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    Level of data, data descriptions

    1. You would like to help some of your math-deficient friends understand probability before they loose too much on lottery tickets. After shuffling two decks of cards, you lay down 40 of them. You say that there should be 10 in each of the four suits: hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs. What you actually get is 9 hearts, 8 di

    Expected Value and Moment Generating Function

    1) Type i light bulbs function for a random amount of time having mean mui and standard deviation sigmai, i=1,2. A light bulb randomly chosen from a bin of bulbs is a type 1 bulb with probability p, and type 2 with prob. (1-p). what is the expected value and the variance of the lifetime of this bulb? 2) Mx(t)=exp{2(e^t)-2

    Situational Probability

    1. A sample of 2,000 licensed drivers revealed the following number of speeding violations. Number of Violations Number of Drivers 0 1,910 1 46 2 18 3 12 4 9 5 or more 5 Total 2,000 A.What is the experiment? B. List one possible event. C. What is the probability that a particular driver had

    IQ Score Distribution

    Assume that adults have IQ scores that are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Find the probability that a randomly selected adult has an IQ between 110 and 120 (referred to as bright normal)

    Probability based on Normal distribution..

    Assume that human body temperatures are normally distributed with a mean of 98.20ºF and a standard deviation of 0.62 ºF. a. Bellevue Hopistal in New York uses 100.6ºF as the lowest temperature considered to be a fever. What percentage of normal and healthy persons would be considered to have a fever? Does this percentage

    Die Rolled - Independent Event

    A fair die is rolled twice. Suppose A= The first roll shows an even number B= The second roll shows an odd number C= The two rolls show different numbers Prove or disprove that A,B,C are mutually independent events.

    Finding Probability Distribution for Adverse Reactions

    Three unrelated people go for dinner to a Chinese restaurant which uses MSG in its food. Each person has a 10% probability of developing an adverse reaction to the MSG. Let X be the number of people among the three that do develop an adverse reaction. Find the distribution of X.

    probability of the mileage greater than 60000

    The mileage that car owners get from a specific type of radial tire has an exponential distribution. 50% of the car owners get a mileage greater than 30,000 miles. What percentage of the car owners get a mileage greater than 60,000 miles?

    Binomial Probability Distribution for a Procedure's Yield

    Assume that a procedure yields a binomial distribution with a trial repeated n times. Use the binomial probability formula to find the probability of x successes given the probability p of success on a single trial. n = 10, x = 2, p = 1/3

    Expected Profit Using Probability

    A contractor is considering a sale that promises a profit of $31,000 with a probability of 0.7 or a loss (due to bad weather, strikes, and such) of $13,000 with a probability of 0.3. What is the expected profit?

    Clinical Tests and Headaches

    The probabilities were obtained by entering the values of n = 6 and p = 0.167. In a clinical test of the drug lipitor, 16.7% of the subjects treated with 10mg experienced headaches. In each case, assume that 6 subjects are randomly selected and treated with 10 mg of atorvastatin, then find the indicated probability. Binomia

    Number of arrangements, probability

    In a test of a gender-selection method, 14 babies are born and 10 of them are girls. a. Find the number of different possible sequences of genders that are possible when 14 babies are born b. How many ways can 10 girls and 4 boys be arranged in a sequence? c. If 14 babies are randomly selected, what is the probability that

    5 Assorted Probability Questions

    1. For a particular group of taxpayers, 25 percent of the returns are audited. Six taxpayers are randomly selected from the group. a. What is the probability two are audited? b. What is the probability two or more are audited? 2. On the average an artist sells two of her works per hour at weekend art shows.

    Multiplication Rule and Sample Spaces in Probability

    A test consists of multiple-choice questions, each having four possible answers (a,b,c,d) one of which is correct. Assuming that you guess the answers to six such questions. a.) Use the multiplication rule to find the probability that the first two guesses are wrong and the last four guesses are correct. That is, find P (WWC

    Probability of Guessing a Combination Lock on the First Try

    A typical "combination" lock is opened with the correct sequence of three numbers between 0 and 49 inclusive. (A number can be used more than once.) What is the probability of guessing those three numbers and opening the lock with the first try?

    Probability - Pedestrian Deaths & Intoxication

    A. if one of the pedestrians death is randomly selected what is the probability that it involves an intoxicated pedestrian and an intoxicated driver? b. If two different pedestrian deaths are randomly selected what is the probability that in both cases both the pedestrian and the driver were intoxicated? Driver Intoxicated?

    Probability Questions

    Prepare answers to the following assignments: 1. Sixty percent of the students at Scandia Tech drive to class and 30 percent have GPAs of at least 3.00. Ten percent of the students have a 3.00 GPA and drive to class. If we select a student at random, what is the likelihood that the student had a 3.00 or drives to class?

    Quantitative Analysis for Jim's Management Decision

    Jim Sellers is thinking about producing a new type of electric razor for men. If the market were favorable, he would get a return of $100,000, but if the market for this new type of razor were unfavorable, he would lose $60,000. Since Ron Bush is a good friend of Jim Sellers, Jim is considering the possibility of using Bush Ma

    Probability Determination of a Jar of Marbles, Cards and a Derby Winner

    -A jar contains 5 yellow marbles, 16 green marbles, and 8 black marbles. If one marble is selected at random, what is the probability that it is not green? -One card is selected at random from a standard 52-card deck of playing cards. Find the probability that the card selected is a red king. - The odds against Thunderbolt

    Emperical Probability and Expected Value

    -1000 tickets for prizes are sold for $2 each. Seven prizes will be awarded - one for $400, one for $200, and five for $50. Steven purchases one of the tickets. a) Find the expected value b) Find the fair price of the ticket. -During the last hour, a telemarketer dialed 20 numbers and reached 4 busy signals, 3 answering m

    Determining Probability

    The results of a survey for an airline are shown below Traveler Male Female Total Business 57 92 149 Vacation 72 74 146 Total 129 166 295 Use the chart to find the probability that the traveler was a) male b) on vacation given the trave

    Expected number of sum of random variables

    If you have n independent flips of a coin with probability p of landing heads. And a changeover occurs whenever an outcome differs from the one preceding it. Ex: if n=5 and outcome is HHTHT then there are 3 changeovers. We can express the number of changeovers as the sum of n-1 Bernoulli random variables. What is the e

    Sample Spaces and Venn Diagrams

    In an experiment, a pair of dice is rolled and the total number of points observed. (a) List the elements of the sample space (b) If A = { 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10} and B = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} list the outcomes which comprise each of the following events and also express the events in words: A', A union B, and A intersection B.

    Probability for Selection without Replacement

    Three cards are drawn from a deck of 52 playing cards and not replaced. Find the probability of the following: a) Getting three jacks b) Getting an ace, a king, and a queen in order. c) Getting a club, a spade, and a heart in order d) Getting three clubs

    The Probability of Finding a Playing Card in a Deck

    Three cards are drawn from a deck of 52 playing cards and not replaced. Find the probability of the following: a) Getting three jacks b) Getting an ace, a king, and a queen in order. c) Getting a club, a spade, and a heart in order d) Getting three clubs

    Expected profit in charity organizations

    At a fair run by a local charity organization, it costs 50 cents to try one's luck in drawing an ace from a deck of 52 playing cards. What is the expected profit per customer, if they pay $4 if and only if a person draws an ace?