-3x+4, and 2x-2y= -8 need to see the algebra got a bit lost as to how to get from Solve equations: Take y=x^2-3x+4 into 2x-2y=-8, we got: Here x-x^2+3x-4=-4 to here We got: x1=0,

    Slope-intercept form

    Write the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line that passes though point (6,-9) and is perpendicular to the line y+3x=9

    Solving a Quadratic Equation

    When I work the problem square root of 4x^2 + 15 - 2x = 0, by using the quadratic equation, my answer is a real number because I end up with the square root of 256 which is 16. Should I square both sides 1st or how do I solve the equation?

    Solving Rational Expressions

    I'm having a difficult time figuring out some of these! For some reason the -1 in this problem is throwing me off - I think! Here's what I came up with last time, I keep getting a different answer each time I work it. 3/(y+5) -1 = (4-y)/(2y+10) 3/(y+5)-1 = (4-y)/2(y+5) y is not equal to -5 LCD is 2(y+5) 2(y+5)*3/(y+5) =

    10 Algebra Problems : Solve Equations and Quadratics

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. #1 Solve a2 - 9a = -14 #2 Solve 2e(e +1) = 12 #3 Solve #4 Solve #5 Solve for z #6 Solve the equation and check for extraneous solutions. #7 Solve #8 Solve by completing the square. s2 + 8s -