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    Binomial distribution and probability of observing an event.

    Jared bets on the number 7 for each of 100 spins of a roulette wheel. Because P(7) = 1/38 he expects to win two or three times. What is the probability that Jared will actually win two or more times? This was a quiz question I answered incorrectly, I want to understand how to get it if a similar question is on the mid term.

    Poisson distribution and probability

    The owner of a small computer store personally sells one computer per week on the average. Use the Poisson distribution to find the probability of randomly selecting a week in which she personally sold three computers. To use excel I know I need to find the mean and x. I also know the corrct answer is .06. However, I am a

    Variance of the Distribution

    Audience members at a magic show are asked to guess the suits of 20 successive playing cards drawn from a well-shuffled deck. What is the variance of the distribution of correct answers from the audience?

    Poisson distribution for a meteor falling

    Say that a meteor falls somewhere in the Gobi Desert once a year on the average. Use the Poisson distribution to find the probability of randomly selecting a year in which no meteor falls in the Gobi Desert. I know the answer is .37 but do not know how to get it. Also, I do not have a scientific calculator I am using excel.

    Probability of Coin Tosses using Probability Mass Function

    Consider a sequence of independent tosses of a coin. A head (H) or tail (T) is the result of the toss of a coin. P(H) = P(T) = .50. X is the random variable Let X be the number of tosses needed to get the first tail. The p.m.f., probability mass function is given by P(X=x) = (1/2)^x, x = 1,2,..., Calculate the probabilit

    Waiting Line Model

    Determine the Waiting Line Model and Solve Below. 6. The Bijou Theater in Hermosa Beach, California, shows vintage movies. Customers arrive at the theater line at the rate of 100 per hour. The ticket seller averages 30 seconds per customer, which includes placing validation stamps on customers parking lot receipts and punch

    Binomial Probability Distribution: Passengers on a Flight

    An airline has flights from a small airport connecting with Ohare. These small planes carry 30 passengers. The airline knowing that only 85% of booked passengers routinely show up for a randomly selected flight routinely sell 31 tickets for each flight. What is the probability that on any random flight a passenger will be den

    Joint Probability Problems with Mutually Independent Distributions.

    The probability of Toyota building a new production plant is 70% and the probability of GM building a new one is 50%. The following are the probabilities associated with the countries Toyota would build a new plant: U.S. .15 Canada .30 Mexico .30 Korea .25 The probabilities associated with the countries GM

    Probability that a technician is required

    An installation technician for a specialized communication system is dispatched to a city only when three or more orders have been placed. Suppose orders follow a Poisson distribution with a mean of 0.25 per week for a city with a population of 100,000 and suppose your city contains a population of 800,000. a) What is the pr

    Poisson random variable..

    The number of messages sent to a computer bulletin board is a Poisson random variable with a mean of 5 messages per hour. a) What is the probability that 5 messages are received in 1 hour? b) What is the probability that 10 messages are received in 1.5 hours? c) What is the probability that fewer than 2 messages are rec

    Video game probability questions

    For problem choose what type of problem it is and solve using the binomial, geometric, or Poisson distribution. A player of a video game is confronted with a series of opponents and has an 80% probability of defeating each one. Success with any opponent is independent of previous encounters. The player continues to confron

    the probability that the light is green

    For problem choose what type of problem it is and solve using the binomial, geometric, or Poisson distribution. A particularly long traffic light on your morning commute is green 20% of the time that you approach it. Assume that each morning represents an independent trial. a) Over five mornings, what is the probability

    Calculations of Probability: Assuming Poisson Distribution

    A particular database gets hacker attempts at an average rate of 2.6 per month. Assume a Poisson distribution. 1. What is the probability of at least three hacker attempts during a month? 2. What is the probability of a hacker attempt occurring every 15 days or less (assume a 30 day month).

    Probability calculation for binomial distribution ..

