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    Business Management

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    Quantitative Methods - Optimal Weekly Profit

    The production manager for Beer etc. produces two kinds of beer: light (L) and dark (D). Two resources used to produce beer are malt and wheat. He can get, at most, 4800 oz. of malt per week and 3200 oz. of wheat per week. Each bottle of light beer requires 12 oz. of malt and 4 oz. of wheat, while a bottle of dark beer uses 8 oz

    Shutdown at Eastland - Case

    Details: Read the case study entitled, "Shutdown at Eastland" . How would you have handled this situation? Propose a plan to close the assembly plant in Eastland, Michigan. In this plan, be sure to explain the following: Terms of the close - what notice would you give, what benefits would you provide, etc. Describe

    Expectations of stakeholders

    Failure to understand the beliefs and expectations of stakeholders: a.Causes company's profits to increase in the short run. b.Causes company's profits to decrease in the short run. c.Causes the performance-expectations gap to grow larger. d.Increases the chance of a corporate buy-out.

    Business Management Study Questions

    1. Which of the following has a weakness in that it does not tell whether the variation is a result of special causes or common causes? a. Histogram b. Check Sheet c. Pareto Chart d. Run Chart e. Stratification 2. Which information from the benchmarking process may have more value? a. Qualitative b. Quantitative c

    Business Communications

    Your boss wants to send a brief email message tp welcome employees recently transferred to your department from your Hong Kong branch. They all speak English, but your boss asks you to review his message for clarity. What would you suggest your boss change in the following email message, and why? Would you consider this mess

    Organic versus mechanistic organizations

    I need assistance with the following questions. 1. Discuss and contrast the relative value and use of organic and mechanistic organizations. When would each be best? 2. Organizational goals are important, where do they originate? Also, what is the possible impact goals may have on an organization and its activities.

    Perception of Power/Power in Organizations

    1. Discuss the concept of power from both a management and worker perspective and provide some examples. 2. Based on the article "A Strategic Contingencies Theory of Intraorganizational Power," by D. J. Hickson, C. R. Hinings, C. A. Lee, R. E. Schneck, and J. M. Pennings, that appeared in the Administrative Science Quarterl

    Needs centered training model or ADDIE

    1. Research the various Instructional Systems Design (ISD) models. Note: ADDIE is an example of an ISD model. 2. Choose the "Needs-Centered" training model or a different ISD approach (e.g., ADDIE) based on your research. 3. Create a handout that clearly explains each step in the entire training model you chose in Action I

    Determining Strategies for Change

    The research should focus on determining what type of change intervention would be appropriate, and to write a proposal for implementing the change from the perspective of an outside change agent. Be sure to discuss the theme for intervention as well as how it would be implemented. Feel free to use books, magazines, the

    Katie Moon Case Study

    The Case: You work for a small public relations firm based in Mobile. One of your personal clients, Ms. Katie Moon, creates original pottery objects in her home based studio just north of town. Ms. Moon is only twenty-four but already a stand-out potter. She has a large local clientele, but most of her sales are Web based.

    The POLC model

    What are the fundamentals of POLC model: Plan, Organize, Lead, Control. Please give examples of each stage of the model. Do you agree that the POLC model is truly a cycle? Explain.

    Bribery or Not?

    "Paying a large tip to secure a better table in a restaurant is the same as offering a bribe in business to secure a contract." Do you defend or oppose this statement? Explain.

    Delegation Concept in an Organization

    Prepare a discussion in which you illustrate how managers in your organization delegate as part of their management responsibilities. Explain how delegation could be used more effectively in planning, organizing, leading, or controlling within your organization. Also, describe what skills are necessary for effective delegation.

    Change Plan Presentation

    Details: Working with your group, prepare the change plan for this project and create a presentation that will be shared with the customers and your team. Portions of the change plan will be completed by the group; others will be completed by the individuals. It must have a consistent look-and-feel, and there should not be any r

    PowerPoint Usage

    A fellow coworker mentioned an article at Microsoft Powerpoint Web page ( http://office.microsoft.com/assistance/preview.aspx?AssetID=HA010565471033&CTT=98) You read article titled: '' Presentation View: Tools for running a Powerpoint Presentation ''. You are excited about what you learned and sent an Instan

    Criminal Justice/Integration

    You have a nephew in high school that e-mails you and asks for your help with a school project about probation departments. Specifically, he has asked for help regarding how probation departments could better handle their increasing case load of probationers. Analyze the problem and reply to your nephew's e-mail giving him infor

    Company newsletter announcing change

    Details: Last year, LRH Manufacturing had to implement a number of very formal processes and procedures to comply with the new Sarbanes-Oxley regulations. Sales people were mandated to closely track their expenses and book their revenues differently, and the commission program changed significantly. As a result, several sales pe

    Management Science - Profits/Cost/Revenue

    There are two ways to produce television sets; each has a different cost structure as follows: Process A Process B Unit Sales price = $120,00 unit sales price = $150,00 Unit Variable cost = $75,00 unit variable cost = $9

    Human Relation Implementation

    You are a Systems Analyst that is working 60 plus hours a week on a system that is due for implementation. The CEO finds out that a key requirement was missed. Your boss, the CIO, tells the CEO that it is your fault for not doing your job. The truth is the CIO is "out to lunch" most of the time and this is a requirement that

    Human Resourses - Affirmative Action

    Write a paper recommending to a company's board of directors that affirmative action policies should be implemented. It should be at least 700 words. Include points supporting the recommendation and clearly address points that may be used against this recommendation. Also address how AA policy will relate to compliance with EEO

    End-User Business Application

    List three criteria that are very important to consider when choosing an software application for business use. Discuss why each element is important.

    Group Norms & Productivity

    What are the conditions under which group norms most influence productivity? Why? What are the important factors mitigating the influence of groups norms? Why?

    Change Management Plan Paper and Defense

    For this assignment you will develop a change management plan for CrysTel, the organization in the "Building a Culture for Sustaining Change" Simulation. Develop a paper in which you do the following: a. Identify the major implications of the change at CrysTel, including any human behavior implications. b. Select an appropr