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    Free BrainMass Quizzes

    BrainMass academic quizzes are a great way to test your knowledge, learn more about your subjects and enjoy yourself! Use our quiz browser below to find something of interest, then take a quiz! You can also share quizzes with your friends via facebook.

    Health Sciences Quizzes


    This quiz provides a brief overview of Fibromyalgia. Research is currently evolving regarding this diagnosis.

    Celiac Disease

    This quiz will provide a brief introduction to Celiac Disease. Questions will focus on definitions and symptoms.

    First Aid

    Do you know how to provide first aid?

    CPR (Red Cross Standards)

    Are you up to date on your CPR skills? Find out if you know what to do in an emergency with this quiz.

    Stress Continuum

    All humans experience stress and a certain level is motivating for learning. However, a high level of stress for prolonged periods of time may have a negative impact. This information focuses on the four stages of stress. Understanding stress assists in maintaining a healthy level.

    Tumor Markers

    This quiz help you memorize common tumor markers used to detect and diagnose some types of cancer.

    Test your health planning and program evaluation knowledge

    Health planning and program evaluation is an important aspect of the Health Sciences' field. Organizations and communities must understand the needs of their audiences, and a way to obtain this datum is through proper design and assessment. This quiz will test your ability to understand the importance of planning and evaluation in the health sector.

    Managed Care Organizations

    This quiz will test the basics of managed care organizations. It is important to know how our health care delivery system operates through managed care.