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    Free BrainMass Quizzes

    BrainMass academic quizzes are a great way to test your knowledge, learn more about your subjects and enjoy yourself! Use our quiz browser below to find something of interest, then take a quiz! You can also share quizzes with your friends via facebook.

    Biology Quizzes

    Feeding Babies

    Do you know the science behind feeding babies? Test your knowledge with this quiz.

    Birth 101

    Do you know about childbirth? Find out with this quiz.

    Pregnancy Knowledge

    How much do you know about being pregnant? Test your Pregnancy IQ with this quiz!

    Creating a Birth Plan

    Preparing for a birth and want to make sure that you're including all the right information? Use this quiz to get on the right track and check your birth plan knowledge!

    Light and Sight Vocabulary

    This quiz introduces basic definitions of vocabulary related to light and how human eyes. This information is important for an understanding of sight.

    Understanding the Musculoskeletal system

    Introduce and understand basic information how the skeletal system and muscular system work in close concert with one another. And how their interaction between muscle and bone, as they work together to allow us movement.

    Basic Immunology Quiz

    Intro to immuno quiz. Covers the basics of immunology and recognition of foreign substances by the body.

    The Plant Body

    This quiz will test your knowledge of the anatomy of a common plant.

    Biochemistry Basics

    A refresher quiz to test your knowledge of basics concepts of biochemistry.

    BioChemistry Basics

    This Quiz will test your knowledge of the amino acids used in biological systems

    How Well Do You Know Your Body?

    This quiz will assess the different systems of the human body. It will examine everything from the organs to the cellular processes that occur.

    Identifying Variables in Science Experiments, Part 2

    Using sample experiments, test yourself to see if you can identify independent, dependent, and controlled variables. Identifying variables is key in understanding and developing experiments. The questions are biology related, but this can be applied to any area of science.

    The Heart

    This quiz test the understanding of the heart and some of its parts. It is important to understand how the heart functions and what makes it function.

    Vision and Oculomotor Control

    This quiz will test the student's knowledge of the neural underpinnings of the visual system and its central pathways.