    An airline estimates that 98% of people booked on their flights actually show up. If the airline books 76 people on a flight for which the maximum number is 74, what is the probability that the number of people who show up will exceed the capacity on the plane? Can you please help me with this?? take through step by step,,

    Multiplication Rule and Independent Events

    I really need you to show me how you get to the correct answer. Okay here goes: A statistics professor gives a surprise quiz consisting of 14 true/false questions and states that passing requires 9 correct responses. If the student guesses find the probability that the first 9 responses are correct and the last 5 responses

    Customer Arrival Average Rate

    Customers arrive to the company at a rate, on average, of one per hour with a Poisson distribution. The company is staffed by a single individual(the owner) who takes on average 30 minutes with each customer with a standard deviation of 15 minutes. a. The owner would like the average wait time to be at most around 10 minutes

    Data Gathering Techniques, Frequency etc.

    Final Project The Final Project is due no later than the end of Unit 9. These are the Final Project questions: Problem 1) A book inventory record contains the following information: a) Title: More Mysteries b) Author: Roger Mortimer c) Date of publication: 1998 d) List price: $25.00 e) Number in s

    Probability ...

    The probability is 1 in 4,000,000 that a single auto trip in the United States will result in a fatality. Over a lifetime, an average U.S. driver takes 50,000 trips. (a) What is the probability of a fatal accident over a lifetime? Explain your reasoning carefully. Hint: Assume independent events. Why might the assumption of inde

    Continuous random variable generated

    Question 2 Let X be a continuous random variable with the pdf f(x) = 42x5(1-x) 0<x<1 and let Y=X3. Suppose u=.145 is a random number generated from the uniform (0,1). Determine the corresponding random number from the distribution Y. This will involve solving a nonlinear equation by using Newton's Method. Question 3 Let F b

    Limit of a sequence of event is obtained

    Question 1 Let A1, A2,...,An be a sequence of increasing events of a sample space. That is, Ai is a subset of Ai+1 i 1. Let B1=A1 and Bi = Ai - Ai-1. Note that Ui=1 to Ai = Ui=1 to Bi a. Use the events B1, B2, ... to prove that limn  P(An) = P(limn  An) b. Suppose an experiment consists of selecting a random

    Distribution Function of a Random Variable

    A random variable X follows a distribution with probability density function (f_x)(x) = kx(1 - x), 0 < x < 1. (i) Determine the value of k. (ii) Find the probability P(0.4 <= x < 1) (iii) Find the value of a such that the cumulative density function F(a) = 0.6

    Binomial Distribution

    The probability that an individual is left-handed is 0.1. In a class of 30 students, what is the probability of finding at least five left-handers? Construct a binomial distribution. Find the mean, variance and standard deviation of the distribution.

    Normal curves and sampling distribution

    Novels : Romance USA Today reported that 11% of all books sold are of the romance genre. If a local bookstore sells 316 books on a given day,what is the probability that a) fewer that 40 are romances? b) at least 25 are romances? c) between 25 and 40 are romances? d) in the solution to this problem. what is n,p, q ? Does it

    Probability Find the indicated probabilities. a. P (z > -0.89) b. P (0.45 < z < 2.15) Write the binomial probability as a normal probability using the continuity correction. Binomial Probability Normal Probability c. P ( x &#8804; 56) P ( x < ? ) d. P ( x = 69 ) P ( ? < x < ?

    Find the indicated probabilities. a. P (z > -0.89) b. P (0.45 < z < 2.15) Write the binomial probability as a normal probability using the continuity correction. Binomial Probability Normal Probability c. P ( x &#8804; 56) P ( x < ? ) d. P ( x = 69 ) P ( ? < x < ?

    Binomial Distribution Problem

    The probability that an individual is left-handed is 0.1. In a class of 30 students, what is the probability of finding at least five left-handers? Construct a binomial distribution. Find the mean, variance and standard deviation of the distribution.

    Binomial Distribution

    57% of families say that their children have an influence on their vacation destinations. Consider a random sample of six families who are asked if their children have an influence on their vacation destination. Construct a binomial distribution. Find the mean, variance and standard deviation of the distribution.