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Polynomials, Binomials and Trinomials : Writing Equations from Word Problems

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A rectangular painting with a width of x centimeters has an area of x^2 + 50x square centimeters. Find a binomial that represents the length.

The amount of an investment of P dollars for t years at simple interest rate r is given by A= P +Prt.
A. rewrite this formula by factoring out the greatest common factor on the right-hand side.
B. Find A if $8300 is invested for 3 years at a simple rate of 15%

Factor each polynomial. If it is prime say so.
a. 18z+45+z^2
b. x^2-5xs-24s^2
c. -4w^3-16w^2+20w

A triangular sail has an area of x^2+5x+6 square meters and a height of x+3 meters. Find the length of the sail's base.

Factor trinomial using the ac method.

Factor polynomial

Factor each polynomial completely, given that the binomial following it is a factor of the polynomial.
x^3+2x^2-5x-6, x+3

Factor each difference or sum of cubes.

Factor polynomial tell if its prime.

Solve equation
a. 2h^2-h-3=0
b. 2w(4w+1)=1
c. 1/18h^2 - 1/2h + 1=0

One side of a rectangular stage is 2 meters long than the other. If the diagonal is 10 meters, then what are the lengths of the sides?

A car is traveling on a road that is perpendicular to a railroad track. When the car is 30 meters from the crossing, the car's new collision detector warns the driver that there is a train 50 meters from the car heading toward the same crossing. How far is the train form the crossing?

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Polynomials, binomials and trinomials are investigated. The solution is detailed and well presented. The response received a rating of "5/5" from the student who originally posted the question.

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