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    Basic Algebra

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    Growth Rate of Functions

    Function A Function B ------------ ----------- n^1/3 6 log(n) is A=O(B) ? Yes/No is A=o(B) ? Yes/No is A=Big Omega(B) ? Yes/No is A=Small Omega(B) ? Yes/No is A=Theta(b) ? Yes/No Also the same for the following pai

    Arithmetic Sequences General Law

    I am trying to determine and prove the general law for the following sequence: I would like to express it in notation. 1+2=3 4+5+6=7+8 9+10+11+12=13+14+15 16+17+18+19+20=21+22+23+24

    Energy Methods Motion

    Select and justify the use of energy methods to molve motion problems.. Please see attached.

    Simplify Seven Trigonometric Expressions

    1. [sin(x+b) + cos(x+b)]/[cos(x+b)-sin(x+b)]= 2. cos^2(x+b)-cos^2(x-b)= 3. tan x + cot 2x = 4. tan (45 + x) -tan (45 -x)= 5. tanx - cotx + cot 2x = Plus two more...

    Word Problems, Simplify, Area, LCM, Solve for X and Hypotenuse

    Divide (12a squared - 25a -7 divided by (3a-7) (x cubed - 6x squared + 7x -2 divided by (x-1) A circle has a radius of 10 inches. Find the increase in area that occurs when the radius is increased by 2 in. Round to the nearest hundredth. An object is released from the top of an building 320 ft high. The initial velocity

    Equation Given Two of the Complex Conjugate Roots

    The equation x^4 - 18x^3 + 121x^2 - 368x + 420=0 has complex conjugate roots (4+j2) & (4-j2). By a process of division and solving a quadratic equation, find all the roots and hence write down all the factors of : x^4

    Quadratic Equation and Equilibrium Concentration

    The Quadratic Equation. Consider the reaction N2O4(g) = 2 NO2(g) at 25 C in a 5.00-L container. Use the quadratic equation to determine the equilibrium concentrations of the N2O4 and NO2 if the initial amounts are 0.100 mol N2O4 and 0.00 mol NO2. The value of the equilibrium constant for the reaction is 4.63 x 10-3 at 25 C

    Using a Quadratic Equation

    The Quadratic Equation. Question: Consider the reaction 2 COF2(g) = CO2(g) + CF4(g) at 1000 degrees Celsius in a 5.00-L container. Use the quadratic equation to determine the equilibrium concentrations of all reactants and products if the initial amounts are 0.105 mol COF2, 0.220 mol CO2, and 0.055 mol CF4. The value

    Congruences : Primes, Inverse Modulo, GCD and Wilson's theorem

    Please assist me with the attached congruence problems (hint: use Wilson's Theorem) a)Prove if a,b,c Z, N and gcd (c, ) = , then ac bc(mod ) if and only if a b (mod ). b) Let a Z, N, and p > 2 be a prime. Prove that a is its own inverse modulo p if and only if a 1 (mod p ). C) Let a,b Z, N .prove that ax

    Algebra Application Word Problem: Finding Ages

    Adding two years to the boys age would make him a quarter of his father's age. Five years ago his father was one year less than ten times his sons age. Determine the age of the boy and his father. See the attached file.

    Metric Conversions: km^2 to mm^2

    Please provide the step-by-step answer to how to come to the answer given in the practice test. Problem (also attached): 36 km² to mm² = ?

    Solve: Formula Weight

    Question: Determine the formula weight of K3PO4. a. 134.1 amu b. 185.1 amu c. 212.3 amu d. 173.2 amu e. 228.3 amu.

    Simplify the expressions.

    Please solve the attached expressions. Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Simplified Radical Expression

    I received your response to my problem the square root of 12 times the square root of 2 minus the square root of 7. I did not indicate that the square root of 2 minus the square root of 7 was in parenthesis. I am having difficulty understanding this concept, and my final exam is tomorrow.