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    Basic Algebra

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    Problem relates to finding area

    The problem is: a piece of notebook paper measures 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches. If the margin is 1 inch on the top and sides and 1 1/2 inches on the bottom, what is the area of the working surface of the paper.

    Fixed rate

    4) For a fixed rate, a fixed principal amount, and a fixed compounding cycle, the return is an exponential function of time. Using the formula, A = P(1 + R/N) rt, let r = 8%, p = 1, and n = 1 and give the coordinates (t,A) for the points where t = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

    Algebra: Analysis and Graphing

    1) An open top box is to be constructed from a 4 by 6 rectangular cardboard by cutting out equal squares at each corner and then folding up the flaps. Let x denote the length of each side of the square to be cut out. a) Find the function V that represents the volume of the box in terms of x. b) Graph this function and sh


    B) Most calculators have 2 different logs on them: log, which is base 10, and ln, which is base e. In computer science, digital computers are based on the binary numbering system which means that there are only 2 numbers available to the computer, 0 and 1. When a computer scientist needs a logarithm, he needs a log to base 2 whi

    Square root of x

    Square root of x cube = 27 Is the square root of x square = x an identity (true for all nonnegative values of x)

    A raffle offers first prize of $1,000...

    A raffle offers first prize of $1,000, 5 second prizes of $300 each, and 25 third prizes of $10 each. If 10,000 tickets are sold for $2 each, find the expected winnings for a person buying a ticket. Is this a fair game? ( hint: In a fair game the expected value is 0)

    Solving equations

    Suppose you travel north for 65 kilometers then travel east 75 kilometers. How far are you from your starting point? The volume of a cube is given by V = s3. Find the length of a side of a cube if the Volume is 1000 cm3.

    Log problem

    (See attached file for full problem description)

    Need help with math problem

    Suppose F varies jointly as x and y and inversely as z squared. If F is equal to 18 when x = 4, y = 3 and z = 2, find the value of F if the values for x, y, and z respectively are doubled.

    Radical and rational exponent notation

    Radical and rational exponent notation are two ways to show the same process. Explain the similarities between radicals and rational exponent notation. Provide at least two other examples of mathematical notation or wording denoting the same process.

    Quadratic formulas to solve quadratic equations

    When using the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, the discriminant is b2 - 4ac. This discriminant can be positive, zero, or negative. (When the discriminate is negative, then we have the square root of a negative number. This is called an imaginary number, sqrt(-1) = i. ) Explain what the value

    Radical and Rational Exponent

    Radical and rational exponent notation are two ways to show the same process. Explain the similarities between radicals and rational exponent notation. Provide at least two other examples of mathematical notation or wording denoting the same process.

    Properties of Measurable Spaces

    Let (O,A) be a measurable space. What do these properties mean? 1) lim sup_n A_n := /_n /_m=n A_n in A 2) lim inf_n A_n := /_n /+m=n A_n in A keywords: limit, supremum, limsup, liminf

    Solving Quadratic Equations and Word Problems

    1. x2-3x+2=0 , solve by factoring, solve by completing the square, solve by using the quadratic formula 2. y= 2^-6x+8 a)put the function in the form y=a(x-h)2 +k b) what is the line of symmetry c) graph the function using the equation in part a. Explain your answer. Why is it not necessary to plot points to graph w

    How many milliliters of each solution should be used?

    A 5% solution of a drug is to be mixed with some 15% solution and some 10% solution to get 20 ml of 8% solution. The amount of the 5% solution used must be 2 ml more than the sum of the other two solutions. How many milliliters of each solution should be used?

    Quadratic Equations and Maximum and Minimum Values

    Note that x^y computes any number to any power (integer, fraction, decimal). 1)Using the quadratic equation x2 - 3x + 2 = 0, perform the following tasks: a)Solve by factoring. b)Solve by completing the square. c)Solve by using the quadratic formula. 2)For the function y = x2 - 6x + 8, perform the followi