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    Basic Algebra

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    Simple Algebra of Terms

    1. Given that s=1.59t(1-3v), obtain the value of v when s=3.52 and t=21.56 2. Make y the subject of the formula E =P(1 - e(y -1)).

    Scale Factor

    An inch on a map represents 200 miles. On the same map a distance of 375 miles is represented by?

    Logarithms and Composite Functions

    Pick best answer: For the given pair of functions 1.) f= 5x-1 and g=x^2, find fog(2) a. 81 b. 19 c. 5x^2-1 d. (5x-1)^2 2.) f= 2x^2 and g=x+1, find gof(x) a. gof(x) = 2(x+1)^2 b. gof(x) = 2x^2 +1 c. gof(x) =2x^2 +x +1 d. gof(x) = not given 3.) Simplify: 10^log(1000) a. 3 b. 1,000 c. -3 d. 1,000,000

    How do you factor completely?

    Factor Completely 11. 8x^2 + 22x - 21 12. 8a^3 + 64b^3 13. 48x^3 - 120x^2 + 75x 14. x^3y^2 - 4x^3 + 8y^2 - 32 Perform the indicated operations. 15. (2x^2 + 5x - 3)/(x^2 + 3x - 28) * (x^2 + 12x + 35)/(4x^2 - 1) 16. (3x +5)/(x^2 + 3x + 2) - (x-5)/(x^2 - x - 2) 17. (3a + 4b)/(7a - 5b) - (4a - 9b)(5b - 7a) 18.

    Complex Polynomial Proof : Factoring

    1. Consider the complex polynomial of degree n p(z) = zn + a1zn-1 + ... + an-1z +an show that if z1 is a zero then p(z) = (z - z1)q(z), where q is a polynomial of degree n-1 (Hint: consider p(z) = p(z) - p(z1)). Argue further that p can be fully factored like p(z) = (z - z1)...(z - zn)

    Abstract Algebra Polynomial Proof

    Consider the cubic polynomial: See attached file for full problem description. Prove that if all 3 zeros are real, then all 3 coefficients are real. Consider the cubic polynomial: P(z) = z3 + a1z2 + a2z + a3 Prove that if all 3 zeros are real, then all 3 coefficients are real.

    Story problem

    This is a intermediate algebra problem: A company that manufactures hospital beds has fixed monthly costs of $225,000. The average cost per bed, C, for the company to manufacture x beds per month is modeled by the formula C = 550x + 225,000 ------------------- x How many hospital beds can be m

    Index Numbers, Ratios and Price Index

    In 1990, a price index based on 1980 = 100 had a value of z. During 1990, it was rebased at 1990 = 100, and in 1998 the new index stood at 112. If the total price movement between 1980 and 1998 was an increase of 40%, was was the value of z in 1990, that is, before rebasing? The answer given was, Using ratios, 1.12 x

    Algebra Review

    Please help me with the following questions: Simplification of the following: 1.) (radical9x^2-4) Exponential Notation: 2.) {radical(x+5)} 3.){^3radical(x-9)^2}

    Algebra Review

    Please help me with the following questions: Simplification of the following: 1.) [{-3(x+h)^2 - (-3x^2)}/ (h)] 2.) [{(5x+3)2 - 5(2x-1)}/ (5x+3)^2] 3.) [{(x+3)^3/2}/(3/2)]

    Pre-Algebra : Writing Equations from Word Problems

    Write an algebraic equation that you can use to solve for the answer. Scared of older kids, Alex pays Mr Simon some protection money. If any kid harasses Alex, Mr Simon will take care of the problem. For his services, Mr Simon asks for $90. Alex pays Mr Simon $15 and promises to pay the rest in six equal payments. How much w

    Solve Equations, Factor Monomials & Find Greatest Common Factor

    Solve each equation by performing the same inverse operations to both sides and show steps. 1- 42+7x=0 2- -13r-92=77 3- 757=25n+132 4- x/4-13 =15 5- -13m-348=-23 6- t/13-56=-72 7- 47=-18+ y/8.2 8- -21+a/4=3.4 9- 240=-2.1-6h 10- 3(x+1)=9 11-17-k=-99 12- 6{1/3+m}

    Solving Equations and Writing Equations from Word Problems

    Solve the equations: 1- 3.14 = Z/-3.7 2- -4.7t = 12.22 3- m+2.7 = -9.3 4- -38=z minus 20.5 Write an algebraic equation and solve. 1- Years of stress from his BLA students have reduced the number of hair on Mr. Sit's head to 7560 strands. if he lost 963 strands during his time at BLA, how much hair did Mr

    Write Expressions with only Positive Exponents, Number Lines

    1- Write the expressions with only positive exponents. 1-p to the power of negative 4 time q to the power of negative 7 time p to the power of 3 2-27a to the power of negative 3 b to the power of negative 11/9 a to the power of 6 b to the power of two c 2- Use a number line to order the integers from least to greatest.

    Factoring Monomials, Greatest Common Factor, Lowest Common

    1-Factor the monomial into its smallest factors. a-14xy to the power of 2 z b-40n to the power of 3 m to the power of two 2-Find the GCF and the LCM 1-24c to the power of two d to the power of two, 48c to the power of 3d 3- Simplify each fraction a- 13ab/26a b- 42xyz to the power of 4/36y to the power of tw