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    Basic Algebra

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    Rounding to the nearest 1/2 inch

    When measuring a line with a ruler. When the question asks you to round to the nearest 1/2 inch, how do you determine if it is the nearest whole number or the nearest 1/2 number? Is the answer always a whole number?

    Properties of addition and multiplication puzzle

    Follow the steps to see if the puzzle works. § Start with 60 and divide by 2. § Add your telephone number. § Subtract 25. § Multiply by 3. § Subtract 15. § Multiply by 2 § Divide by 6. The remaining digits should be your telephone number. Why does this work? What properties of addition & multiplication

    The Division Theorem

    Let p and a be positive integers and suppose that p|a2. a) Show that p|(ra + sp)2 for all integers r; s. b) Use part a), the definition of prime integer, and Theorem 15.1.1 to construct a proof by induction that p|a. [Hint: If a (< or =) p consider p = qa + r, where 0 (< or =) r < a. If p < a consider a = qp + r, where 0 (<

    Inequalities Using Interval Notation and Set-Builder Notation

    4(3w+4)greater than or equal to 4(2w+12), it says to put answers in interval notation, that goes along with this one: 4-(3/2x-3)>1/2(x+5) I am not sure how to sove either one of these, they are somewhat the same except the second question asks for the answer in set builder notation.

    Equations for Absolute Values

    The absolute value of 1/2n+2 is equal to the absolute value of 3/4n-2. How do I solve when there are fractions involved?

    Change of Variables Investigated

    Show that the change of variables.... Reduces 21.1 to the simpler and more familiar form from Ch. 18 Greenberg text, change of variables Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Method found in the proof below to find a primitive elements

    Use the method found in the proof below to find a primitive element for the extension Q(i, 5^(1/4)) over Q. *Recall that the extension field F of K is called a simple extension if there exists an element In this case, u is called a primitive element. **Theorem: Let F be a finite extension of the field K. If F is separabl

    Galois Theory: Algebraic Extension of a Perfect Field

    Show that any algebraic extension of a perfect field is perfect (using the below hint only). Hint: Let K be a perfect field and F an algebraic extension of K. If F is not perfect, then there is a polynomial f(x) an element of F[x] that has an irreducible factor p(x) with a repeated root u. Here u is algebraic over K; let g(x)

    Galois Group Example Problem

    Show the Galois group of (x^2-2)(x^2+2) over Q (rationals) is isomorphic to Z_2xZ_2 (Direct product group of integers modulo 2). For your choice of your mapping theta, that is operation preserving, 1 to 1, and onto please show that is well defined.

    Solve each equation and check for extraneous solution.

    Solve each equation and check for extraneous solution. # 41. ----------------- / 2x^2 - 1 = x # 42. ------------------------ / 2x^2 - 3x - 10 = x Solve the equation # 85 ----------------------- / x^2 + 5x = 6 # 91 ----------------------- /

    Algebra: Solve 10 equations

    Page 313 Solve each equation. # 8 ( a + 6 )( a + 5 ) = 0 # 9 ( 2x + 5 )9 3x - 4 ) = 0 # 12. t^2 + 6t - 27 = 0 # 48 - 2x^2 - 2x + 24 = 0 # 49 11 Z^2 + ---z = -6 2 # 52 3x (2x + 1 ) = 18 Page 364 Solve each equation. Watch for ext

    Integers, Cube Found

    There are four integers between 100 and 1000 that equal to there cube added together 153......1+125+27=153 370......27+343+0=370 407......64+0+343=407 What is the fourth?

    Systems of Logarithm Equations

    I do not fully understand how to complete a system of equations that includes logarithms. This was the sample problem given.

    Area of a region bounded by an equation

    Find the region bounded by the graph of the equation. Estimate the area to confirm answer. Show a slice. Calculate the area of the region. y = square root of x-10 and y=0 between x=0 and x=9 y = square root of x and y= x-4 and x = 0

    Matlab Hermite Interpolation

    (See attached file for full problem description with equations) --- I need some guidance on a Matlab programming project. The project concerns Hermite polynomial interpolation. We are given values and and their derivatives and at and respectively, and we look for coefficients such that if

    Rational expressions

    (See attached file for full problem description with equations) --- Pg.283 Factor the GCF in each expression 59. 60. Pg. 306 Factor each polynomial completely, if polynomial is prime, say so 35. 40. Pg 338 Perform indicated operation 22.

    Understanding the quadratic equation

    1. When solving a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula, it is possible for the b2 - 4ac term inside the square root (the discriminant) to be negative, thus forcing us to take the square root of a negative number. The solutions to the equation will then be complex numbers (i.e., involve the imaginary unit i). Please