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    Standard deviation and probability.

    In 1851 there were 25,466 nurses in Great Britain. Age Range Yrs 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 Midpoint X 24.5 34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5 74.5 84.5 Percent of Nurses 5.7 9.7 19.5 29.2 25.0 9.1 1.8 I have three parts to this question that is similar to one I am working on, Please detail how you do this: 1) Find t

    Multiplication Rule

    Could you please explain these thoroughly. You toss a pair of dice. Compute P 8,3. Compute C 8,3. Permutation rule This a similar to a question I am working on: In the Cash Now lottery game there are 10 finalists who submitted entry tickets on time. From these 10 tickets three grand prize winners will be drawn. Th

    Summary of Blood Groups using Statistical Methods

    GROUP O A B AB TYPE Rh+ 39 35 8 4 Rh- 6 5 2 1 Blood Groups and Types. If one person is randomly selected, find P (group B or type Rh+) Using the table, which summarizes blood groups and Rh for 100 typical people. Please help with t

    Statistics - Probability - Normal Distribution

    Question : The mean systolic blood pressure of young adults is 120 with a standard deviation of 15, Find the probability that a random sample of 100 young adults will have a mean systolic blood pressure: a) less than 118 b) between 116 and 123 c) greater than 125

    Statistics - Normal distribution, finding probabilities

    Question : During the past season, the number of points scored per game by the local pro basketball team was approximately normally distributed with mean =115 and standard deviation =12 (a) In what percent of their games did they score more than 115 points? (b) If they played 120 games in approximately how many did they s

    Statistics- Normal Distribution, Probabilities, proportions

    At a local high school, 1,000 juniors and seniors recently took an aptitude test. The results of the exam were normally distributed with a mean of 250 and a standard deviation of 15. Find a)% of students scoring less than 225 b)number of students that scored less than 180 c)probability of a student selected at random having

    Probabilities with Joint Distribution

    Using the joint distribution for two RVs X and Y given by F_XY(x,y) = u(x)u(y)[l-e^(-ax)-e^(-ay)+e^(-a(x+y))] and assuming a = 0.5 in each case, find the probabilities: a) P {X </= 1, y </= 2} B) P {0.5 < X < 1.5} C) P {-1.5 < X </= 2, 1 < Y /= 3}

    Stats Mulyiple choice questions and machine breakdowns

    (1) There are 20 questions in a multiple choice test. Each question has five choices and one correct answer of these five choices. A student did not study. He/she answers the questions at random. What are the probability that he/she makes...more than 10 answers right?exactly eight right?at most 7 right? (2)A can company repor

    Statistics: probability, standard error, confidence interval

    (Part 1) A random sample of 1000 voters are classified as to whether they are in a low, medium, or high income bracket and whether they favor a new tax reform. The observed frequencies are presented in the table. [see attachment] What is the following probability? P(M'|A) (Part 2) Indications are that the average age at

    Dr Icit ESP Experiment

    1.) Dr. Icit is conducting and ESP experiment. A computer is used to randomly select and present a number one of five pictures (house, boat, shoe, people, or horse). The subject must determine which picture is being presented on the computer screen (being viewed only by the researchers). The researcher records the answers as eit

    binominal distribution and probability

    Please show all work and some explanation as to why you chose the formula you did. Part 1. In some countries, girls are valued much less than boys. Sometimes women in such countries abort fetuses known to be girls and many girl babies are victims of infanticide. Suppose there are 43 girls to every 57 boys who reach age 1 in

    Patients with Chronic Diseases

    An HMO is considering a marketing plan targeting patients with chronic diseases to increase the number getting a flu shot. Some preliminary analyses are conducted before implementing such a plan. Available data indicate that 40% of patients with chronic diseases get flu shots. a)If 10 patients with chronic diseases are sampl

    Cancer Rate Probability

    The reported cancer rate for women subjects is 17%, and the reported cancer rate for men subjects is 23%. 220 women and 250 men were selected independently at random. Find the probability that the difference in cancer percentages between men and women will be greater than 5%.

    Define a game and prepare the odds of winning

    Define a game and prepare the odds of winning. The game could be a card game with two cards or a dice game. Use MS-Excel (if possible) to solve this problem. Show all of your work.

