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    Basic Algebra

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    Logic and Simplifying an Expression

    Simplify the following expression: min(a,b,c,d) + max(a,b,c,d) so that you are using three or less variables in each part of the equation. Basically, they want the expression rewritten so that there is no "string" of four variables in it, and so it can be used to solve for the min and max. For example, assuming a and d are

    Polynomials, Polynomial Operations, Exponents, Fractions and Radicals

    1. What is the basic principle that can be used to simplify a polynomial? What is the relevance of the order of operations in simplifying a polynomial? 2. When multiplying two polynomials, what fundamental property do you use repeatedly? 3. When working with exponents, is there any difference in operations if the exponents ar

    Order and Laws of Operations

    1. Why is it necessary to study the order of operations and the laws of operations before you begin solving equations? 2. What operations can you associate with coefficients? What operations can you associate with exponents? 3. Among the three laws, commutative, associative, and distributive, which one is most frequently used

    Find the quotient.

    Find each quotient. Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Simplify the exponential expressions.

    #6 Assume that the variables represent non-zero real numbers. - Simplify the exponential expressions. Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Asymptotes : Log Equations

    Please indicate for each question if it's TRUE or FALSE. Also explain why ? 2^(log n) =O(n^c) , for some constant c 2^(3 log n)=O(n^c) , for some constant c 2^(log^2 n)=O(n^c) , for some constant c

    Are eight points in a plane concurrent?

    1. Eight points, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are distributed in a plane. Exactly five of the points are on line l1, exactly three are on line l2, and exactly three are on line l3. Are the three lines concurrent? Justify answer.

    Quadratic formula - error analysis

    Improving the Quadratic Formula. Show that these roots can be calculated with the equivalent formulas... (See attachment for full question including Hint)

    Manipulating the Quadratic Formula

    The problem is from Numerical Methods. Please show each step of your solution and tell me the theorems, definitions, etc. if you use any. 12. Improving the quadratic formula... Please see attached.

    Taylor polynomial

    The problem is from Numerical Methods. Please show each step of your solution and tell me the theorems, definitions, etc. if you use any. Find the Taylor polynomial of degree n=4 for each function expanded about the given value... Please see attached.

    Taylor series

    The problem is from Numerical Methods. Please show each step of your solution and tell me the theorems, definitions, etc. if you use any. Consider the function... a. Expand f(x) in a Taylor series about the point x=0 b. Find an expression for the remainder... Please see attached.

    Equations and word problems

    1- suppose you have 45 muffins. how many muffins are left after you give a friend 1/5 of them? 2- a baker at rod's bakery misread the directions and used 5 3/4 cups of flour in a recipe. it was 1 3/4 times too much flour. how much flour should the baker have used? 3- solve the equation. check the solution: x/3=

    Basic Algebra Review

    4. By choosing specific nonzero values of z1 and z2, show that ... is not always valid when log is replaced by Log. Please see the attached file for the completely formatted problems. Others are attached.

    Sequences of Transformations and Finding Domains

    I need a sequence of transformations that will transform the graph of 'f' into the graph of 'g' where f(x)=x[squared]+1 and g(x)=(x+3)[squared]-4. m(x)= [the sqare root of] (4x+12) [divided by] (2x[squared]-7x+5). (I need to find the domain of m, using interval notation).

    Superincreasing Sequence and Prove that Expression is Prime

    1) Let S= {b ,b ,...........b } satisfies b j+1 >2b j for all j =1,2,3,.......n-1. Prove that S is a superincreasing sequence. ≡ 2) Prove that n E N with n ≥ 3 is prime if and only if there exists an integer m such that m^(n-1) ≡ 1 (mod n)^((n-1)/q) but m is not ≡ ( mod n) for any prime q| (n-1)

    Use of Calculator : Log Function

    Please explain how I make this work via my TI-30 (or any calculator for that matter). I dont understand how to "punch" it in. 10 Log 1.9X10^-4 / 1X10^-12 the answer is 82.8 Thank you for helping me get to this answer.

    A Basis for an Eigenspace

    Without computing the characteristic polynomial, explain why the matrix A below has 0 as eigenvalue; then find a basis for the corresponding eigenspace. A = 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1.