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utility companies

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The speed with which utility companies can resolve problems is very important. GTC, the Georgetown Telephone Company, reports they can resolve customer problems the same day they are reported in 70 percent of the cases. Suppose the 15 cases reported today are
representative of all complaints.
a. How many of the problems would you expect to be resolved today? What is the standard
b. What is the probability 10 of the problems can be resolved today?
c. What is the probability 10 or 11 of the problems can be resolved today?
d. What is the probability more than 10 of the problems can be resolved today?

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n = 15
p = 70%
q = 1-p = 30%

a. How many of the problems would you expect to be resolved today? What is the standard

Mean = np = 15 x 70% = 10.5
Std Dev = ...

Solution provided by:
  • BE, Bangalore University, India
  • MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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