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    Human Biology

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    Roles of energy in biology

    1. Relate energy concepts to living things - 1 paragraph. 2. Why energy is not recycled in an environment ? 1 paragraph . 3. Why an ecosystem can only support a finite population of species. 1 paragraph. 4. Discuss human's excessive consumption of energy and its implications upon future generations

    AXONS at a Distance

    What is a 'target' and how does it exert an effect on axons at a distance? Can you give me examples of targets and the area of the cells that is targeted?

    Serial dilution problem

    You have decided to determine how many microbes are living on the lettuce in the salad bar at your favorite restaurant. You place 1 gram of lettuce and 99 mls of water in a blender and blend the mixture. This is sample A. You then transfer 1 ml of this dilution into to another that contains 9 mls of water. This becomes sampl

    Circulatory and Lymphatic System

    Lymphatic system 1. Bean shape lymphatic organs found along lymphatic vessels are called... a. lymph nodes b. medullary cords c. germinal centers d. cistema chili 2. In innate immunity a. each exposure is very specific b. previous exposure are remembered c. each exposure elicits approximately the same type of respon

    Identifying Unknown Bacteria

    If we are given a mixed broth tube with 2 unknowns, how will you isolate it? How will you know when it's isolated? Is it fair to say, that "Using sterile technique, I would preform the streak plate method. Once I can see, the 2 separate colonies in quadrant 4 of streak plate, I would put one of each colony into their own ag

    Earth's Carrying Capacity

    Technology has increased the Earth's capacity to support more humans, but it has also placed this increased capacity at risk. Please list three or four major ways that the Earth's carrying capacity has been threatened and give support for each answer. Thank you.

    Gulf of Mexico problem

    (See attached file for full problem description with proper symbols) 1A. An island in the Gulf of Mexico is approximately circular, with a radius of 5 kilometers. There is no emigration or immigration. In a mark-recapture study of an anole population, 115 anoles were captured, marked, and released. In a second capture, 175 s

    Biotechnology, Space and Evolution

    What are your thoughts on the impact that biotechnology might have on human evolution? How do you think the human race's expansion into space might affect our evolution?

    On Energy

    Can you help put me on the right track with these? Many biological reactions proceed at far too slow a rate to make them metabolically effective. Is it the presence of enzymes that lowers the activation energy so that these reactions can take place? If not, then what? ATP is considered a short-term form of energy for a

    Sugar is explored.

    This job provides me with a simple explanation for how eating too much sugar makes us fat.

    Energy Capacity to do Work

    By definition, energy "is the capacity to do work." It involves either manufacturing of molecules, moving objects or generation of heat and light. How does it flow within its cycle? What happens when a living being takes in too much or not enough energy? Is it possible to exceed our need for energy intake for ourselves and our a

    Effects of fracture on micturition are noted.

    What effect would a fracture of the lower spine and transaction of the lumbar region of the spinal cord have on micturition? How would micturition be controlled from now on? Will the need to void be felt? Will there be dribbling between voidings?

    Rigor mortis

    1. After death, the muscles of the body become very stiff and inextensible. This phenomenon is referred to as rigor mortis, and the muscles are said to be in a state of rigor. (a) Explain the biochemical basis of rigor mortis, in terms of the interaction of actin and myosin; ie, where in the contraction cycle is the

    Problem Set

    1 FSH stimulates the production of estrogen in this gland. 2 Functions in setting biological rhythms. 3 Produces and secretes testosterone. 4 Produces glucocorticoids. 5 Facilitates maternal behavior in mammals. 6 This hormone stimulates the release of two hypothalamic hormone. 7 A surge in this hormone triggers ovul

    Test of Semantic Similarity

    1a) In a test of semantic similarity and at a target stimulus duration of D -10ms, which of the words 'bird' and 'fish' would be the most likely choice (give approximate %) in response to presentation of the target word 'hen'? This job explains the answer with reference to figure 4.3 below. 1b) In a test of semantic similari

    Hormones Main Differences

    What is the main difference between a hormone and a neurotransmitter? Also I have been told that adrenalin is a hormone and a neurotransmitter depending on where it is released from. Is this correct?

    Nitric oxide in a patients gut

    Gas sample taken from the lumen of the large instestine of person suffering from the disease ulcerative colitis were founf to contain 100 times the level of NO as compared to those taken from controls. What does this tell you about the probable nature of the disease?


    Looks at what superantigens are and why they are produced by some pathogens. Includes examples.

    Blocking and Inducing Apoptosis

    Look at how different pathogens induce or inhibit the death of host cells to increase their own survival chances. Include examples.

    Antigenic Mimicry Pathogens

    A review of how various pathogens express antigens that mimic host antigens as a means of escaping the adaptive immune response. Includes specific examples and the implications for host immunology.

    Lymphocyte Induction Functions

    An introduction to B and T lymphocytes, how they develop and how they carry out their function. Appropriate for high school or first year college.

    What is a prion?

    This answer introduces prions, their multiple forms and their role in infectious and non-infectious diseases of humans, cows, sheep and deer.