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Solving Equations

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1. Solve the equation. ( y - 3 ) ( y + 7 ) = 0

2. Solve the equation. a2 - a - 2 = 0

3. Solve the equation. c2 + ¼ c - ⅛ = 0

4. Solve the equation. _3_ + __1___ = ___2___
a 3 - a a - 3

5. Solve the equation. ___6___ = ___9__
x - 3 x + 3

6. Solve the proportion. ___c___ = ___ c - 5___
c - 3 c

7. The ratio of Brand "Y" golf balls sold to Brand "X" golf balls sold
was 4 to 5. If there were 22 fewer Brand "Y" golf balls than Brand
"X" golf balls, then how many Brand "X" golf balls were sold ?

8. Sole the equation for a. ___a - 3___ = __2__
x - c 3

9. Solve for r. V = 4 π r2 h .

10. Solve the equation and check for extraneous solutions.
 9 a2 + a - 7 = 3a

11. Solve the equation and check for extraneous solutions.

 3h - 2 =  2h - 5

12. Find the distance between the given pair of points (round your answer to the first decimal point if necessary).
( - 7, -3 ), ( 8, 6 ).

13. Find the perfect square trinomial whose first two terms are given.
a2 - ¼ a.

14. Solve by completing the square.
a2 + 5a - 4 = 0

15. Solve the equation by using the quadratic formula.
2a2 - 3a - 2 = 0

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Equations are solved.

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