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    Basic Algebra

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    Separation of variables

    Please show each step of your solution. When you use theorems, definitions, etc., please include in your answer. If there is anything unclear in the problem, let me know. Thank you. Solve... in the rectangle 0<x<3, 0<y<2 by separation of variables... (See attachment for full problem)

    Equations with Rational Expressions & Ratios

    55. Solve the Equation: 14/(a^2 - 1) + 1/(a -1) = 3(a +1) 64. The student-teacher ratio for Washington High was reported to be 27.5 to 1. If there are 42 teachers, then how many students are there?

    Cubic Equation Roots

    This is a bonus question I'm working on for an exam coming up. Find the exact root of X^3 + X -1 = f(x). I need to find it in the format: The exact root of X^2-x-1=0 is x=1+ or - the square root of 5 divided by 2. (Not a decimal or regular fractional number.) I got all the others, but I just can't get this one.

    Trouble Finding the Exact Roots

    I am having trouble finding the exact root of x^3+x-1.....I can figure out that the exact root of x^2-x-1= 0 is x= 1+/- the square root of 5 divided by two...but the other has me stumped!!!! Please help!!

    Real Numbers

    Please show formula and steps if aswers are different? 1. Find decimal notation for -4/25. __x_a. -0.16 ____b. -0.4 ____c. -0.4 ____d. -6.25 2. Find the absolute value: -/-6.8/. ____a. -8.6 ____b. -6.8 __x_c. 6.8 ____d. 8.6 3. Add: -6+12+(-5)+3 ____a. -8 ____b. 4 ____c. 14 _x__d. 26 4. A

    The characteristic polynomial of a matrix and its inverse

    Linear Algebra Matrices Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors(II) If A = [1, -2 , 3; 2 , 3 , -1; -3 , 1 , 2] , then find the characteristic polynomial for the matrix. Show how this can be used to find A^(-1). The fully formatted problem is in the attached file.

    Solving Algebraic Equations for a Given Variable

    ? 49. Automobile Sales. The Ratio of sports cars to luxury cars sold in Wentworth one month was 3 to 2. If 20 more sports cars were sold than luxury cars, then how many of each were sold? ? 15. ? 18. find the value of the indicated variable. ? 25. In the formula of: for p if p = 6 and

    Solving Quadratic Equations

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Finding The Last Term. Find the perfect square trinomial whose first two terms are given 31. Solve by completing the square. Use Calculator to check. 52. 58. Two Irrational Solutions. Solve each equation by using

    Indicated variable and solved radical

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Please show me the steps how you work the problems so I can work similar problems. Thanks! Solve each formula for the indicated variable. 16. 21. For h 22. for s Raising each side to a power to eliminate Radicals. So

    Solve each equation Using the zero factor property.

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Solve each equation Using the zero factor property. Must show me steps so I can Understand how to solve similar problems. 10. (3k - 8)(4k + 3) = 0 14. 47. 53.

    20 Quadratic Equation Questions: Word Problems and Complex Roots

    (Full Problem Set found in attachment) ----- 7 questions on Quadratic Equations by Factoring: 1) Using the factoring method, solve for the roots of each equation. Place equation in standard form before factoring. Check your solutions and show the check. 3x2 = 75 2) Using the factoring method, solve

    Abstract: Abelian Groups, Cauchy's and LaGrange's Theorem

    Let G be a nonabelian group of order 6. Show carefully that G must contain three elements of period 2 and two elements of period 3. Let G be an abelian group of order 2n where n is odd. Determine how many elements of period 2 are contained in G. Fact: G must contain at least one element of period 2 (assume).

    Solving quadratic equations by factoring

    Hello-- I am having a problem with factoring a quadratic equation. Here is the question 6x^2+11x-10=0 Please do a problem like this--maybe 4x^2-11x+8=0 because I would like to work this out myself but I would like more of an idea of what I am doing wrong so I can practice and get the correct answer. Thank you very much.

    Decimal Notation

    1. Write a word name for 8.032. ____a. Eight and thirty-two tend-thousandths ____b. Eight thousand and thirty-two ____c. Eight and thirty-two hundredths __x_d. Eight and thirty-two thousandths 2. Write fraction notation for 7.319. ____a. 7319/10 ____b. 7319/100 _x__c. 7319/1000 ____d. 7319/10,000 3. Writ

    Factoring polynomials involving GCF

    Hello, I need to be able to see how these problems are solved. So if you decide to take my bid of 2 credits, please show each steps. Thank you very much for your help! Hope you have a good evening! See attachment

    Reduce answers to lowest terms.

    Reduce answers to lowest terms. 4/ (a-b) + 4 /(b-a) 1/(x^2-4) - 3 / (x^2-3x-10) 2x /(x^2-9) + 3x /(x62+4x+3) (Complete problem found in attachment)

    College Mathmatics (check Homework)

    1. In the number 351,472, which digit tells the number of thousands? ____a. 5 ____b. 4 ____c. 3 _x__d. 1 2. Write expanded notation for 7205. ____a. 7 thousands + 2 hundreds + 5 tens __x_b. 7 thousands + 2 hundreds + 5 ones ____c. 7 thousands + 2 tens + 5 ones ____d. 2 thousands + 7 hundreds + 5 ones 3.