    Moment generating functions and limit theorems

    Problems on moment generating functions --------------------------------------- 1. Let X and Y be independent normal rv's, each with mean mu and variance sigma^2. Use moment generating functions to show that X+Y and X-Y are independent normal rv's. 2. If X and Y are independent and M_X(t)=exp{2e^t-2} a

    Probability & Statistics - Random Variables

    A game company that manufactures a dart game that dispenses tickets has been asked to put a business plan together for a customer who wishes to buy the game. The dart game gives 5 tickets for a score of 50, 4 tickets for a score of 40, 3 tickets for a score of 30, two tickets for a score of 20, 1 ticket for a score of 10, and n

    Customer Wait Times

    You are manager of bank and you want to make sure customers do not have an overly long wait for a customer representative (other than the ATM or deposit box which requires no employee interaction). You know historically for each customer there is a X% chance a customer will walk in and will need customer service. You are going t

    Application of binomial probability in waiting time

    You are manager of bank and you want to make sure customers do not have an overly long wait for a customer representative (other than the ATM or deposit box which requires no employee interaction). You know historically for each customer there is a X% chance a customer will walk in and will need customer service. You are going t

    Are E1 and E2 mutually exclusive? What is the probability of exactly two girls? Find a recurrence relation and initial conditions that generate a sequence that begins with the given term.

    Suppose a coin is flipped and a die is rolled. Let E1 denote the event "the coin shows a tail", let E2 denote the event "the dies shows a 3", and let E3 denote the event "the coin shows heads and the die shows an odd number". Are E1 and E2 mutually exclusive? A family of four children. Assume that it is equally probable

    Probability Number Questions

    (A roulette wheel has 38 numbers: 18 red, 18 black, a 0, and a 00 (0 and 00 are neither red nor black). When the wheel is spun, all numbers are equally likely to be selected.) What is the probability that the wheel lands on 0? A die is loaded so that the numbers 2 through 6 are equally likely to appear, but 1 is three tim

    Die, Card and Cash in Hand Game Probabilities

    One fair die is rolled. What is the probability of getting an even number? A card is selected at random from an ordinary 52-card deck. What is the probability that it is a heart? In the Maryland Cash In Hand game, to win the grand prize the contestant must match seven distinct numbers, in any order, among the numbers 1 t

    Probability of Picking a Company with Nuclear Difficulties

    Have to pick 3 out of 7 companies. 2 of the 7 companies will have nuclear difficulties. Please answer: - Chance of not picking a company with nuclear difficulties. - Chance of picking two companies with nuclear difficulties. - Chance of picking one company with nuclear difficulties.

    Normal Approximation to Binomial distribution

    Question : Assuming that X is a binomial random variable with n = 1000 and p = 0.50, find each of the following probabilities. (a) P( X < 500 ) (b) P( 490 < X < 500 ) (c) P( X > 500 ) (d) P( X > 550 )

    Expected Value, Cost, Expected Profit

    A game company that manufactures a dart game that dispenses tickets has been asked to put a business plan together for a customer who wishes to buy the game. The dart game gives 5 tickets for a score of 50, 4 tickets for a score of 40, 3 tickets for a score of 30, two tickets for a score of 20, 1 ticket for a score of 10, and n

    Probability Distribution Binomial

    Question(1): A university found that 20% of its students withdraw without completing the introductory statistics course. Assume that 20 students registered for the course. a. Compute the probability that two or fewer will withdraw. b. Compute the probability that exactly four will withdraw. c. Compute the probability that

    Probability questions: accident rates for drivers in different age groups

    An auto insurance agency was investigating accident rates for drivers in different age groups. The following contingency provides a joint probability distribution for drivers by age group and accident rate. a) What is the probability that a randomly selected person from the above group has had more than one accident regardle

    probability of rolling two dices

    1. Two balanced dice are rolled and the number of dots facing up is added. Find the probability that the sum is 10 or 12. 2. Two balanced dice are rolled to see the number of dots facing up. Find the probability of observing a) Six dots on both the dice. b) Six dots on the first die or six dots on the second die.