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    Basic Algebra

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    It is approximately 300 miles from Chicago, Illinois, to St. Louis, Missouri. Allowing for various traffic conditions, a driver can average approximately 60 miles per hour. a)Write a linear function that expresses the distance traveled, d, as a function of time, t. Answer: b)How far have you traveled after 3 hour

    Proof of density function

    In the game of odd man wins, three people toss coins. The game continues until someone has an outcome different from the other two. The individual with the different outcome wins. Let X equal the number of games needed before a decision is reached. Prove by induction that the density function of X is (see attached).

    Literal equations processes

    I am having a hard time solving literal equations. I know the process is the same as you would solve any linear equation, but I still am having trouble grasping the whole concept. Is there any way of making this easier to learn?

    Algebra Basics, Equations, and Mathematical Models

    Need comparison. 1. When solving a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula, it is possible for the b2 - 4ac term inside the square root (the discriminant) to be negative, thus forcing us to take the square root of a negative number. The solutions to the equation will then be complex numbers (i.e., involve the imagina

    Graphing the System Inequalities

    (See attached file for full problem description). 1. Graph the system x^2 + y^2≤16 y≤4-x^2 2. Graph the solution { y<1/4x Bracket covers both entries but I don't know how to make it bigger. y ≥ -2x+3 3. Show the graph of the systems of inequalities? 16x^2+64y^2 ≥1024

    Sturm-Liouville Problems : Eigenvalues, Eigenfunctions and Square Norm

    Please help with the following problems. 1. Find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the boundary- value problem y''+lambay = 0 , y(0) = 0 , y(pi/4) = 0 ( n = pi) 2. Find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the boundary- value problem y''+(lamba+1) y = 0 , y'(0) = 0 , y'(1) = 0 3. Find the square norm

    Quadratic equations

    1. When solving a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula, it is possible for the b2 - 4ac term inside the square root (the discriminant) to be negative, thus forcing us to take the square root of a negative number. The solutions to the equation will then be complex numbers (i.e., involve the imaginary unit i). Questi

    Completing the Square to Solve a Maximum Profit Question

    Steve owns a bakery. He has hired a consultant to analyze his business operations, and the consultant has told him that his profits from the sale of pies is given by the following function: P(x) = 120x - x2 where P(x) is the profit and x refers to the number of pies baked. (a) How many units of pies should Steve bake in ord

    Complex Numbers: Power Series and Radius of Convergence

    For the following complex functions f, find their power series expansions cantered at z=i, i.e., . Find the radius of convergence for each of these power series. (see attached) what are the radii of convergence of these series?

    Applications of Logarithmic Equations : Earthquakes and the Richter Scale

    The intensity level of an earthquake is based on the Richter scale. Using logarithms, the Richter scale measures an earthquake relative to (as a ratio of) the weakest possible tremor. Using web resources, and other course materials, research how earthquakes are measured. Include the following items: 1. What is the formul

    Ellipses and Parabolas

    See the attached file. 1. Find the equation of the parabola with vertex at the origin, that passes through the point (-6,4) and opens upward. X=1/9y^2 Y=-1/9x^2 X=-1/9y^2 Y=1/9x^2 2. Find the equation for the parabola with the given vertex that passes through the given point: vertex: (-5,5) point: (-3,17)

    Applications of Logarithmic Equations : Earthquakes and the Richter Scale

    The intentisty level of an earthquake is based on the Richter scale. Using logarithms, the Richter scale measures an earthquake relative to (as a ratio of) the weaket possible tremor. Research how earthquakes are measured. What is the formula for measuring earthquakes? ? Why is a 7.0 earthquake ten times stronger than

    Limits and Exponential Population Growth

    5. Find the limit of the following functions. Justify your answer using algebra or explain via a sketch how the graphing calculator is used to get the answer. If the limit does not exist, write D.N.E. and justify (explain) why the limit does not exist. a. b. 6. The population of Wichita, Kansas was 344,284 in 2000

    Simplifying the Expression Further

    The answer is: (x^2-c^2)x^2+a^2y^2=a^2(a^2-c^2) I know it can be reduced further, but this is the answer my teacher wants. I don't have a math font so: SR=SquareRoot and 6^2=6 squared or 6x6=36.

    Solving Equations and Transposing Variables

    1, Given that s = 1.59t(1 - 3v), obtain the value of v when s = 3.52 and t = 21.56 2, If x = p/q (1 + 1n r), evaluate r when x = 0.34, p = 1.08 and q = 1.84 3, Solve log(2x + 3) = log (4x) + 2 for x. See the attached file.

    Applications of Logarithms

    4) For a fixed rate, a fixed principal amount, and a fixed compounding cycle, the return is an exponential function of time. Using the formula, , let r = 8%, P = 1, and n = 1 and give the coordinates (t,A) for the points where t = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. a) Show coordinates in this space. Show work in this space. b) Show graph

    Projectile motion: Skier jumps off the ski jump

    At time t=0 a skier leaves the end of a ski jump with a speed of Vo feet per second at an angle alpha with the horizontal (see figure in the attached file). The skier lands 259 feet down the incline 2.9 seconds later. (a) Approximate Vo and alpha (b) Use your graphing calculator with the numerical integration feature to appr

    Radical and Rational Exponent

    Radical and rational exponent notation are two ways to show the same process. Explain the similarities between radicals and rational exponent notation. Provide at least two other examples of mathematical notation or wording denoting the same process.

    Rational Expressions Applications Word Problem

    In a cancer research lab, you are observing the growth of cancer cells in two specimens, A & B. Specimen A presently has 2160 cells and specimen B has 1200 cells. After recording data for several days, you later determine that the number of cells in specimen A, N(A), is growing ny the formula: N(A) = 24t^2 + 588t + 2160 w

    You have recently published a research article on the impact of air friction on falling bodies. In your article, you have noted that the deceleration due to friction is a function of the ratio of the volume of the object to the total surface area of that object.

    You have recently published a research article on the impact of air friction on falling bodies. In your article, you have noted that the deceleration due to friction is a function of the ratio of the volume of the object to the total surface area of that object. a. Express this ratio for a rectangular prism of length L, widt