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    Probability of Prophecy Fulfilled

    Based on the below account of prophecy and fulfillment how do I write out the answer based on the formula to solve the equation. I guess for statistics sake we could say that he could have ridden in on a camel, horse, or donkey. How do I go about doing this? Thanks for your help? SO would the probability be .50 a yes he wou

    Probability of alternators of an airplane not working

    A certain airplane has two alternators to provide electrical power. The probability that a given alternator will fail on a 1-hour flight is.02. What is the probability that(a)both will fail? (b) neither will fail. (c) one or other will fail. Show steps. Do not understand the concept of figuring out the solution for probability p

    Catalyst Data Corporate Officer

    According to Catalyst, a New York based women's advocacy and research group, 12% of all corporate officer's at the 500 largest U.S. corporations in 1999 were women, compared to 8% in 1995. a.) According to catalyst data, in sample of 1,000 corporate officer's at the 500 largest U.S. firms, how many would you expect to be wo

    Fluctuation in the prices of precious metals such as gold have been empirically shown to be well approximated by a normal distribution when observed over short interval of time. What is the probability that the client's gold will be sold the next day?

    Fluctuation in the prices of precious metals such as gold have been empirically shown to be well approximated by a normal distribution when observed over short interval of time. In May 1995, the daily price of gold (1 troy ounce) was believed to have a mean of $383 and a standard deviation of $12. A broker, working under these a

    Casino Game Probability

    Think of your favorite casino game (craps, black-jack, roulette, etc) and analyze the probabilities of a few different outcomes. For example what is the probability of getting three straight craps (seven) in the game of craps?

    The difference between a discrete and a continuous random variable

    I need help with these problems: Explain the difference between a discrete and a continuous random variable. Give two examples of each type of random variable. Determine whether each of the distributions given below represents a probability distribution. Justify your answer. a) x 1 2 3 4 P (x) 1/8 1/8 3/8 1/8

    There is a 20% probability of a rain tomorrow means that ...

    WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT 1, 2, OR 3 AND WHY? There is a 20% probability of a rain tomorrow means that: 1. Tomorrow it will be raining during 0.2 of the day, and the rest of the day it will be clear; 2. Out of the next 5 days, one day it will be raining ; 3. According to the records, if a weather like one we have today occu

    American Intellectual Union: Employee Job Satisfaction Report

    Compose an email to the head of the American Intellectual Union which discusses the following: Begin your email to AIU by first providing an overview of the database, i.e. a story. Be sure to include information about how you would use the concept of probabilities to apply to profiles for hiring more satisfied individual

    Normal distribution and stock

    You're not sure if you should buy a stock and need to discover the probability of the stock having a positive return (based on one year). The annual rates are: mean=4% & standard deviation = 5%

    Standard Normal Variables

    Let z be a standard normal random variable and calculate the following probabilities: p (0.72is less than z which is less than 2.17) p (z is greater than -2) = p(z is less than or equal to -1.8

    Probability of Magazine Subscription

    Several Students enrolled in a finance course subscribe to Money magazine. If two students are selected at random from this class, the probability that neither of the chosen students subscribes to Money is 0.81. Furthermore, the probability of selecting one student who subscribes and one student who does not subscribe to this ma

    Wages in Construction Industry

    Wages in the construction industry average $11.90 per hour with a standard deviation of $1.40. What percent of workers make less than $10.50 per hour (z = -1.00)? 2. The probability of employees taking the time to fill out a survey at Comptex is 17%. There are 5 people in the department managed by Alice. What is

    Lognormal Distribution & Probability

    1. If X, Y are lognormal distribution, what the distribution of X/Y? 2. what is the probability of getting 40 or less heads in 100 coin tosses. What distribution is this. With what other distribution can you approximate this. What is the final probability. 3. Which is greater exp((a+b)/2) or (exp(a)+exp(b))/2 4. what

    Average IQ Probability

    Assume that adults have a normally distributed IQ scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Find the probability that a randomly selected adult has an IQ less than 135. P(IQ < 135) =

    Your store wraps gifts 2 hour after they are received.

    Your store wraps gifts 2 hour after they are recieved. The distribution of times is approximately normal, the standard deviation is 15 mins, today you wrapped 120 gifts (Empirical rule). a. how many gifts would expect to wrap within 2 hours 15 mins of being received. b. how many gifts would you expect to be wrapped within 1

    Let X be a random variable representing the sum of trials.

    Let X be a random variable representing the sum of trials. Then X is a binomial random variable if all of the following are satisfied except a. no two trials can have the same outcome b. p, the probability of "success" on any trial is the same for all trials c. each trial has exactly two possible outcome

    Probability of Smokers

    For questions 1 through 3 use the table below. The table shows the number of smokers and nonsmokers by gender among 220 people. Assume one person is chosen at random from the 220. Smokers Nonsmokers Totals Male 40 60 100 Female 40 80 120 Totals 80 140 220 1. If a smoker is chose

    Probability of Cracked Eggs

    A carton contains 12 eggs, five of which are cracked and seven of which are good. If four eggs are chosen at random, what is the probability that there will be three cracked and one good among the four chosen?

    Popularity of Presidential Candidates

    Nine presidential candidates are ranked in popularity according to a recent poll and the top three in order are announced: George (1); Thomas (2); and James (3). If three candidates were picked at random, what is the probability of picking those three and in that order?

    In establishing warranties

    In establishing warranties on HDTV sets, the manufacturer wants to set the limits so that few will need repair at manufacturer expense. On the other hand, the warranty period must be long enough to make the purchase attractive to the buyer. For a new HDTV the mean number of months until repairs are needed is 36.84 with a standa

    Determining the probability of S1

    States A1 A2 A3 1 12 -2 8 2 4 10 5 Where; S1 is State of Nature 1, A1 is Action Alternative 1 S2 is State of Nature 2, A2 is Action Alternative 2 A3 is Actio