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    Probability of Lottery Winnings

    What is the probability you will win any money in the state lottery and the probability that you will win at least $100, if the payoff for $2.00 is 0.0200; $25.00 is 0.0100; $100 is 0.0050; $500 is 0.0010; $5000 si 0.0005 and $10,000 is 0.0001? Please show step by step in detail of how you compute the answers.

    Important information about Intersection and conditional probability

    Suppose that a certain college class contains 45 students. Of these, 26 are sophomores, 25 are chemistry majors, and 7 are neither. A student is selected at random from the class. (a) What is the probability that the student is both a sophomore and a chemistry major? (b) Given that the student selected is a chemistry ma

    Calculate the best expected pay off (EMV).

    Suppose a product needs to be marketed, but the manufacturer can make the product in three ways using any one of the three designs. There are three categories of market conditions and they occur with the probabilities given in the following table: Design Market condition I with probab

    Probability, Mean

    1. A manufacturer of batteries for "kids' toys" wishes to investigate the length of time a battery will last. Tests results on a sample of 10 batteries indicated a sample mean of 5.67 and a sample standard deviation of 0.57. a. Determine the mean and the standard deviation b. What is the population mean? What is the best e

    Normal distribution raw scores

    Suppose that scores on a particular test are normally distributed with a mean of 130 and a standard deviation of 19. What is the minimum score needed to be in the top 5% of the scores on the test? Carry your intermediate computations to at least four decimal places, and round your answer to at least one decimal place. Can y

    Probability Machine

    A machine is set to pump cleanser into a process at the rate of 7 gallons per minute. Upon inspection, it is learned that the machine actually pumps cleanser at a rate described by the uniform distribution over the interval 6.5 to 7.5 gallons per minute. Find the probability that the machine pumps less than 6.75 gallons during

    Find the Probability - Sample Mean Weight

    The amount of corn chips dispensed into a 10 ounce bag by the dispensing machine has been identified at possessing a normal distribution with a mean of 10.5 ounces and a standard deviation of .2 ounces. Suppose 100 bags of chips were randomly selected from this dispensing machine. Find the probability that the sample mean weig

    Tree Diagram & Probability

    A course in statistics is one of the most difficult at the local university. Because of this, for the past decade the university has arranged for teaching assistants to hold frequent discussion sessions as part of the course. Since the inception of the discussion sessions, 50% of the students enrolled in the course regularly att

    3 days to process a ton of sugar cane

    The time required to process a ton of sugar cane in a plant in Central America in a recent year was normally distributed with a mean 2.5 days and a standard deviation of 0.5 days (i.e., 12 hours). What is the probability that it will take more that 3 days to process a ton of sugar cane? A shipment of 40 television sets contai

    Probability of a randomly selected hour of calls

    A car towing company averages 3 calls per hour. What is the probability that in a randomly selected hour the number of calls is 2? The random variable X represents the annual salaries in dollars of a group of teachers. Find the expected value E(X). X = {$30,000; $40,000; $50,000}. P(30,000) = .5; P(40,000) = .3; P(50,0

    Calculation of probability and standard deviation

    The results of a calculus exam are normally distributed with a mean of 76 and a standard deviation of 6. Find the percentage of students that scored above 70. 15.9 50.0 84.1 23.1 Find the standard deviation of the given probability distribution. x P(x) 0 0.24 1 0.01 2 0.12 3 0.1

    Decision Making: Decision Trees

    Suppose that one of our colleagues has $2000 available to invest. Assume that all of this money must be placed in one of three investments: a particular money market fund, a stock, or gold. Each dollar your colleague invests in the money market fund earns a virtually guaranteed 12% annual return. Each dollar he invests in the st

    Probability calculations for Discrete distributions

    Use the binomial probability formula to determine the probability of x successes in n trials: n=12, x=5, p=0.25 0.103 0.082 0.091 0.027 The probability is 0.7 that a person shopping at a certain store will spend less than $20. For groups of size 22, find the mean number who spend

    Distribution and Probability Questions on AIU job satisfaction data.

