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    Standard Deviation

    The annual commissions earned by sales representatives of Machine Products Inc., a manufacturer of light machinery, follow the normal distribution. The mean yearly amount earned is $40,000 and the standard deviation is $5,000. a. What percent of the sales representatives earn more than $42,000 per year? b. What perce

    Samples and Distribution: Life Insurance Per Household

    Information from the American Institute of Insurance indicates the mean amount of life insurance per household in the United States is $110,000. This distribution follows the normal distribution with a standard deviation of $40,000. a. If we select a random sample of 50 households, what is the standard error of the mean? b.

    Quantitative Decisions: Statistics, Probability, and Game Theory

    Please see the attached document for properly formatted questions. 1. Nick has plans to open some pizza restaurants, but he is not sure how many to open. He has prepared a payoff table to help analyze the situation. States of Nature Alternatives Good Market Fair Market Poor Market Open 1 380,000 70,000 -400,000 Op

    Standard deviation and probabilities.

    1)Assume x is normally distributed with mean u=15 and standard deviation 0=3. Use the approximate areas beneath the normal curve, as discussed in this section, to answer the following questions. Find p(x<_9) 2)Your high school graduating class had 564 members. Thirty-three percent of these are expected to attend college. The

    Simple random sample of overtime hours

    Employees in a large manufacturing plant worked an average of 62.0 hours of overtime last year, with a standard deviation of 15.0 hours. For a simple random sample of n=36 employees and x=the number of overtime hours worked last year, determine the z-score corresponding to each of the following sample means:a)x=55.0 hours b)x=

    Help with Statistics Problem: calculating probability.

    297. A new sports car model has defective brakes 15 percent of the time and a defective steering mechanism 5 percent of the time. Let's assume (and hope) that these problems occur independently. If one or the other of these problems is present, the car is called a "lemon." If both of these problems are present, the car is a "h

    Binomial Probability: find probabilities.

    5.A marketing firm wants to target people who eat breakfast by sending out a new product. According to recent statistics three in four people eat breakfast. If the marketer sends out samples to 10 people selected at random, Find the probability using the binomial probability distribution formula. (Show all work) a. Exactly

    Statistics & Probability : Sampling

    1. On a national standardized test with a normal distribution of scores, a mean of 50, and a standard deviation of 3.2, a student's score is 1.2 standard deviations above the mean. What is the students score? 2. A national achievement test has a normal distribution, a mean of 1000, and a standard deviation of 100. What per


    Suppose you are dealt a hand of 3 cards twice. What is the probability that you will receive exactly 2 kings in each of the two deals? How many different combinations can there be, such that, you will be dealt exactly two kings?

    Calculating probabilities.

    Approximately 14 percent of the population of Arizona is 65 years or older. A random sample of five persons from this population is taken. The probability that less than 2 of the 5 are 65 years or older is: A bank lobby has four video cameras positioned to view the entire lobby. Any one of the four is sufficient to monitor th

    Calculating probabilities: 3 questions.

    1) The odds of the Dallas Cowboys winning this year's Super Bowl are 3 to 1. Compute the probability of the Cowboys winning a).33 b).25 c).75 d) none. 2) An appliance dealer calculated the proportion of new dishwashers sold that required various numbers of service calls to correct problems during the warranty period. The r

    Determining an Expected Value of a Random Variable

    Suppose you want to sell your house and you have decided to accept the first offer exceeding M dollars, say. Assume that the offers are i.i.d. with common distribution F. Find the expected number of offers received before selling the house. I do not really know how to start the problem. I expect that I have to use either the

    Calculating probability...

    All Seasons Plumbing has two service trucks which frequently break down. If the probability the first truck is available is .75, the probability the second truck is available is .50, and the probability that both trucks are available is .30, what is the probability neither truck is available?

