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    North American History

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    Texas Revolt

    What were the causes and consequence of the Texas revolt? Why did Texas remain for a time an independent nation rather than becoming a part of the union?


    How "revolutionary" were Jefferson's policies compared with those of the previous Federalist administrations? What role did John Marshall play in establishing the role of the Supreme Court?

    War of 1812

    What were the causes and effects of the national disunity during the War of 1812? Did the disunity arise from the nature of the war?

    Andrew Jackson

    What made Andrew Jackson such a popular symbol of the "New Democracy?" How revolutionary was Jackson's "Revolution of 1828"?


    Examine some of the major issues which affected the country during the Presidency of Andrew Jackson and show how true, two-party democracy was firmly established by the time of the "log-cabin and hard-cider" campaign of 1840.

    American Demographics are featured.

    Symbolic of one of the major changes in American demographics was the large influx of immigrants in the 1840s. In what ways were these new immigrants (primarily Germans and Irish) similar to other immigrants such as the British and the Scots-Irish and in what, ways were they different?

    Hamiltonian Federalism

    This job contrasts the Hamiltonian Federalist belief that the "wealthy and well-educated" ought to run the government with the Jeffersonian Republican belief that the common person, if educated, could be trusted to manage public affairs. What are the political implications of each view?

    This job compares federalists and anti-federalists.

    What was really at stake in the debate between the federalists and anti-federalists? Did the federalists win primarily because of their superior political skills or because they had a clearer view of the meaning of the revolution and the future of the United States?

    Timeline of the Pre-Human Period

    I am looking for information about the Pre-Human Period in Canada's History, including dates of each event (i.e., When did the first humans appear? When was the ice age? When did the first primates appear? etc.).

    Holocaust & Auschwitz

    Discuss Auschwitz in terms of location, structure, and implications for the Jews and others.

    The Declaration of Independence

    What was radical and new in the Declaration of INdependence and what was old and traditional? What did statments like, "all men are created equal" mean in their historical context and what did they come to mean later?


    What was the Revolutionary movement really all about and the amount of taxation? The right of government to tax? The political corruption of Britain and the virtue of America? The right of a king to govern America? The colonies' growing sense of national identity apart from Britian?

    Europeans and Indians

    What commercial, religious, and nationalistic incentives drove Europeans to embark on the hazardous course of establishing overseas colonies? What happened to both the Europeans and the Inndians when their worlds collided after 1492? In what ways were b oth societies changed?

    Slavery in Institution Colonial America

    Why did slavery grow to be such an important institution in colonial America? What were the effect of slavery on the Africans who were brought to the New World?

    Salem Witch Trials

    Were the Salem Witch Trials a peculiar, aberrant moment in an age of superstition, or did they reflect common human psychological and social anxieties that could appear in any age? How harshly should those who prosecuted the "witches" be condemned?

    Sourthern Colonies

    Why did the sourthern colonies develop an economic and social system based on large-scale plantaiton agriculture? What were the causes and effects of the Great Awakening? How did such an intense religious revival affect those who experienced conversion as well as those who did not? How democratic as colonial American socie

    French Empire

    Why was the French Empire ultimately so much less successful than either the Spanish or the British? Why did the northern colonies develop a very different social and economic system based on small-scale farming and business?


    What was the Revolutionary movement really all about and the amount of taxation? The right of government to tax? The political corruption of Britain and the virtue of America? The right of a king to govern America? The colonies' growing sense of national identity apart from Britian?