    Using our data set from Unit 1, compose an email to the head of the American (Job Satisfaction is an attitude about one's job. It may be measured globally or via facets (e.g. intrinsic/extrinsic). However, job satisfaction is a post hoc phenomenon. Using "profiles" developed via the DataSet to predict job satisfaction is not fea

    Finding a probability based on a binomial distribution

    1. Based on information, 10% of us are left-handed. If a group of 50 people are randomly selected, the mean number of left handed people in such groups is 10. Is this correct? 2. In problem #1, if 3 people are randomly selected, the probability that they are all left handed is what? 3. In problem #1 it would be unusual to

    Probability Questions: 4 questions about probabilities

    1. The board of directors for the ABC investment Fund has 10 members. If 3 members of randomly selected to oversee the auditors, the probability that the 3 wealthiest members are selected is 1/120. Is this correct??? 2. In problem #1, if members are elected to the positions of chairperson, vice chairperson, and treasurer how

    Mean, Level Of Measurement & Probability

    1. Each year, the US Energy Department publishes an Annual Energy Review that includes the per capita consumption for each of the 50 states. If the mean of these 50 values is calculated, what is the result? Is the answer the mean per capita energy consumption for the population in all 50 states combined??? 2. A set of data i

    Standard Deviation - Normal Distribution

    The price of shares of Bank of Florida at the end of trading each day for the last year followed the normal distribution. Assume there were 240 trading days in the year. The mean price was $42.00 per share and the standard deviation was $2.25 per share. a. What percent of the days was the price over $45.00? How many days woul

    Expectation E(X) and Variance Var (X) of X

    Let X be a random variable with the following probability distribution. Value of x of X P(X=x) 0 0.15 10 0.20 20 0.50 30 0.05 40 0.10 Find the expectation E(X) and variance Var (X) of X E (x) = Var (X)= Please explain.

    Normal probability calculation

    Find P(9 < x < 15) when mu = 12 and sigma = 2. Write your steps in probability notation. Find P(x = 13) for a sample taken from a normally distributed population with mu = 15 and sigma = 3.

    Binomial Distribution: Genetic Trait Linked to Industrial Toxins

    A wildlife biologist wants to do a test to see if there is a genetic trait linked to industrial toxins. Previous research says the trait is usually found in one out of every thirty frogs. If there are industrial toxins present in at the test site he would expect to see more frogs with the trait then exists in the general populat

    Rape Victim Statistics

    A report by the Department of Justice on rape-victims reports on interviews with 3721 victims. The attacks were classified by the age of he victim and the relationship of the victim to the rapists. The results of the study are given in the table below. Relationship of Rapist Age of Victim Family Acquaintance or Friend S

    Home market sales probabilities

    The Board of Realtors of a small city reports that 80% of the houses that are sold have been on the market for more than 6 months. The Board takes a random sample of 15homes that have recently been sold and counts the number that were on the market for more than 6 months. What is the Probability that of 15 homes in the sample:

    Sampling plan and probability

    Seiko purchases watch stems in lots of 10,000. Seiko's sampling plan calls for checking 20 items,and if 3 or fewer are defective, the lot is accepted. Based upon their sampling plan, what is the probability that a lot of 10 percent defective will be accepted.

    Personal Probability vs. Population Proportion

    Marital Status. The probability that a randomly chosen 40-year-old woman is divorced is about 0.15. this probability is a long-run proportion based on all the millions of women aged 40. Let's suppose that the proportion stays at 0.15 for the next 20 years. Bridget is now 20 years old and is not married. (a) Bridget think


    1. How many ways can 15 girls be chosen to form a baseball team (need 9 players)? 5005 1,816,214,400 24 135 3. Use this table to answer questions #3 through #6. Some students were asked if they carry a credit card. Here are the responses. Class______ | Credit Card Carrier | Not a Credit C

    Random Walk and 1-Dimensional Heat Equation and its Fundamental

    Suppose that a particle, starting at the origin, has an equal chance of moving to the left or right by a distance &#8710;x in a time interval of &#8710;t. (a) Let n>0 be an integer, and let m be an integer, such that -n&#8804;m&#8804;n and n-m is even. By computing the number of ways that the particle can move a net distance