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    Basic Algebra

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    Statistic terms

    Suppose you calculate a mean of a population and you want to know how representative that mean is of a random data point in that population. In other words, is the data bunched tightly around the mean, or is it more loosely distributed over the possible range of values? An example would be high temperatures in July versus high t

    Convert Equation Into Given Form (Numerator Dependent on S)

    [(Kp * s + Ki)/s] * (K * Km) / [s[(Ls+R)(Js+b) + K^2m)]] I want to get the above into the form of d / [s^3 + a s^2 + b s + c] Please give complete solution. I want the numerator dependent on s. All the other values are given other than s. I just need it into that form.

    Find the Vertex and Intercepts of a Function

    See attached file 1. Write the polynomial in descending order and find the degree: x2 - x5 + 2x4 - 1 2. Subtract 3x -5 + 2x3 from 3x3 - 1 3. Multiply: (9x - 2) (x + 4) 4. Multiply (5x - 6y) (5x + 6y) 5. Simplify 6. Divide:

    Quadratic function

    Questions (also attached): Graph each equation and state its domain and range. 27) g(x)= x 2 + 2 28) f(x)= x 2 - 4 32) y= 2x 2 + 3 Graph each square root and state its domain and range. __ 34) g(x) = √ x - 1 _____ 36) f(x) = √x + 1

    Linear inequalities and conditions

    Compare the amount of information conveyed to a collaborator when you inform her that an object is located: At a point (1,3) On a line y=x+1 Below this line, so that its coordinates satisfy y < x+1 When are you being the most specific, and when are you being the most vague? What happens as you increase the number o

    Modern algebra - Extension field

    Please see attachment. P/S: To show subfield please show a) closed under addition, and multiplication b) additive identity and additive inverse c) closed under reciprocal

    Instabilities Layer for Temperatures

    Please work on question A1 from this practice exam. A thin layer of water thickness d=0.5cm is heated from below. The bottom of the layer is held at temperature... Please see attached.

    Word Problem : How much will each party pay?

    The Gooch family, the McCoy family, a bachelor and a couple without children have decided to buy a summer home together. They will divide the purchase price according to the size of each family. The house costs $264,000. The smaller of the two families- the McCoys - have 2 children and will carry one third of the cost. The large

    Simplify the expressions.

    Solve the following... 4 5 √3 √4 ________ 3 √6 3√11 + 4√11- 7√11 _________________ (√X + 3) (√X - 3) 3 + 4 ____

    Types of asymptotes considered for rational functions

    One of the archeologists you interviewed for your article is graphing asymptotes to illustrate the data generated through carbon dating the half-life of fossil specimens. Help him with his work by solving these problems: Explain and contrast the types of asymptotes considered for rational functions. Browse through some news

    Radicals and Radical Expressions

    All variable in the following exercises represent positive numbers. Simplify the sum and differences. Give exact answers. Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Cost Function : Maximum Profit

    If a chain store manager has been told by the main office that daily profit, "P", is related to the number of clerks working that day, x, according to the equation P = -25x^2 + 300x. What number of clerks will maximize the profit and what is the maximum possible profit?

    Solve the Equation for B

    I am trying to solve this problem and need an explanation please. b + 17/b^2 -1 - 1/b + 1 = b-2/b-1.