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    The probability is 1 in 4,000,000 that a single auto trip in the United States will result in a fatality. Over a lifetime, an average U.S. driver takes 50,000 trips. (a) What is the probability of a fatal accident over a lifetime? Explain your reasoning carefully. Hint: Assume independent events. Why might the assumption of inde

    Random Variable/Uniform Distribution

    A random variable Y is uniformly distributed over a range of 0 to 2*pi. Another random variable X is related to Y by X=cos(Y). Find the probability density function of X.

    Airplane Alternators and Fatal Accidents Probability

    1. A certain airplane has two independent alternators to provide electrical power. The probability that a given alternator will fail on a 1-hour flight is .02. What is the probability that (a) both will fail? (b) Neither will fail? (c) One or the other will fail? Show all steps carefully. 2. The probability is 1 in 4,000,00


    Problem 1. A local bank reports that 80 percent of its customers maintain a checking account, 60 percent have a savings account, and 50 percent have both. If a customer is chosen at random, what is the probability the customer has either a checking or a savings account? What is the probability the customer


    Problem 2. A recent study of the hourly wages of maintenance crew members for major airlines showed that the mean hourly salary was $20.50, with a standard deviation of $3.50. If we select a crew member at random, what is the probability the crew member earns: a. Between $20.50 and $24.00 per hour? b. More than $24.00 per hour?

    Binomial probability conversion

    Ten percent of the population is left handed. A class of 100 students is selected. Convert the binomial probability P(x<12) to a normal probability by using the correct continuity.

    Probability: Boat Schedules and Weather

    1. During summer weekdays, boats arrive at the inlet drawbridge according to the Poisson distribution at a rate of 3 per hour. In a 2 hour period, what is the probability that 2 boats arrive? Please provide the answer in the form 0.xxxx or .xxxx. 2. A researcher wants to simulate sunny and rainy days in her town for a 3

    M&M Statistics

    I have been working with M&M's throughout this classes course. From the data I gathered I developed histograms and calculated descriptive statistics. Based on this data I then can make judgments on what I can expect to see when I buy packages of M&M's at the store. To do this I calculate what is called confidence limits

    Binomial Distribution for Monitoring Calls

    According to a survey conducted by Peter, 37% of adults are concerned that employers are monitoring phone calls Use the binomial distribution formula to calculate the probability that a) out of 5 adults, none is concerned. b) out of 5 adults all are concerned. c) out of 5 adults, exactly 3 are concerned that employers are m

    Poisson Distribution - During a 36 year period, lightening killed 2768 people in the US. Assume that this rate holds true today and is constant throughout the year. Find the probability that tomorrow ...

    During a 36 year period, lightening killed 2768 people in the US. Assume that this rate holds true today and is constant throughout the year. Find the probability that tomorrow a) no one in the US will be struck and killed by lightening b) one person will be struck and killed c) more than one person will be struck and kille


    A Tamiami shearing machine is producing 10 percent defective pieces, which is abnormally high. The quality control engineer has been checking the output by almost continuous sampling since the abnormal condition began. What is the probability that in a sample of 10 pieces: a. Exactly 5 will be defective? b. 5 or more will

    Probability and Expected Loss

    X=age(years) 60 61 62 63 64 p(death at this age 0.00756 0.00825 0.00896 0.00965 0.01035 a) What is the probability that sara will die in her 60th year? using this probability and the $50,000 death benefits, what is the expected loss? b) Repeat part(a) for years 61,62

    5. The probability that a randomly selected computer will malfunction when a student has an internet class assignment due is 0.15. What is the probability ...[See the attached Question File.]

