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    Probability Calculations for JENN Inc.

    JENN Inc. supplies under-hood emission control air pumps to the automative industry. The pump is vacuum-powered and works while the engine is operating., cleaning the exhaust by pumping extra oxygen into the exhaust system. If a pump fails before the vehicle in which it is installed has traveled 50,000 miles, Federal emission re

    Statistics and Process Capability : LSL, USL and CpK

    Please help with the following problem. A data set contains 16 measurements as follows: 1525; 1561; 1541; 1532; 1499; 1551; 1554; 1528; 1514; 1548; 1534; 1505; 1500; 1538; 1529; 1519 the calculated mean = 1530 and the calculated std deviation = 19 The USL and LSL are respectively 1560 and 1510 and I, therefore, deri

    Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions

    Business Applications When only the value-added time is considered, the time it takes to build a laser printer is thought to be uniformly distributed between 8 and 15 hours. a. What are the chances that it will take more than 10 value-added hours to build a printer? b. How likely is it that a printer will require fewer t

    Discrete and Continuious Probability Distribution Practice Problems

    5.3 Used the binomial distribution table to callculate the following probabilites for a binomial random variable where n = 20 and p = 0.40 a. p(x = 10) b. p(7< x <12) c. P(x &#8805; 12) 5.29 If &#955; = 5 and t=2 for a Poisson distribution, a. Determine the mean and standard deviation of this Poisson ditribution b. W

    Probability Distribution - E-mail Potential Acquisition

    E-mail Potential Acquisition You've done a great job so far, but we need you to investigate another situation. BankTen is considering an acquisition and has narrowed the possibilities to three companies. All three of these acquisitions are ongoing businesses with a profit stream and can be acquired for about the same amount o

    Probability of selling life insurance

    1. The probability that a life insurance salesperson following up a magazine lead will make a sale is 30%. A salesperson has two leads on a certain day. What is the probability that the salesperson will sell: a. Both b. Exactly one policy c. at least one policy

    Continuous Probability Distribution at Hydronics Company

    DATA ATTACHED The Hydronics Company is in the business of developing health supplements. Recently, the company's R&D department came up with two weight-loss plans that included products produced by Hydroniccs. To determine whether these products are effective, the company has conducted a test. A total of 300 people who eac

    Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions

    East-West Translations publishes textbooks of ancient Oriental teachings for English-speaking universities. The company currently is testing a computer-based translation service. Because Oriental symbols are difficult to translate, East-West assumes the computer program will make some errors, but then so do human translators.

    Discrete Probability Distributions Gateway 2000 Inc.

    5.18 Gateway 2000, Inc., receives large shipments of microprocessors from Intel Corp. It must try to ensure that the proportion of microprocessors that are defective is small. Suppose Gateway decides to test five microprocessors out of a shipment of thousands of them. Suppose that if at least one of the microprocessors is de

    Introduction to Probability Distribution.

    At one Las Vegas casino, if you net $5 that a 12 will come up as the total points on two dice, and you win, you will get back $50. If any total other than 12 comes up, you get back $0. based on the assumption that the dice are fair, what is the expected payoff for placing this bet?

    Probability Distribution and Probability

    The Seremonte Emergency Medical Department has recorded the number of emergency calls received each day for the past 200 days. These data are shown in the this frequency distribution: Calls Number of Days 0 22 1 20 2 40 3 558 4 28 5 20 6 5 7 10 a. Determine the probability of distribution based

    Introduction to Probability Distributions

    Four possible prizes are being awarded by a real estgat developer to people who will look at new property. The prizes are being awarded based on a blind drawing with the following probability distribution: x P(x) $ 10 0.80 $ 20 0.10 $ 100 0.08 $ 1000 0.02 a What is the expected prize award? b What is the stan

    Introduction to Probability Distribution

    A Courtyard Hotel by Marriott conducted a survey of its guests. Sixty-two surveyors were completed. Based upon the data from the survey, (see attached) determine the following: a) Two customers are selected. What is the probability that both will be on a business trip? b) What is the probability that a customer will be on

    Using Probability and Probability Distribution

    You are given the following: A B C D 100 150 50 E 600 150 150 F 300 300 300 a) What is the probability of event A? b) What is the probability of event A and B? c) What is the probability of event B and F? d) What is the probability of event E given that event A has occurred? e) What

    The Probability Rules

    A Courtyard Hotel by Marriott conducted a survey of its guests. Sixty-two surveys were completed. The data can be found in the attachment, based on the survey data, determine the following probabilities using the relative frequency of occurrence method: a. What is the probability a customer either probably will or definitel

    Fortune 500 Probability

    The Fortune 500 ranks the 500 largest U.S. corporations. The 1998 list revealed that 30 firms have their headquarters in Ohio. What is the probability that a firm selected at random from the list would have its headquarters in Ohio?

