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    Basic Algebra

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    Radicals (16 Problems)

    Solve the formula for the indicated variable. 1. I = E __ for R R + r Find the root. All variables represent nonnegative real numbers. 2. √m6 Use the product rule for radicals to simplify the expression. All variables represent nonnegative real numbers. 3. 3√5b9 Simplify

    Binomial Coefficients Formula Proof

    n Prove that if n>=2, then Σ (-1)^(r-1) r n!/(r!n-r!) = 0 r=1 I think it should be done by mathematical induction. From the examples, I'm assuming that mathematical induction should be used. If you are able, please use this method.

    Radical expressions

    1. An outboard motor calls for a fuel mixture that has a gasoline-to-oil of 50 tol. How many ppints of oil should be added to 6 gallans of gasoline? 2. (see attached) 3. simplify assume all real variables are positive real numbers 4. (see attached) 5. (see attached) 6. (see attached) 7. Betty observed tha

    Transportation Modeling

    21. In a balanced transportation model where supply equals demand, none of the constraints are equalities. 22. In a transshipment problem, items may be transported from sources through transshipment points on to destinations. 23. An assignment problem is a special form of transportation problem where all suppl

    17 Rational Expressions Problems : Lowest Terms and LCD

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- Reduce to lowest terms 1. (see attached) 2. (see attached) 3. (see attached) 4. (see attached) 5. Area of a triangle. If the base of a triangle is 8x +16 yards and it's height is yards, then what is the area of the triangle? 6.Find the LCD for t

    Solving Equations (15 Problems)

    1. Solve the equation. ( y - 3 ) ( y + 7 ) = 0 2. Solve the equation. a2 - a - 2 = 0 3. Solve the equation. c2 + ¼ c - ⅛ = 0 4. Solve the equation. _3_ + __1___ = ___2___ a 3 - a a - 3 5. Solve t

    Quadratic Equations: Completing the square question

    Using the quadratic equation x2 - 4x - 5 = 0, perform the following tasks: a) Solve by factoring. Answer: Show work in this space. b) Solve by completing the square. Show work in this space. c) Solve by using the quadratic formula. Show work in this space 2) For the function y = x2 - 4x - 5,

    Matlab PolyFit / Least Squares Error Fit

    Given a vector X = [ 3, 4, 6 ] and a vector y = [ 2, 3, 1 ] (a) polyfit ( x, y, 2 ) returns result [ -0.666, 5.6667, -9.000 ] (b) polyfit ( x, y, 1 ) returns result [ -0.4286, 3.8571 ] (c) polyfit ( x, y, 0 ) returns result [ 2 ] The question. I need for you to demonstrate ( i.e show all wor

    Interest, Investments and Retirement

    How much do you think you will need to retire comfortably at age 60? Would you believe that you're going to need at least $4,000,000? Assuming you're 18-25 years old (or younger), it's true! Sounds hard to believe, but by the end of this discussion, you should be a believer. The first thing you need to do is define "comforta

    Defining Equivalence Relations and Classes

    Define a relation R on N × N by (a, b)R(c, d) if and only if a + b = c + d. (i) Prove that R is an equivalence relation on N × N. (ii) Let S denote the set of equivalence classes of R. Show that there is a 1-1 and onto function from S to N. I'll attempt the first part a + b = a + b so (a, b)R(a, b) i.e. R is reflexive

    Population growth rate with logistic curve

    3.13) Suppose human population grows from 6.3 billion in 2000 to an ultimate population of 10.3 billion following the logistic curve. Assuming a growth rate of 1.5% in 2000, when would the population reach 9 billion? What would the population be in 2050?

    Functions and Equations

    A geologist you spoke with is concerned about the rate of land erosion around the base of a dam. Another geologist is studying the magna activity within the earth in an area of New Zealand known for its volcanic activity. One of the shortcuts they apply when doing calculations in the field is to use synthetic division. After the

    Polynomials, Binomials and Trinomials : Writing Equations from Word Problems

    A rectangular painting with a width of x centimeters has an area of x^2 + 50x square centimeters. Find a binomial that represents the length. The amount of an investment of P dollars for t years at simple interest rate r is given by A= P +Prt. A. rewrite this formula by factoring out the greatest common factor on the right-h

    Difference methods for PDE's

    See rohwer17.pdf. On page 29 of notes in pdf file ( do not follow page number in pdf file) ; study example. Now see in rohwer17.pdf - you see about ¼ page down , (Do this!) Please obtain the expression for g.

    Algebra Polynomials

    Please help in completing the following pre-exam practice questions and show all work at to how you got the final answer. 1. (5x2 - 4xy + 4y2) - (2x2 - xy + 2y2) 2. 3x2y (2x2 - xy2 + 3y3) 3. (3x + 2)(5x - 4) 4. (2x - 7)2 5. (2a + 3b)(2a - 3b) 6. (12x4 - 16x3+ 8x) / (4x) 7. (3.2 x

    Exponential Functions

    One of the archeologists you interviewed for your article is graphing asymptotes to illustrate the data generated through carbon dating the half-life of fossil specimens. Help him with his work by solving these problems: Explain and contrast the types of asymptotes considered for rational functions. Browse through some news

    Single trigonometric function value

    (See attached file for full problem description) Use an identity to write each expression as a single trigonometric function value or as a single number. 2* tan15 /(1 - (tan15)^2)

    Please show all work Also I was wondering how do you create your graphs?

    Instructions: Click on the link below to open the document Identify the document by typing your full name next to the yellow text. Rename the file by adding your last name to current file name (e.g., "u1ip_lastname.doc") and saving to your files. Type your answers next to the yellow text. To show your work, you will

    Error in measuring the distance between fence posts

    A fencing contractor is erecting a wooden fence, 40m in length, extending from the rear wall of a house, with 20 posts spaced at 2m intervals. The foreman sets out the first post correctly, at 2m from the wall. The setting out of the remaining post is carried out by two of the foreman's team who make an error of +0.75% in measur