    5. The probability that a randomly selected computer will malfunction when a student has an internet class assignment due is 0.15. What is the probability ... 6. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the number of computer malfunctions in a class of 9 students as described in problem 5. 10. IQ scores are norma

    Statistics - Probability Distribution Problems

    1. A Gallop Poll was conducted in March 2008 on what drivers thought the peak gas price per gallon would be for 2008 by interviewing 1025 randomly selected American adults. ... 2. For the survey in #1, what are the odds in favor that a person believes gas prices per gallon will peak above $4.00 per gallon? ... [See the attac

    Binomial Probability: Booking a Flight with SwissAir

    Probability Aczel & Sounderpandian (sixth ed) Problem 2-90 SwissAir maintains a mailing list of people who have taken trips to Europe in the last three years. The airline knows that 8% of the people on the mailing list will make arrangements to fly SwissAir during the period following their being mailed a brochure. In a

    Probability of drawing two cards from a deck

    2 cards drawn from a 52 but before the second card is drawn you put the first one back and reshuffle the deck a) Are the outcomes on the two cards independent and why? b) Find p(3 on first card and 10 on second), find p(10 on the first card and 3 on second). c) Find the probability of drawing a 10 and an 3 in either order.

    Estimate the probability that the height of the arch opening

    Height of arch, feet:.....3-9......10-29.....30-49....50-74.....75+ # of arches in park:......111........96..........30.........33........18 Use the information to estimate the probability that the height of the arch opening is a)3 to 9 feet b)30 feet or taller c)10-74 feet

    Relative frequency and sample space

    Estimate a probability that a seed from new plant will germinate a random sample of 3000 seeds, of those seeds 2430 germinated a) Use relative frequencies to estimate that the seed will germinate, estimate the probability that the seed will not germinate b) What is the sample space for this problem and does it add up tp 1?

    Probability - Expotential Distributions

    The distance between major cracks in highway follows an exponential distribution with a mean of 5 miles. a) What is the probability that there are no major cracks in a 10 mile stretch of highway. b) What is the probability there is 2 major cracks in a 10 mile stretch of highway c) what is the std deviation of the dista

    The life of a roller bearing

    Assume that the life of a roller bearing follows a Weibull Distribution with parameters: Beta = 2 and delta = 10000 hours. a) determine the probability that a bearing lasts at leasts 8000 hrs. b) Determine the mean time until failure of a bearing. c) If 10 bearings are in use and failures occur independently what is the pro

    Probability Distribution of Hummingbirds Eggs Incubation Time

    10. Wildlife Hummingbirds Selasphorus sasin is the scientific name for what is commonly called "Allen Hummingbird" This beautiful hummingbird lives on the west coast of the United States and is named C.A. Allen (1841-1930) , who studied these birds extensively. Let x be a random variable that represents the incubation time for

    Simple Probability of Survey Results

    Please help with the following problems. 3. Use this table to answer questions #3 through #5. Some students were asked if they carry a credit card. Here are the responses. Class______ | Credit Card Carrier | Not a Credit Card Carrier | Total Freshman______________33_______________________27________________60 Sophomore____

    Finding probability of household purchases of ground coffee

    During 2001, 61.3% of US households purchased ground coffee.These households spent an average of $36.16 on ground coffee during the year. Consider the annual ground coffee expenditures for households purchasing ground coffee, assuming that these expenditures are approximately distributed as a normal random variable with a mean o

    President of agency specializing in public opinion surveys claims

    The president of an agency specializing in public opinion surveys claims that approximately 70% of all people to whom the agency sends questionnaires responds by filling out an returning the questionnaire. Four such questionnaires are sent out. Let r be the number of questionnaires that are filled out and returned. What is t

    Probability Distribution - Mean and Standard Deviation

    1. On average, 40% of U.S. beer drinkers order light beer. (5 points) a. What is the probability that none of the next eight customers who order beer will order light beer? b. What is the probability that one customer will? c. What is the probability that two customers will? d. What is the probability that fewer than three w

    Mean, Median and other statistics questions

    1. Some normal probability distributions may have the same mean, but their standard deviation may be different True or False 2. As the sample size increases, the standard error of the sample mean increases. True or False 3. Which of the following statement(s) about the normal probability distribution is/are true?