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    Defective Blackberries, Ripe Tomatoes

    1.Suppose that in an assortment of 20 blackberries, there are 5 with defective switches. In a draw without replacement, if 3 blackberries are picked at random, what is the probability that all 3 have defective switches? 2.A tray of 20 tomatoes has a 12.5% probability of being too ripe. What is the probability that exactly 3

    Probability: Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions

    What is a probability distribution and its purpose? Distinguish between discrete and continuous probability distributions. Give an example of each. What is randomness? Assume you have an Excel worksheet of the dimension, A1:E101. The first row contains data labels. How would you randomize the data file and to select a

    Utilization Rates, Down Times, and Probabilities

    19. "Fast Eddie" Flournoy manages the service equipment division of Delta Airline's Atlanta terminal. He keeps a service crew on call to repair tow tractors that break down. Tractors break down on an average of three per day. The repair crew could service an average of 8 tractors per day. "Fast Eddie", a real math whiz, estima

    LP Problem: critical path, completion time, and probabilities.

    *18. DEF A/C Remodelers has contracted to reconfigure the interior of a large corporate A/C. The project manager has determined that there are 11 steps to the process. In consultation with the project foreman he has determined the sequence and precedent for the 11 events, labeled A - K, and has estimated the optimistic, expe

    binomial distribution: probability that 3 people will buy

    A business owner decides to use a binomial distribution to solve one of his problems. He knows there is a 60 percent probability that he will sell one of his Red Oak floors to any customer who comes into his shop and views the wood. Out of the next 7 people who come into his shop, what is the probability that 3 people will

    Calculating joint pmf, conditional pmf, finding covariance

    1) suppose that you repeatedly toss a coin whoes probability of head is p. Let X denote the number of tosses needed to get the first head and Y denote the number of tosses needed to get the second toss. a) Find the joint pmf of X and Y. b) Find the conditional pmf of Y given X=x. c) Are X and Y independent? d) (Bonus) Find

    Problems with probabilities

    Please help with the following probability problem. A statistical experiment involves flipping a coin that is much thicker than a regular coin of the same diameter. When flipped, the probability for the thick coin to come to rest on its edge is 4 percent; otherwise it is a "fair coin" in the sense that we can get heads or ta

    Simulation of probability distributions

    Every 5 minutes a satellite sends an almost instantaneous signal burst to a ground station to communicate that all systems are working properly. The satellite will not transmit the burst if there is an error somewhere. The transmitted signal strength is 4 units. The signal received at the ground station is a combination of the t

    Fault Tree Problem: Calculating probabilities.

    Assume the probability of a tire blowout is 0.178% per 50,000 miles of use and that a person travels 15,000 miles per year in a car. Assume that the probability of loss of control is 60% if the blowout occurs on the front tires and 20% for the rear tires. If control is lost, the probability is 50% of veering to the right and 50%

    Conduct a simulation for 20 copier arrivals assuming that the system starts empty. Use the Excel random number function to determine the inspection times. Calculate the average time a copier spends in the system based on these 20 arrivals.

    Ricon, Inc. uses an assembly line to produce its office copiers. The final step in the assembly process is quality control inspection. Copiers arrive at the quality inspection area exactly every 90 seconds. The time it takes to perform a quality control inspection follows an exponential distribution, with a mean of 72 seconds

    Understanding waiting line models

    Please see attached for fully formatted questions. ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. a. The expected number of customer that will arrive in a five minutes period is b. The probability that exactly 0,1,2 and 3 customer will arrive during a five minutes period is c. The probability of delays will

    Probability ...

