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    60 million households with personal computers were distributed as shown here with regard to geographic location and access to the internet. What is the probability that a randomly selected computer household would be in the category described by (South or Midwest or Yes)? In the category (West and No)? Access Northea

    Statistics Probability of the Coeffcient

    Long-term history has shown that 65% of all elected offices in a rural county have been won by Republican candidates. This year there are 5 offices up for public election in the county Let r be the number of public offices won by Republicans. a) Find P(r) for r=0,1,2,3,4, and 5 b) Make a histogram for the r probability d

    Probability of Observing an Event

    An extended-life light bulb claims the bulb has an average life of 12,000 hours, with a standard deviation of 500 hours. If the distribution is bell shaped and symmetrical, what is the approximate percentage of these bulbs that will last? a. Between 11,000 and 13,000 hours? b. Over 12,500 hours? c. Less than 11,000 hou

    Discrete random variables and their probablility distributions

    1.Thirty per cent of all patients undergoing a particular diagnostic procedure require a sedative. In a random sample of 10 patients undergoing the procedure, what is the probability that a.at least half will require a sedative? b.fewer then 3 will require a sedative? c.at least 9 will not require a sedative? 2.The durati

    Random Variables Classification and Market Age

    1.) Random Variables: Classification- Which of the following are continuous variables and which are discrete? a.) Speed of an airplane b.) Age of college professor chosen at random c.) Number of books in the college bookstore d.) Weight of a football player chosen at random e.) Number of lightning strikes in Rock Mountain

    Questions with geometric and negative binomials

    The solution addresses: The situation for using a geometric random variable occurs when we observe a sequence of independent "trials". Each trial has two possible outcomes which are usually called "success" and "failure".The probability of success is denoted and remains the same from trial to trial. Since each trial only ha

    Normal Probability distribution applications

    Problem 1) The weigh of a sophisticated running shoe is normally distributed with a mean of 12 ounces and a standard deviation of 0.5 ounces. a) What is the probability that a shoe weighs more than 13 ounces? b) What must the standard deviation of weght be in order for the company to state that 99.9% of its shoes are lea

    Arrangement and Group Statistics

    3. For the grand opening, an arena has selected 5 finalists, each of whom will win a season ticket located in one of 5 sections: The upper balcony, lower balcony, main floor, courtside, or a luxury box. (5 pts. each) a. How many different arrangements could there be for this promotion? b. The arena is also selecting 6 winne

    Probability of Sample proportion

    A producer of a juice drink advertises that it contains 10% real fruit juices. A sample of 75 bottles of the drink is analyzed and the percent of real fruit juices is found to be 6.5%. If the true proportion is actually 0.10, what is the probability that the sample percent will be 6.5% or less? a.0.7211 b.0.1562 c.0.5488

    Infinite Population with a Mean

    Given an infinite population with a mean of 75 and a standard deviation of 12, the probability that the mean of a sample of 36 observations, taken at random from this population, exceeds 78 is a.0.4332 b.0.0668 c.0.0987 d.0.9013

    Probability and Odds in Favor of an Event

    The odds in favor of an event are the number of successes divided by the number of failures. The probability of this event occurring is the number of successes divided by the sum of the number of successes and the number of failures. The number of successes is five and the number of failures is four. Find the odds in favor

    Calculate each probability for smoking by race for males

    Refer to the contingency table shown below. (a) Calculate each probability (i-vi) and explain in words what it means. (b) Do you see evidence that smoking and race are not independent? Explain. (c) Do the smoking rates shown here correspond to your experience? (d) Why might public health officials be interested in this type o

    Probability and Binomial Distribution

    6. The industry standards suggest that 10% of new vehicles require warranty service within the first year. A dealer sold 15 Nissans yesterday. Use equation (page 209) for part a) and Table II in back of book for part b) & c). Explain how you got values from table. a) What is the probability that none of these vehicles requi

    Conditional Probability and Joint Probability

    2. For the following table, what is the value of : a) P(A1) b) P(B1│A2) c) P(B2 and A3). Compute this as P(B2)*P(A3│ B2) . In what row and column will you find this answer? Rows are B1 & B2: columns are A1, A2 & A3. Second Event First Event A1 A2 A3 Total B1 2 1 3 6 B2 1 2 1 4

    Exponential distribution for sequence of independent

    The solution addresses the following questions: If X1 , X2, X3.....Xn , a sequence of independent , identically distributed( iid) random variables with finite mean µ and finite( non zero) variance σ2 then the distribution of.....

