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Quadratic Equations: X/Y-Intercepts, Square Root Property and Interval Notation

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1. For the quadratic equation y = cx² + dx + e (where c, d and e are constants), what is the x-coordinate of the vertex?

2. For the same quadratic equation as above, what is the y-intercept?

3. Solve by the square root property: 4x² = 100

4. Solve by completing the square: x² - 10x + 4 = 0

5. Solve by using the quadratic formula: 5x² + 5x - 3 = 0

6. Solve by the method of your choice: x² - 7x + 3 = 0

7. Solve by the method of your choice: (x - 4)(2x - 5) = 14

8. For y = - 2x² + 6x + 1, find the x-intercepts and the y-intercepts

9. The equation {see attachment} models the fuel efficiency of a particular car, where M is measured in Miles/Gallon and x is the number of years after 1940. Find and interpret M(55).

10. Solve the inequality [1/(x + 1)] > [1/(x - 1)]. State the solution set using interval notation.

11. Which of the attached graphs best represents {see attachment}?

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Solution Summary

11 Quadratic Equation problems (X/Y-Intercepts, Square Root Property and Interval Notation) are solved. The solution is detailed and well presented.

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