    The Rules of Probability

    #1 A manager of a gasoline filling station is thinking about a promotion that she hopes will bring in more business to the full-service island. She is considering the option that when a customer requests a fill-up if the pump stops with the dollar amount at $9.99, the customer will get the gasoline-free. Previous studies show

    The Rules of Probability

    #1 A study of the classified advertisements in a local newspaper shows that 204 are help-wanted ads, 520 are real estate ads, and 306 are for other ads. a) If the newspaper plans to select an ad at random each week to be published free, what is the probability that the ad for a specific week will be a help-wanted ad? b) Wha

    Creating a Decision Tree in Excel

    Management at Canron, a switch maker, is confronting a problem of determining whether or not to develop a new ultra power optical switch. The research and development costs of developing such a switch is estimated to be $25 million. If the company goes ahead with the R&D and develops the switch, a crucial issue is whether or not

    Continuous Probability Distribution - Statistical Analysis

    JENN Inc. supplies under-hood emission control air pumps to the automotive industry. The pump is vacuum-powered and works while the engine is operating., cleaning the exhaust by pumping extra oxygen into the exhaust system. If a pump fails before the vehicle in which it is installed has travelled 50,000 miles, Federal emission r

    Microprocessors Probability Statistics

    1. Gateway 2000, Inc., receives large shipments of microprocessors from Intel Corp. It must try to ensure that the portion of microprocessors that are defective is small. Suppose Gateway decided to test five microprocessors out of shipment of thousands them. Suppose that if at least one of the microprocessor is defective, the

    Construct a Contingency Table

    Question 1 The table below contains the opinions of a sample of 200 people (broken down by gender) about the latest congressional plan to fund abortion clinics. For Neutral Against Totals Female 38 54 12 104 Male 12 36 48 96 Totals 50 90 60 200 Find the probability that a randomly selected a)person would be

    The solution discusses the sample space and probabilities of die

    Question 3 An experiment consists of rolling one die. Let A be event that the die shows more than one, B be event that the die shows more than 4, and C be event that die shows an even number. a) List the sample space of this experiment. b) Find P(A), P(B), P(C) c) Find P(A or C), P(A or B), P(A and C), P(B and C) d) A

    Probability Calculations for Auto Accidents

    A study of a certain road intersection revealed that the mean number of auto accidents per month at the intersection is 3.4. Assuming the distribution of accidents per month is Poisson. (A) Find the probability that there are exactly 4 accidents in some month. (B) Find the probability that there are no accidents in some mont

    Statistics: Poisson and Normal Distributions

    1. A city had an average of 2.6 lightning storms per month. What is the probability of at least 3 lightning storms during a month? A. 12.26% B. 21.76 % C. 26.40% D. 48.16% E. none of the above 2. If the number of miles per gallon (mpg) achieved by cars of a particular model has a mean of 25 and a standard devia

    Joint probability density function problem

    Let X1 and X2 denote the proportion of two different chemicals found in a sample mixture of chemicals and used as an insecticide. Suppose X1 and X2 have the joint probability density function given by: f(x) = { 2 0 <= x1 <= 1, 0 <= x2 <= 1, 0 <= x1+x2 <= 1 0 otherwise} Let Y = X1 + X2, that is the to

    Potential Acquisitions

    You've done a great job so far, but we need you to investigate another situation. BankTen is considering an acquisition and has narrowed the possibilities to three companies. All three of these acquisitions are ongoing businesses with a profit stream and can be acquired for about the same amount of capital. Each of these acq

    Linear Programming

    You are given the choice of three doors. Behind one is a new car and the others hide a barnyard animal for you to keep. After you choose door number one, your host (Monty) opens door three to reveal a goat. He then asks you if you would like to switch to door two. Has the probability of success gone from 1/3 to 1/2 and then s