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    Statistics - Probability assessment

    Mean time between failures (MTBF) of 1200 operating hours. A mechanic wishes to know, "What is the probability that a particular engine may actually reach 1950 operating hours before failing?" As the quality engineer with responsibility for this particular part, what do you calculate for the answer to the question? Show the

    Statistics - Poisson Distribution for Failure Rate

    Given 5,000 light bulbs from an outside supplier. If past performance data indicates that these have been 3% defective, and a random sample of 40 parts are drawn from the shipment what is the probability that you will find more than 2 defective parts? Use the Poisson distribution to answer this question.

    Find binomial probabilities

    Population of consumers where 30% of them favored a new product and 70% of them disliked it. If 20 persons are sampled, what are the probabilities of finding: Binomial: 8 or fewer consumers who favor the product. Precisely 10 consumers who favor the product. Fewer than 6 consumers who favor the product. More than 7 consumers who

    Statistics: Condition Probability

    A survey showed that 24% of college students read newspapers on a regular basis and that 81% of college students regularly watch the news on TV. The survey also showed that 21% of college students both follow TV news regularly and read newspapers regularly. (a) What is the probability that a randomly selected college student

    probability of a binomial distribution

    It was reported that approximately 45% of all university professors are extroverted. Suppose you have classes with 6 different professors. a) What is the probability that all 6 are extroverts? b) What is the probability that none of your professors are extroverts? c) What is the probability that at least 2 of your prof

    Determining Probability and Standard Deviation: Crime Example

    Does crime Pay? The FBI Standard Survey of Crimes showed that for about 80% of all property crimes , the criminals are never found and the case is never solved. Suppose that a neighborhood district in a large city has repeated property crimes, not always by the same criminals. The police are investigating six property crimes cas

    probability of Poisson distribution

    Accidents at a chemical plant occur at a rate of 1.9 per month. Find: The expected number of accidents in a year? The probability of no accidents next month? The probability of fewer than three accidents next month?

    Additional properties of the binomial distribution

    The quality control inspector of a production plant will reject a batch of syringes if 2 or more defective syringes is found in a random sample of 8 syringes taken from the batch. Suppose the batch 1% defective syringes. a. Make a histogram showing the probabilities of r = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or defective syringes in a random sam

    Determining Probability: Dating Questions

    James Burke claims that about 70% of all single men would welcome a women taking the initiative in asking for a date. A random sample of 20 single men were asked if they would welcome a women taking the initiative in asking for a date. What is the probability that come a women taking the initiative in asking for a date. What is

    Binomial probabilities - Trevor is interested in purchasing the local hardware/sporting goods in the small town of Dove creek, Montana. After examing accounting records for the past several years, he found that ...

    Trevor is interested in purchasing the local hardware/sporting goods in the small town of Dove creek, Montana. After examing accounting records for the past several years, he found that the store has been grossing over $850 per day about 60% of the business days it is open. Estimate the probability that the store will gross over

    Random variables and probabilities distributions

    Age range(yr)| 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ Midpoint | 24.5 34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5 74.5 84.5 Percent of | 5.7 9.7 19.5 29.2 25.0 9.1 1.8 nurses a) Using the age midpoints x and the percentages of of nurses, do we have a valid probability distribution? Explain. b)

    Statistics - Probability Questions

    1.Typographical and spelling errors can be either "nonword errors" or "word errors." A nonword error is not a real word, as when "the" is typed as "teh." A word error is a real word, but not the right word, as when "lose" is typed as "loose." When undergraduates are asked to write a 250 word essay (without spell checking), the

    Determining the Value of P: Production Line Example

    A production line manager, J, is trying to design a manufacturing line, using the machines that her company already has. Based on the historical records, each individual candidate machine will fail, during the production, with a probability of 1-p, and their failures are independent. Since the company plans to discard the machin

    Statistics: Solving Probability Problems

    Data collected from town A shows that 60% of drivers are above 30 years old. 5% of all the drivers over 30 will be prosecuted for a driving offense during a year, compared with 10% of drivers aged 30 or younger. If a driver has been prosecuted, what is the probability they are 30 or younger?


    Question: An office furniture manufacturer makes filing cabinets. It offers customers 2 choices for the base and 4 choices for the top, and 5 different heights. A customer may choose any combination of the 5 different-sized modules so that the finished filing cabinet has a base, a top, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 storage module


    I scheduled three calls for a particular day, and each call has a probability of 0.5 of making a sale. What are his probabilities of making (a) three sales, (b) two or more sales, (c) no sales?

    Solving Probabilities and Binomial Distributions

    An oil co. is drilling some wells. the results are described as either a dry well or a producer well. Past experience suggests that 10% of exploratory wells are producer wells. If the company drills 12 wells, what is the probability that all 12 wells are producer wells? What is the probability that all 12 wells are dry wells?

    Calculating Probability Based on Z Score

    People with type O-negative blood are universal donors. That is, any patient can receive a transfusion of O-negative blood. Only 7% of the American population have O-negative blood. If 10 people appear at random to give blood, what is the probability that at least 1 of them is a universal donor? (Please show all steps)

    Probability - Genetics Cystic fibrosis is a recessive trait

    Cystic fibrosis is a recessive trait in humans. a. If two people are heterozygous for cystic fibrosis and they have 3 kids, what is the probability that one of these will have cystic fibrosis? b. What is the probability that only the first child will have cystic fibrosis? c. What is the probability that they will hav

    Permutations: Different Ways the Winners Can Be Drawn

    In the cash now lottery game there are 10 finalists who submitted entry tickets on time. From these 10 tickets, three grand prize winners will be drawn. The first prize is one million dollars, the second prize is one hundred thousands dollars, and the third prize is ten thousand dollars. Use the permutations rule to determine th

    Compound events: Dice example

    You roll two fair dice, a green one and a red one. a) Are the outcomes on the dice independent? b) Find P(1 on green die and 2 on red die). c) Find P (2 on green die and 1 on the red die). d) Find P(1 on green die and 2 on red die) or (2 on green die and 1 on red die).

    Elementary Probability Theory: Botanist Example Problems

    Elementary Probability Theory: A botanist has developed a new hybrid cotton plant that can withstand insects better than other cotton plants. However, there is some concern about the germination of seeds from the new plant.To estimate the probability that a new plant will germination, a random sample of 3000 seeds was planted

    Elementary Probability Theory: Rolling a Single Fair Die

    a) If you roll a single fair die and count the number of dots on top, what is the sample space of all possible outcomes? Are the outcomes equally likely? b) Assign probabilities to the outcomes of the sample space of part? a)do the probabilities add up to 1 ? c) What is the probability of getting of getting a number less than

    Exponential Distribution: Expected Value

    The port of Trop can service only 1 ship at a time. However, there is mooring space for 3 more ships. Trop is a favorite port of call, but, if no mooring space is available the ships have to go to the next port. An average of 7 ships arrive each week, according to the Poisson process. The Port of Trop has the capacity to handle

    binomial approximation and hypergeometric distribution

    Suppose X has a hypergeometric distribution with N = 40, M = 10 and n = 4. a. Find P(X<=2) b. Find the binomial approximation to the probability in (a) by ignoring that N is finite and taking p = M/N = .25. Is the approximate accurate?