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Algebra problems:

Page 24

55. - 0.03 - 5

56. 0.7 - (-0.3)

71. - 161 - 161

72. - 19 - 88

94. Net worth. Melanie has a $ 125,000 house with a $ 78,422 mortgage. She has $ 21,236 in a savings account and has $ 9,477 in credit card debt. She owes $ 6,131 to the credit union and figures that her car and other household items are worth a total of $ 15,000. What is Melanie's net worth?

96. Bitter cold. The overnight Low temperature in Milwaukee was - 13 degrees (F) for Monday night. The temperature went up 20 Degrees during the day on Tuesday and then fell 15 Degree to reach Tuesday night's overnight low temperature. (A) What was the overnight low Tuesday night? (B) Judging from the accompanying case, wise the average low for the week above or below (0 Degree/ F?

Page 57 & 58 problems

107. Married filing jointly. The expression

0.15(43,850) + 0.28 (x - 43,850)

108. Marriage penalty.

0.15(26,250) + 0,28 (x - 26,250)

Page 62 & 63 problems

11. True or false?

The set of counting numbers smaller than the national debt is infinite?

12. The decimal number 0.25 is a rational number.

39. _1 + (- 2)
3 5

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Solution Summary

The solution answers eachof the problems with calculations and explanations as needed.

Solution Preview

55. - 0.03 - 5 = -0.03-5.00=-5.03

56. 0.7 - (-0.3)=0.7+0.3=1.0

71. - 161 - 161 =-322

72. - 19 - 88 =-107

94. Net worth. Melanie has a $ 125.000 house with a $ 78.422 mortgage. She has $ 21,236 in a savings account and has $ 9,477 in credit card debt. She owes $ 6,131 to the credit union and figures that her car and other household items are worth a total of $ 15,000. What is Melanie's net worth?
House - ...

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