    Binomial Distribution Explained in the Solution

    The solution addresses (see attachment): Determine the cumulative distribution function of a binomial random variable with n =3 nad p = ½ Determine the cumulative distribution function of a binomial random variable with n =3 nad p = 1/4 n = 10 and p = 0.01.

    Excel to Solve Probabilities -Distributions -Degrees of Freedom

    I'm having a problem Using Excel to Solve Probabilities - Distributions - Degrees of Freedom. The question is listed below and the question with any relevant data is attached as an excel spread sheet. PROBLEM: Determine the following quantities using Excel: (a) Find the value of x such that P (t10x ? X) = 0.75, whe

    Using Excel Functions to solve probability problems

    Please help with the following problems. Provide the solution in an Excel spreadsheet. FACTS: The amount of time spent by North American adults watching television per day is normally distributed with a mean of 6 hours and a standard deviation of 1.5 hours. PROBLEM: (a) What is the probability that a randomly selec

    Find the largest number of room reservations that this hotel can book and still be at least 95% sure that everyone who shows up at the hotel will have a room on a given night. Using 322 reservations, find the probability that at least 90% of the available rooms will be occupied on a given night. Using 322 reservations, find the probability that at least 85% of the available rooms will be occupied on a given night.

    Suppose that a popular hotel for vacationers in Orlando, Florida, has a total of 300 identical rooms. Like many major airline companies, this hotel has adopted an overbooking policy in an effort to maximize the usage of its available lodging capacity. Assume that each potential hotel customer holding a room reservation, indepe

    Using Excel to Solve Probability Problems [Problem 6.25 ]

    I need help in using excel to solve the following problem: Problem 6.25 FACTS: Suppose that the number of ounces of soda put into a Pepsi can is normally distributed with ע =12.05 ounces and ∂ = 0.03 ounce. [Note: ע = mean and ∂ = standard deviation] PROBLEM: USE MS EXCEL TO SOLVE

    The speed with which utility companies can resolve problems is very important.

    The speed with which utility companies can resolve problems is very important. GTC, the Georgetown Telephone Company, reports they can resolve customer problems the same day they are reported in 70 percent of the cases. Suppose the 15 cases reported today are representative of all complaints. a. How many of the problems would

    Probability and Deviation

    X has binomial distribution with parameters n = 20 and p = 0.1. Find the probability that X deviates from its mean by *less than or equal to* "k" multiples of its standard deviation for (a) k = 1, (b) k = 2.

    Probability of inflammation of the gums

    Bad gums may mean a bad heart. Researchers discovered that 85% of people who had suffered a heart attack during a given calendar year also had periodontal disease, an inflammation of the gums. Only 29% of people who had not suffered a heart attack had periodontal disease, and only 1% of the population suffers a heart attack duri

    Binomial distribution and conditional probability

    2. A process follows the binomial distribution with n = 8 and p = .3. Find P(x > 6) to 4 decimal places -- x. x x x x 3. It is estimated that 3% of the athletes competing in a large tournament are users of an illegal drug to enhance performance. The test for this drug is 90% accurate. What is the probability that an athlete w

    Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

    Thirty per cent of patients undergoing particular diagnostic procedure require a sedative. In a random sample of ten patients undergoing this procedure, what is the probability that 1. At least half will require a sedative? 2. Fewer than 3 will require a sedative? 3. At least 9 will not require a sedative?

    Statistic - A new county hospital is attempting to determine whether ...

    A new county hospital is attempting to determine whether it needs to add a particular specialist to its staff. Five percent of the general hospital population in the county contracts the illness the specialist would treat. If 12 patients check into the hospital in a day, what is the probability that 4 or more will have the ill

    Probability, Samples, Confidence Intervals

    5.6 A certain airplane has two independent alternators to provide electrical power. The probability that a given alternator will fail on a 1-hour flight is .02. What is the probability that (a) both will fail? (b) Neither will fail. (c) One or the other will fail. Show your steps carefully. 5.7The probability is 1 in 4,000,00