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    Basic Algebra

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    Solving Systems of Equations, Simplifying Expression

    Perform the indicated operation: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Simplify: 6) -6x + 3x 7) (-7r)(-5r 8) 2a(a + 4) -5(3a - 2) 9) 7a - 5(a + 2) - 3 - a 10) Find the value given a = 4, b =3 and c =2: c Solve each equation 11) + 5 = 14 12) -4y = -4 + 6y 13) 14) 5y - 5(2y + 2) = 0 Solve for y: 18) 5x

    Plot nine inequalities.

    28. y < 1 38. y>x, y<-x 39. x+y<5 x-y>-1 34. 3x+2y<2 -x-2y>4 25. y>2x-4 y<2x+1 16.y>2x-1 y<-x-4 17. x+y>5 x-y<3 27. y>x x>3 37. y>3x+2 y<3x+3 32. y<2 2x+3y<6

    Quadratic Equation Application Word Problem : Maximizing Rectangular Area

    Anne decides to start a vegetable garden and buys 100m of wire netting to fence off a rectangular area from the rabbits.Assume that Anne uses an existing fence as one side of the rectangle, and the 100m netting for the other three sides. - If x is the width of the rectangular garden, write an expression for the length of the

    Quadratic Equation : Maximizing Profit

    A movie theatre sells tickets for $8.50 each. The manager is considering raising the prices but knows that for every 50 cent the price is raised, 20 fewer people go to the movies. The equation is R= -40c to the power (exponent) of 2 + 84c describes the relationship between the cost of the tickets, c dollars, and the amount of

    25 Questions - Algebra 2, College level.

    (See attached file for full problem description with equations) --- 1. The diameter of the Milky Way disc is approximately 9 &#61620; 1020 meters. How long does it take light, traveling at 1016 m/year to travel across the diameter of the Milky Way? Time = distance/speed = 9 &#61620; 1020 m/1016 m/year = 9*104 years

    Need help with Algebra

    Page 17 & 18 10. 7 ? -- = -- 2 8 18. 5 ? -- = --- 7 98 30. 34 102 31. 70 -- 102 40. 5 12 -- . -

    25 Questions - Algebra 2, College level.

    (See attached file for full problem description with complete equations) --- 1. The diameter of the Milky Way disc is approximately 9 &#61620; 1020 meters. How long does it take light, traveling at 1016 m/year to travel across the diameter of the Milky Way? 2. Divide. 3. Multiply. Write the answer in

    Group of algebra problems

    Algebra problems: Page 24 55. - 0.03 - 5 56. 0.7 - (-0.3) 71. - 161 - 161 72. - 19 - 88 94. Net worth. Melanie has a $ 125,000 house with a $ 78,422 mortgage. She has $ 21,236 in a savings account and has $ 9,477 in credit card debt. She owes $ 6,131 to the credit union and figures that her

    Algebra (sample problems with fractions),.,.

    I am trying to help my grandson with is home work and I am not much help to him. "Can you help me with solving these problems?" Perform the following operation with fractions: 1. 7 1 -- +-- = 9 3 2. 3 1 -- - -- = 4 6 3. 7 6 -- *-- = 4 11 4 1 1 -- -:- -- =

    X-Intercept Functions

    1. Find the axis of symmetry. y = x2 + 5x - 7 Completing the square, we have So the axis of symmetry is x = -5/2 2. Solve. 5(x - 2)2 = 3 , so 3. Solve by completing the square. x2 + 2x - 8 = 0 so , therefore x = 4 or x = 4. Find the x-intercepts. y = x2 + 5x + 2 Setting x2

    Inner Product, Linear Space, Constant Polynomial

    Let C[1,3] be the (real) linear space of all real continuous functions on the closed interval [1,3], equipped with the inner product defined by setting <f,g> := 1&#8747;3f(t)g(t)dt, f,g E C[1,3]. Let f(t) = 1/t, t E [1,3]. (i). Show that the constant polynomial g which best approximates f on [1,3] (in the sense of least

    Various Quadratic Problems

    See the attached file. 1. Find the axis of symmetry. y = x2 + 5x - 7 2. Solve. 5(x - 2)2 = 3 3. Solve by completing the square. x2 + 2x - 8 = 0 4. Find the x-intercepts. y = x2 + 5x + 2 5. Is the following trinomial a perfect square? Why? x2 + 18x + 81 6. The demand and supply equations for a cert

    Stereographic Projection, Riemann Sphere and Mapping

    A plane is inserted through the equator of a unit sphere. A point on the sphere is mapped onto the plane by creating a line from the point on the sphere, through the north pole, where this line hits the plane is the projection of the point. Show that circles on the sphere map to circles on the plane except when the circles run

    Prove a conjugate function

    Let the dihedral group D_n be given by elements "a" of order "n" and "b" of order 2, subject to the identity b*a=a^-1*b. Prove that a^m is conjugate to only a^-m, and that a^m8b is conjugate to a^(m+2k)*b, for any integer k.

    Propagation of Error

    (See attached file for full problem description and equations) --- A 100 uL (microLiter) sample of a 7.0 millimolar protein is diluted to 500.0mL. If the error in measurement of the molarity(M) is ±0.02 mM, of the uL pipet is ±1 uL, and of the volume of the 500 mL flask is ±0.15 mL, determine how the molarity of the resul

    Borel-measurable function

    Prove that the following function is Borel-measurable function. f_n(t) = { [t*2^n]*2^-n , 0 < t < n, n , t > or = to n | f_n(t) - t | < 2^-n , t < n } I want a detailed proof. I want to kn

    Sigma-Algebra, Measures, Properties of Measures

    Let m be a sigma-algebra, M_1 and M_2 are measures on m. a). Is M = M_1 + M_2 a measure? b). Is M = M_1 - M_2 a measure? c). Is M = M_1M_2 a measure? Either prove or disprove by providing a counter example.

    Solving 3 Quadratic Equations : Optimum Methods

    I had a 50 problem assignment, and have 3 questions that I either want to check my answers with a tutor, or had no idea how to figure them out. I have attached a Microsoft Word document, and would prefer getting that sent back to me with the work and answers shown so that I can understand it. Thank You! --- (See atta