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    Basic Algebra

    BrainMass Solutions Available for Instant Download

    Cube Roots of 27 and Vector Operations

    14. Find the three cube roots of 27. Write roots in rectangular form. 15. If P = (?2.3). P7 = (?1,5),and is the vector from P1 to P2, a. Write v in terms of i and j. b. Find ||v|| In Exercises 16?19, let v=?5i+2j and w=21?4j. Find the specified vector, scalar, or angle. 16.3v?4w 17.v.w 18. the angle between v and w, to

    Use factoring to solve the problem.

    Use factoring to solve the problem. Demand for pools. Tropical pools sells an aboveground model for p dollars each. The monthly revenue from the sale of this model is given by..R= -0.08p^2 + 300p Revenue is the product of the price p and the demand. a) Factor out the price on the right hand side of the formula b) Wha

    How Many Families Are There on Maple Street

    There are 15 different vehicle models available at the dealership. Oddly, each family living on Maple Street bought one of these vehicles. There are just enough families on Maple Street so you can be absolutely sure that 6 families all have the same model. How many families are there on Maple Street?

    Factor polynomial

    Factor the following polynomial. If the polynomial is prime, say so. 32a^2 + 4a - 6