    It has been reported that the average US office worker receives 14 fax messages per day. For purposes of this exercise, we will assume that the daily number of fax messages is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 5.0 messages. For an office in which 10 workers are employed and considering these person as a simple


    For a random variable that is normally distributed, with u = 200 and o = 20, determine the probability that a simple random sample of 4 items will have a mean that is: a. greater than 210 b. between 190 and 230 c. less than 225

    Probability of randomly selecting ping-pong ball

    The diameter of ping-pong balls manufactures at a large factory is expected to be approximately normally distributed with a mean of 1.30 inches and a standard deviation of 0.04 inch. What is the probability that a randomly selected Ping-pong ball will have a diameter between 1.31 and 1.33 inches? a. 0.0987 b. 0.1747 c. 0.2

    Type of probability distribution

    What type of probability distribution will most likely be used to analyze the number of chocolate chip parts per cookie in the following problem? The quality control manager of Marilyn's Cookies is inspecting a batch of chocolate chip cookies. When the production process is in control, the average number of chocolate chip pa

    Normal distributions: Z scores and probabilities

    A continuous random variable, x, is normally distributed with a mean of $1000 and a standard deviation of $100. Convert each of the following x values into its corresponding z-score. a. x = $1000 b. x = $750 c. x = $1100 d. x = $950 e. x = $1225 2.Using the standard normal table, find the following probabilities

    Statistics - Probability of Business Failures

    The following data represent x = the total number of business and y = the number of business failures in mountain states over a 1-year period. x = Number of y = Number of State businesses business failures Arizona 146.67

    Finding probabilities with the help of binomial distribution

    A regional manager visits local fast-food franchises and evaluates the speed of the service. If the manager receives her meal within 45 seconds, the server is given a free movie-admission coupon. If it takes more than 45 seconds, the server receives nothing. Throughout the company's franchises, the probability is 0.60 that a

    Simulation Model

    Problem #19 Customers arrive at the Blinkies Donut shop between 6:30am and 8:30am according to a Poisson process with a mean rate of one every minute. Seventy percent of the arriving customers purchase one or two donuts, while 30% purchase the Blinkies Dozen pack. For customers purchasing one or two donuts, the service time

    Utility Analysis

    Need help with the attached excel spreadsheet. Sheet 1 is problem, Sheet 2 is template I need to use. Pharmgen Corporation has developed a new medication for the treatment of high blood pressure. Tests on laboratory animals have been promising, and the firm is ready to embark on human trials in order to gain approval from t

    Understanding statistics: probabilities of observing events.

    1. Assume that company A makes 80% of all electrocardiograph machines, company B make 15% of them, and the company C makes the other 5%. The electrocardiographs machines made by company A have a 4% rate of defects, the company B machines have a 5% rate of defects, while the company C machines have a 8% rate of defects. a) If a

    Statistics: understanding z-scores and probabilities of observing events.

    I would like some help with the following problems. Can I please get the actual manual work for the problems so I can follow the formula and follow the steps with other word problems. Thanks. 1. A normal population has a mean of 20.0 and a standard deviation of 4.0. a. compute the z value associated with 25.0. b. what prop

    calculating probabilities of events

    The Dept. of Labor has reported that 30% of the 2.1 million mathematical and computer scientists in the United States are women. If 3 individuals are randomly selected from this occupational group, and x = the number of females, determine P(x = 0), P(x = 1), P(x - 2), and P(x = 3).

    A probability problem: computing expected values and decision making ...

    There is a probability that the river will flood next year. Riverside's profits for the coming year depend on whether Laura buys the flood insurance and whether the river floods. The profits (which take into consideration the $10,000 premium for the flood insurance) for the four possible combinations of Laura's choice and river

    Probability ... (Please see the attached file)

    1. The number of homicides in Vermont from 1992 through 2001 is given in the following table. Find the mean, median, and mode of the data. 2. Find the standard deviation for the data shown in the table of problem #6.3. Use your answer from problems #6 and #7 to answer the following questions: a. What percent of the data i

    Probability Distributions

    Compose an email to discuss the following: Begin your email to AIU by first providing an overview of the database, i.e. a story. Be sure to include information about how you would use the concept of probabilities to apply to profiles for hiring more satisfied individuals. (Job Satisfaction is an attitude about one's j

    Probability problem

    If a die rolled one time, classical probability would indicate that the probability of a "two" should be 1/6. If the die is rolled 60 times and comes up "two" only 9 times, does this suggest that the die is "loaded"? Why or why not? It is reported that about 35% of adults attend sports event during the previous year. W