    Systems Engineering or Statics for MTBF and probability of failure

    Please review these attached Systems Engineering problems and provide assistance. The problems are related to Mean Time Between Failure and failure rates for systems. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. The failure rate (&#955;) of a device is 22 failures per million hours. Two standby


    Details: Using our data set from Unit 1, compose an email to the head of the American Intellectual Union which discusses the following: Begin your email to AIU by first providing an overview of the database, i.e. a story. Be sure to include information about how you would use the concept of probabilities to apply to prof


    If A and B are independent events with P(A) = 0.25 and P(B) = 0.60, then P(A/B) is? 2. Intentions of customers regarding future automobile purchases and the financial capability of the consumers are given below: Plan to buy qualify for within 6 6 months or

    Probability ...

    1. The salaries (in thousands of dollars) for a sample of 13 employees of a firm are: 26.5, 23.5, 29.7, 24.8, 21.1, 24.3, 20.4, 22.7, 27.2, 23.7, 24.1, 24.8 and 28.2. Compute the variances. 2. New York City is estimated to have 21 percent of the homes with TV sets served by cable TV. If a random sample of four is taken f

    Statistics - Probability..

    In a bag there are 20 marbles. The colors of the marbles are as follows: red - 5; blue - 8; green - 3; yellow - 4. a. What is the probability of selecting a red marble? b. What is the probability of selecting a blue marble? c. What is the probability of selecting a pink marble? None d. What is the probability of selectin


    New Orleans Punch was made by Frutayuda, Inc., and sold in 16-ounce cans to benefit victims of Hurricane Katrina. The mean number of ounces placed in a can by an automatic fill pump is 15.8 with a standard deviation of 0.12 ounce. Assuming a normal distribution, what is the probability that the filling pump will cause an overflo

    Probability and Z-score Calculations

    Tony Soprano and his "weasily" nephew Christopher were scheming on how they can rip off people through their waste management company. One of the ideas they are contemplating is giving everyone a much larger garbage can so they can charge higher rates. After all, the more garbage they pick up the more they can charge. Tony and C

    Probability and z-score

    New car manufacturer claims that miles per gallon for gas consumption is mound shaped and symmetric with a mean of 25.9 mpg with a standard deviation of 9.5 mpg. If 30 cars are tested, what is the probability the average mpg achieved by these 30 cars will be greater than 28? Answer rounded to the nearest 4 decimal places.

    Normal Distribution: Example Problem

    Electrical connectors manufactured by a supply company last an average of 18.2 months and follow a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 1.7 months. The company agrees to replace any connector that fails within 19 months. Out of 500 connectors sold, how many do the company expect to replace on average? Answer to ne


    The average hourly wage of workers at a fast food restaurant is $6.50/hr with a standard deviation of $0.45. Assume that the distribution is normally distributed. If a worker at this fast food restaurant is selected at random, what is the probability that the worker earns more than $6.75? Answer rounded to 4 decimal places.

    Statistics - Probability..

    Suppose that the probability that a new medication will cause a bad side effect is 0.03. If this medication is given to 150 people, what is the probability that exactly three of them will experience a bad side effect. Answer rounded to 4 decimal places.

    Probability - The length of time to complete a door assembly on ...

    The length of time to complete a door assembly on an automobile factory assembly line is normally distributed with mean 6.7 minutes and a standard deviation 2.2 minutes. For a door selected at random, what is the probability the asembly line time will be between 5 and 10 minutes? Answer to 4 decimal places.

    Probability using normal distribution explained in this solution

    1. Farmers often sell fruits and vegetables at roadside stands during the summer. One such roadside stand has a daily demand for tomatoes that is approximately normally distributed with a mean equal to 135 tomatoes per day and a standard deviation equal to 30 tomatoes per day. How many tomatoes must be available on any given da

    Distribution Probability: Vacation Destinations

    57% of families say that their children have an influence on their vacation destinations. Consider a random sample of six families who are asked if their children have an influence on their vacation destination. (a) Construct a binomial distribution (b) Find the mean, variance and standard deviation of the distribution

    Understanding and calculating probabilities.

    1. A certain company reduced its management staff from 18 managers to 12. The company claimed that the 6 managers were randomly selected for job termination. However, the 6 managers chosen are the 6 oldest managers among the 18 that were employed. What is the probability that when 6 oldest managers are randomly selected from