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1 FSH stimulates the production of estrogen in this gland.
2 Functions in setting biological rhythms.
3 Produces and secretes testosterone.
4 Produces glucocorticoids.
5 Facilitates maternal behavior in mammals.
6 This hormone stimulates the release of two hypothalamic hormone.
7 A surge in this hormone triggers ovulation.
8 Necessary for "male" differentiation.
9 This temporary gland degenerates before each menstruation

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1 FSH stimulates the production of estrogen in this gland.
Response: FSH stimulates the production of estrogen from growing follicles in the ovaries. The estrogens (at least six different kinds) are secreted by follicular cells.

2 Functions in setting biological rhythms.
Response: The suprachiasmatic nucleus, a section of the hypothalamus, is responsible for setting diurnal rhythms in the body.

3 Produces and secretes testosterone.
Response: The male testes produce and secrete the major male hormone, ...

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